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The Voice of God in Times of Chaos



On today’s broadcast, Lance shares how he got to Trump Tower and heard God’s voice that Donald J. Trump would be God’s anointed candidate and nobody would like it. Today you’ll hear about praying in the spirit, hearing God’s voice, not what you want to hear, and glorifying God by going where you don’t want to go.

Episode Transcript

Intro: The Lance Wallnau Show is coming at you live from the Master himself with a special broadcast taken from one of Lance’s most recent appearances. Tune in and get ready for some major revelation. 

Lance: We’re right now at a period of time where we have to be able to hear the voice of God. You don’t agree with me on this? And there’s a cacophony of voices and how many of you know there’s tremendous anxiety about what’s happening in the United States because it looks like it’s lost its mind. It’s like a clown car took over Washington. We don’t know what the heck’s going on and it’s a what? You got this guy that gets arrest, you know, you got a guy dressed as a woman, shaves his head, wears lipstick, runs around with dresses, and he’s in charge of like nuclear waste programs or something. Goes to the airport, steals luggage. This is not a normal fetish, steals people’s luggage twice. That’s the people that are getting promoted in Washington and here’s the weird part. We are 30%, 40 percent of the United States is actually evangelical, Christian, charismatic panic. We’re a large number of people and we have no real consolidated representation up there on the hill except for a couple of fire brand mouthy politicians and the Republican Party for the most part. We don’t have, why don’t we have greater leverage in this country? Its issues ought to be a sobering question. It’s not like we outnumber the LGBTQ movement by ten times but we have we have 90% less impact. What the heck is going on? Anybody ever asked that question? Well, when you get the answer, tell me. I’d like to know.

So, I’m looking at these things and you would think that so I started an industry. You may not know this because I’m fairly unknown and I don’t mind being unknown. It’s really inconvenient to be unknown because then you can go travel without having to have security everywhere you go. I only need security when I do my own events. But which actually sounds like a funny thing when you think about it. But the reality is people don’t realize that when Donald Trump came on the scene, for instance, going back to Donald Trump days 2015, I get a call to go to Trump to go meet with him because Paula White is gathering together evangelicals to meet with Trump and I was off the radar as an evangelical really, I mean to an extent. Because I work with corporations and businesses and professions and I’m the guru of the 7 Mountains I’m the guy that came up with the concept of 7 Mountains of culture and created a veritable cottage industry of seven mountains people. But I was happy to kind of stay off the radar because the newspapers started hammering on seven mountains and they were trying to figure out who to attack because the devil hates the concept.

He hates the concept of you as a massive people mobilized to take any influence on planet Earth. It’s kind of like Israel. Israel’s a little dot in the world. Do you ever wonder about this? Little dots besides the New Jersey and all of history seems to keep revolving around the crisis in the Middle East over Israel. Get all that land over there in Syria and Egypt and Jordan. Why don’t Palestinians are always fighting with Israel? Why does it one of those other countries give these guys some real estate? It’s weird. They all want to get into this little territory called Israel and there’s a Jews don’t have a history of being persecuted, give them a little place to hang out. Anyway, why is Israel such a big deal? Why is that little piece of topography and geography such a central kind of flash point of all these global because it’s the one little place in the real estate of the world where God said, “That’s the place I’m going to mark off”. And the devil hates the fact that God‘s invasion starts in that little region.

The moment you take territory, the devil freaks out. He doesn’t mind you talking about eternity in heaven and he doesn’t want you to go there but I mean, as long as you postpone doing anything till you get there, he’s happy with you. But the you got real estate down here like a little Jew likeokay we’re going to put Boca Raton. If Jews were going to take a Boca Raton, that would be the next crisis point in the United States. Because the devil doesn’t want you having any real estate. This make sense to you?

