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From Desperation to Divine Intervention



We’re talking with Mario Murillo today as we discuss the Fire and Glory tour, the Great Awakening, and the reason Colorado was chosen as the location for the next Fire and Glory event. Join Lance and Mario as they explore the spirit and power of Elijah, the three elements of firepower, the power of God all over the body, and more.

Episode Transcript

Lance: The last interview I did with Mario Murillo had so much energy and voltage on it and I just want to be able to come back again and see the miracles and watch what God did. One of the things which is interesting about the testimonies we have from the Firing Glory Tours and the events that we’re doing in America right now is that God is allowing faith to be imparted to people while we preach and I’m aware of something. Some of you actually can have faith imparted by God while I’m talking and that for reduces the climate for the healing and the miracle, the deliverance. I’m really aware that there’s a moment right now where we have this training on “Unlocking Your Story. Four parts of multiple messages. I guess it’s around 10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We have like all these hours of material here that are designed to help you.Look at your life and see the patterns of convergence. 

Literally, we have a life map where you put your map down look at your journey and it’s been one of the most life-changing experiences to show people the pattern where the future is already unfolding and they can see where the trajectory is going and then to unlock and break the constraints. Unlocking Your Story is for those of you that feel hidden, feel as though there’s probably your whole life you’ve not been seen, almost like you’re invisible, especially for some of you that are listening to me. This will set you free. There’s a revelation in here that will unlock the story of where God has been in your life, what he’s doing now, and where you’re going because you’re really about to join a greater story. Go to Unlock Your Story comes with a guarantee then two weeks you have listened to these hours of material and you’ve gone through this anointed rabbitical teaching and there isn’t a transformation starting. I’ll just refund you. That’s how confident I am. It actually will work. Let’s go right into this broadcast with Mario. Remember, and we’re going to watch God unlock some stories right now for you in this interview.

Welcome to the Lance Wallnau Show, the show that promises you to always well have something important to give you. I don’t want to waste your time. Time is precious and right now; I will waste no time introducing Mario Murillo. This is an evangelist and I would say an evangelist and a prophet who has been accurately analyzing and taking his pen. That’s why I first met you Maria reading your pressing commentary on culture, Christianity, and the left and I said, this is unusual. This is a man who is clearly an experienced an evangelist who is speaking about the culture where the pen of a prophet, like an AW Tozer. And then I invited you out to do a meeting with us in Washington at the Trump Hotel. What also impacted me was I was moved by the by one of the blogs you wrote and said, imagine being laid up. You were laid up with a battle with your own back and that the devil tried to take you out. And I just my heart, God touched my heart then and said, this man I’m going to put him back out on the field. He has been in almost like a wilderness experience but it has sharpened his eye. It has given him clarity and I believe the Lord told me that you’ve got that Billy Graham mantle for another great awakening in America. And I told that to you then I’m telling you too on the air now because I saw Madison Square Guard. All of our stream prophesies about the arenas but if you look at it, they picture the arenas filled with like worshipers and us. It’s actually the arenas filled with the lost.

Mario: That’s exactly right.

Lance: That’s what we’re looking for. Not great meetings with us filling them but actually the lost filling them and something’s happening folks right now that is putting us on a trajectory and listen, we both walk in the fear of God. We’re both like, wow. It’s like, this is walk circumspectly time because God‘s moving in America and I believe we’re heading for a moment of redefinition and a reshaping of the battle map. What do you say?

Mario: What I say is that I’m glad to be here and that I’m glad that we’re going to work together with Fire and Glory. Because whenever we’ve done this, there are two things that are true about Fire and Glory Tour. Number one, something greater than your gift in mind combined. It’s greater than the sum of its parts. It’s an indescribable thing that God does. Our meetings are wonderful. Your events are wonderful but when we join forces, it’s an amazing thing. The second thing that’s true about every time we’ve ever worked together is that it’s better than the one before.

Lance: I know.

Mario: So, we can say with conviction that the next one starting on July 16th through the 19th. Why we want you to register is going to be the greatest one of all because that’s the pattern.

Lance: The pattern is each one is greater and each one adds a new component. You want to go to for those of you on the podcast and you got to register because and the tent will be there and it’s like four stories high. Isn’t it from bottom to top?

Mario: It’s 40,000 square feet, it’s 40 feet high and it’s twice the size of our biggest crusade tent.This is our third tent and it’s double the size.

Lance: The reason why Colorado is true I asked the Lord why Colorado because I’ll be honest with you. I’ve got a list of 14 or 17 key counties in the United States that are the swing counties there’s what 3,143 counties. Out of that, 17 will determine the future of America. It comes down to a remnant, and Colorado wasn’t in my list. But Colorado, I have to go back and double check that. But Nevada is Colorado I don’t know why Colorado’s considered a swing state. Because I say this. It was the reddest of all secure conservative states. It was where Doctor Dobson had focus on the family. Ted Haggard had the world Prayer Center. Every Home for Christ with Dick Eastman was there. Peter Winer’s entire ministry. Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Shees, Chuck Pierce, all in Colorado Springs and then it was like a bowling ball came in when all the pins went someplace else. And the state flipped blue, some would say purple but it’s blue and overnight the governors, the state attorney general, the every all the legislator and the Republicans were stunned.

It wasn’t an accident, Mario. There were four multi-millionaires and one billionaire that came in. They had the gay agenda. They had the environmental agenda. They had the open borders agenda. They had the race agenda. They didn’t agree on what was most important but they agreed that they could remove Christians and conservatives out of power. They could take over the state and have plenty of room for everything they wanted. So basically, they hired lawyers to do lawsuits. They created fake media sites to do hit jobs. They brought out activists that they funded and then they created like fifteen nonprofits which is like churches, evangelism teams, nonprofitsthat would go door to door and they carved out the specific issue in each region or neighborhood that they felt would manipulate the voter best and the Republican Party did not know what hit them. They celebrated their victory with a meeting with Obama and Soros and the high investors in the Democratic Party and they agreed what you did is the blueprint for America.