Here’s the problem. Jesus said, “Occupied till I come. He didn’t say be preoccupied with when I come. We made an industry out of projecting and analyzing when we go and he’s trying to get here. I don’t know what we’re going to do when we go. He’s coming back. So, here’s my thought. I read something once. The guy says, you can, oh Trump Towers yeah. So, I’m going to Trump Towers. And I think I have an angel here reminding me what I talk about as I get older, he says,hey, back to that, okay. So, I go to Trump Towers and how did I get there? I got there because Paula White’s producer heard me at a meeting with 200 people. I go to a meeting with 200 people because a guy Rick Joyner calls me and says, ‘You need to go to this meeting because I want you to meet the billionaire family wants to talk to you and you did the 7 Mountains thing and they’re going to come to this meeting.’ And so, I go okay I’ll go to this meeting and so you know and my friends tell me goes where I’ll go because I figure you know I might not hear Godaccurately. He says, 200 people in a garage. Literally on metal chairs. And then rickety whiteboards up on a platform. I got up. I do my little 7 Mountains thing. I never the billion. I never showed up. I thought what a waste of time. I’m flying home. I’m going God. What am I doing with my life? Other people are on building mission. They’re building mountain. They got MAGA churches and TV programs. And what am I running around looking for a billionaire. I’m like the lost tribes of Israel. I can’t find anybody. I’m in a garage. And I’m caveaching the whole time.

I get home and well a couple months later I got a call and my secretary almost she says, ‘You’re going to fire me. I go, ‘Why am I going to fire you? Two weeks ago, you were invited to go to Trump Towers to meet with Donald Trump and I didn’t get the voice message. I just found it today. I go, ‘Yeah, you’re right. I should fire you for that. When’s the meeting?’ She goes,‘Tomorrow.’ ‘Tomorrow? Call them up and tell them, I’ll go. So, I had to go up. They got to go flying up there. Now, I get up there to this meeting and I’m seeing and this is a little embarrassing because there’s Kenneth Coleman there. There’s Jensen Franklin. There’s Paula White there. There’s DBN and I’m looking at them saying, these are all like big, everybody knows who they are. I might go up to the guys standing in front of the elevator. And I say, ‘Excuse me, excuse me. I just want to make sure I’m supposed to be on this list here. I’m kind of what you call a ninja out there. I kind of move in the shadows of culture. And he says, ‘Yeah, you’re on the list.I go, ‘How do you know on list? He goes, I put you on the list. I heard you in this meeting in a garage down in Florida. And God told me you’re supposed to meet Donald Trump.’

So, you see none of you are safe because you could be unknown, wandering around like the lost tribes of Israel but God will put you exactly where you got to go if you’re obedient. So, I get there and all these guys and they’re talking and then so the interesting thing is, oh man. Bottom line is this. There’s like two meetings going. I go up there twice. Because I get called up there twice. And I’m saying what am I doing here? What am I doing here? I do 7 Mountains at this point. Then the Lord says, ‘Well, you’re going to tell people that Donald Trump is my anointed candidate. Nobody’s going to like it. See right now we gotten past that moment. There were very few people coming out on this subject in early on. I’ll tell you right now. We weren’t coming out of the closet. Why? Because we had all these nice evangelicals running. Who needs a heathen from New York when you got Mike Huckabee? You got Ted Cruz. You got Marco Rubio, you got Ben Carson, everybody, all the nice evangelicals very, how about Mike Prince? What a nice guy and then you got this blusterous three-time married New York billionaire guy with the media, right? Every Christian in the world knew this couldn’t be God‘s choice. It’s the one Godchose. What does that tell you about God? He’s not as religious as you think.

So anyway, so God says, okay let’s go, let’s be honest about this. Paula White this is their second or third marriage Donald Trump between the two they got like 6 marriages, perfect combination.America is so screwed up. I’m just going to do this because my church is so messed up. They’ve done such a lousy job. I think I’m just going to put a finger in their eye and provoke them to jealousy. That’s my theory. So along comes Trump. So, I’m in the meeting and you know this all kind of discussing the race issues and everybody’s trying to make him a hate guy and he’s not a hate guy and he’s trying to analyze what’s going on. Why are there riots in his meetings and then we’re talking economics. And I’m sitting there going what am I doing in this place? I’m not a race specialist. I’m not an economist. I’m not a politician. I don’t want to get involved with politics. I don’t even I’ve never been on the apprentice. So, what am I doing here? The Lord says to me, “Every time you pray in tongues, you tell me this is what you want to do.

Let me tell you something. That’s why when Andrew’s going to talk about praying in the spirit. Listen, man. You got to get this down. I was praying stuff in my head. I had no idea the trouble I was getting myself into. I’m praying myself into this political thing. Every time you pray in tongues, you tell me this is what you want. Why are you complaining to me? You asked me to do it.

Break: With the instability happening in the market right now and with inflation going up at the dollar and it’s like seems to be like in its free fall. We’re watching the stock market make some terrible reckoning adjustments and where are people going. Well, when cash is unstable people put their money in a store of value gold and silver and precious metals. What I didn’t know till recently and I should have known it is that you can take your 401K and you can actually convert it and put it into an account that has silver and gold. That means that your 401K retirement savings is going to be in silver and gold so as the dollar starts to get unstable or decline, your gold and silver value is guarding your retirement. Now, this is the tax-exempt strategy that Birch Gold can advise you on. You want to go to Talk to one of the consultants. Download the report and learn how you can convert a 401K or your retirement plan into gold and silver. Account secure and protect your money and have peace of mind. Download the report. Talk to the consultant. There’s no obligation. That’s what I’m recommending people do.

Lance: So, I’m telling you our trajectory has been so outside of the culture. So outside of the earth. So outside that when we start going in, I tell you the devil’s going to freak out. Every time I step over. All I got to do is step outside. I’m going to show you. Step outside the religion I step outside of the church and religion sphere and I go over here. And if I step outside that comfort zone into dealing with the business or corporation or government, boom, the Daily Beast, the Yahoo, the New York Post, Washington Post. I get all kinds of crazy ridiculous distorted media coverage. Rolling Stone magazine comes out with a big hit article on me because I went to a Doug Mastriano rally and talk for like 5 minutes that was all I had to do. The devil freaks out when you show up, because you’re the only thing that could stop him. Let me say this again. You are the only thing that can stop the devil taking down America. So, expect it.

They got all these articles, all my nuts of Fagan Christian friends that are all writing these warning sheets and having people sign list to denounce Christian nationalists. We don’t even have a Christian nationalist movement but they’re ready to denounce it in case it shows up. I got friends of mine signing off on this, respective friends. I’d say, what the heck are you doing? Well, they’re intimidated not to. Why? Because I’m not a […]. So, breaking controlling spirits by the way is one of my products on the table. Since we’re on the subject of religious spirits. You got tobreak and you break them by praying strong in the spirit but what Andrew said last night, I don’t want to lose his thought. The conscience.

Man, here’s the problem. Everybody wants to hear God but here’s this verse is fascinating. I love to hear Andrew it’s postulate on this verse. Today, if you will, hear his voice. Everybody wants to hear the voice of God but then the in Hebrews, it says, today, if you’re willing, hear his voice. Whoa, we’re here to hear God‘s voice. Yeah, but maybe not on the subject he wants to talk to about which is the area he’s convicting you of. Today if you all want to know who’s going to be is DeSantis going to run, he’s Trump going to be president. Here’s what the Lord said to me. He specifically told me. He said, now you inaugurated the whole Trump prophetic phenomenon now nobody’s going to tell you that because we got all these YouTube sensational prophets prophesying about elections. We’re not winning put that aside for the moment we got prophecies everywhere about what’s coming in America. Here’s the problem. We’re developing the itchy ear complex in the body of Christ at a time when we should be learning to respond to the convicting voice of the holy spirit and maturing. We’re all preoccupied with who’s going to be the next president. This will blow your mind.

I was the guy that and when I was doing it. This is how Andrew and I actually connected. I put out a video and I said, “Hey, Donald Trump. This the Lord told me the 45th president of the United States. It’s going to be an Isaiah 45 president. In the Bible is called Cyrus. Cyrus was not a Christian. He was not a Jew. He was an outsider who God anointed to go into a Babylonian system for the sake of his people. Trump’s the guy. It’s not the other people. And Andrew took him and he sent it out to his ministry people. He heard it in fascinating with him and I started noticing Andrew. Because he was one of the few leaders that caught it and took a stand.

Now, after Trump became president, everybody, his brother comes out of the closet. Oh, I prophesy that. I said that. I should not break it. And so, like I said, it’s another cottage industry of prophets but here’s the problem. All the prophets are prophesying about what’s going to happen the next wave, the midterm wave, this wave, the next president. And then every time it doesn’t happen, there’s always the same prophetic reframe which is God‘s about to do this. He’s actually, it’s all a plan. He’s exposing something he’s exposing. He’s exposed. Let me tell you something. My theory of this now is that the Lord spoke regarding Trump and to a great extent I will never fault my prophetic friends for getting involved with this because for the most part Christians were weren’t really engaged in the political arena and the prophets ought to be on all 7 Mountains, we should be talking about what God wants to do. So, I’m very forgiving on the subject. But here’s the missing piece. And I couldn’t figure it out because the Lord said to me,I’m not going to be talking to you much about what’s coming nationally for America because my people have developed itching ears. They’re not hearing what I’m saying. They’re hearing what they want to hear and heaping to themselves teachers that will titillate their curiosity about the conspiracies that infatuate them.

So, I said, well, I always like to have two or three verses for everything. I’m a big Bible guy. Whenever I have a wild idea, I test it with two or three verses. And the Holy Spirit’s always good. Last night when Andrew was teaching about how every sinner knows God‘s real, they just suppress the knowledge of God and start to agree with a lie because it’s convenient. I thought, Lord, I love those verses right there that Andrew’s giving. Can you give me another verse that Andrew didn’t quote”? And while I’m sitting there in the front row, you guys want to get it? I think it’s kind of amazing. So, and I get this other verse and it’s from the Gospel of Saint John and its chapter 1 where John 1 verse 9. Well, go ahead and take a look at it. Go to John chapter 1verse 9. In the King James, God always talks to me in King James. I don’t know why because I grew up in King James.

That was the true light which gives light to every man which comes into the world. Jesus, he was not that light but was sent to bear witness to that light. That was the true light, which gives light to every man coming into the world. What does that mean? That means that every man that’s coming into the world has had an encounter at some time with the true light. What that atheist said about seeing God in the sky and the stars and he looked at the wiring of the city. Jesus is the light of world and he has enlightened every man coming into the earth. There’ll be no one that will point to him and said they never had a divine moment when God revealed he’s real. He is the light that lighteneth every man. You see that? Every man coming to the world, he gives light. Not some, not a few, not if they hear the gospel only but everyone will be accountable because God has made himself known. That was the verse you quoted last night in Romans.

So, Jesus is the light that lighteneth every man. He has made himself known to every man. Now, the conscience is the issue. I want to go to Jeremiah twenty-three. The reason why the Lord sent me something interesting about what’s coming up with America and it. And actually, I’m very hopeful because I’m hearing the Lord speak about this. But he’s not talking about election cycles. Matter of fact, it was while I was praying and I remember when Jesus turns to Peter when Peter is being reinstated into his office. And it’s after the Ascension and Jesus tells Peter feed my sheep. Verily, when you were young, you went and ran wherever you wanted to go but when you’re old, you’re going to stretch forth your hands and another’s going to take you where you would rather not go and in saying so, Jesus signified by what death Peter would glorify God. When you’re old, someone’s going to bind your hands and take you where you don’t want to go. When you were young, you went where you want but when you’re old, you glorify me by going where you don’t want to go.

There’s a word. You’re not always going to go where you want to go. Sometimes God‘s going to lead you where you don’t want to go and that’s how you’re going to glorify him. So, what I love about Jesus is he could tell you how you’re going to die a death you don’t want to die and it’s edifying. You don’t see Peter going, O Boy, that’s heavy. I better think about that. He goes, whoa, really? How about him? He wants to know how John’s going to die. Isn’t that crazy? Wow. So, he’s got his best friend over here, John. Typical. So, it’s just so this is so human. It’s like, wow. What about him? He literally goes, what about him? And Jesus rebukes him. He says, “Oh really? Well, if I will that he is alive till I come, what business is that of yours? You follow me”.so, the Lord says to me while I’m praying about the next election cycle what’s going to happen and maybe it was me saying, Lord every prophet’s prophesy what give me a word on what’s going to you did before with Trump. The Lord says, “What business is it of yours would I do with Trump”.

Well, here’s I’m telling you the word of the Lord and the prophets. What business isn’t of yours would God does with Donald Trump or DeSantis? Your job is to follow Jesus. He’s not going to hold you accountable at the judgement seat for whether or not the election went right or wrong unless he called you to run. You’re accountable for what you have influence over. You don’t have authority over the White House. You say your prayers. You put your vote in the spirit realm and go do your thing. You’ll do more damage to hell obeying God in the assignment God gave you than getting involved with an assignment God didn’t give you. So, I said, “What are we missing here Lord? And the Lord said, I want my people to start to get to hear my voice convict them, so their conscience come in alignment. Not because there’s always big sin. It’s just that if you suppress the voice of God in any area, you’re in danger of suppressing God in bigger areas. And the great deception that comes upon the earth that causes many to fall away is only great because the little deceptions were tolerated.

Closing: Did you enjoy this latest episode? Please remember to share it with your friends.Because the more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to navigate the world.

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