Mario: That’s right.

Lance: And therefore, they rolled it out in Denver for the National Democratic Party Convention when Obama was put in and they consolidated behind the scenes will take back America. And in their mind, it’s a 7 Mountain Dominion strategy. This is what freaks me out about people that fight me about 7 Mountains of Dominion. It’s like, I don’t even go as far as the Democrats do.Well, you’re looking now what Dominion will do. It will take over every area of your life. It’ll mask you, social distance you, shut you down.

Mario: That’s right.

Lance: And take make your currency digital. It will control your life and lock you up. So, you really don’t want to come under the wrong dominion. So, what we’re doing I think is the preemptive strike that is going and that’s why Colorado all that to say the Lord showed me that. I said that’s why he was led to Colorado. Not me. But that’s the beauty of this. I let the evangelist pick where we labor.

Mario: Yeah, well see Something perceptive in the book of Samuel and it’s when the Philistines attacked Israel and Israel brought the ark of the covenant into the battle. Every other time that the ark ever appeared ark of the covenant in battle. There was victory. And the Bible says that the Israelis soldiers when they saw the ark they began to shout. And this melted the heart of the Philistines, who with a knee-jerk reaction said, oh no, the ark is here, the shout is here, we must be doomed. Who was that one Philistine leader that had this supernatural, what I call demonic discernment? This supernatural insight that said, there’s something wrong with the way they’re shouting. It doesn’t have the ring of people who are right with God or more importantly, the ring of a project that God has endorsed and God is with them in the battle. So, he stopped them from running away. He said, stop I know the arks here. I know the shouts here but what’s not here is the victory of God.

And therefore, if you don’t want to become slaves turn around and fight. They defeated the Israel and took the ark. What happened in Colorado was demonic discernment. Somebody looked past focus on the family. Ted Haggard looked past all of it and said, there is something here that is vulnerable to a takeover. And I believe more often than not and I don’t want to be accused of being divisive or hurtful. There is a Christianity that shouts but has no clout.

Lance: A shout without clout.

Mario: And there what appeared is this moment and the devil took it and he stole it. Now I believe God means to cause the enemy to have their own print fall back on them and I’m seeing it nationally. So, I believe that it’s not unwise or inappropriate to say if all of America’s leftist Democrats and their billionaires descended on Colorado, why can’t the Christians now descend on Colorado and let’s reverse the curse if you will reverse it. And I think that how would we do that? There are events that don’t have clout because they teach you. They give you political analysis but nothing from the Word of God that is anointed. That’s the difference here is the anointing. Secondly, they’ll speak about the political problem but they won’t win the lost or demonstrate signs and wonders.

So, here is the edge, the cutting edge that God has given us, a sharp edge to be able to make a difference in a city. To overwhelm it, I’m bringing in a new tent. It’ll seat 5,211 people. I’m kind of shaking in my boots to even walk into that cathedral because nobody that I’m aware of right now is putting anything like that up to do soul winning evangelism. America’s on the move into an era where God is going to do a miracle. That’s why Fire and Glory Tour, it’s going to be an amazing event and I think it’s for all Americans.

Lance: It is for all Americans and the reason why it’s for all Americans because the T part of the LGBT is coming for the children. And it’s now every American’s battle. Used to be that the aggressiveness of the left targeted the right. They’re getting Jordan Peterson made an interesting observation. He said, on the right if you want to call it right and left. He said, on the right at least there’s guardrails. We try to prove we’re not racist. We try to prove we don’t have hate speech. We try to prove that we’re not supremacists. We try to prove that we’re not, we’re always aware that there’s a barrier here that we don’t want you think we’ve gone over. He says, I always ask the left where are your guardrails? And they’re silent. They have no barrier.

Mario: No.

Lance: They’ll continue going right on into the degeneracy because they’re lawless so there’s no such thing as a line in the sand. The line will always move. So, what’s happened is I believe we’re in a moment now where by coming for other children. It’s a Malachi moment. It’s a moment where in a sense the prophet says what they’re doing is against the families of the earth.

Mario: It is.

Lance: And I will strike the earth with a curse sure as anything. If they succeed like Babel in defiling and targeting the children. Therefore, Elijah gets mentioned. And Elijah is a peculiar cat. Because he shows up in the Old Testament then Jesus says John the Baptist is here in the spirit and power of Elijah. Which means there’s a certain anointing that God sends and here’s the fun thing about the prophet. I was with Kim Clement doing meetings in Providence and I realized he was the only evangelist. He was the only prophet I knew that actually had a harvest of raw souls that got saved, because they wanted to come see this dude do stuff. It’d be like Lonnie Frisbee back in there. They want to see the supernatural and when he would do it, they were like, he’d do an altar calling and it is a bit unorthodox, a bit rough and he sounded rough. He sounded different. He didn’t sound like a typical DD preacher and so that even made him more curious to them.

I think this is what the juice that we’ve got with Fire and Glory and that people can’t quite let nail what it is. But they’re curious and they want to come out and I want them to come out because that reaching for the children is when the Elijah mantle is there. John the Baptist of the Jordan River and they’re confessing their sins. That’s weird. We think the prophet John, no greater prophet than John. The prophet had a repentance movement and evangelism going on. People were coming to get saved and baptized. That’s what evangelists do and I think in a weird way that the prophetic thing has been misunderstood by the church. Does that make sense to you?

Mario: Yes. You see, let’s use the word firepower for a second. Firepower means how many weapons do you have? How much ammunition? What’s the total inventory of your fighting machine? That includes soldier everything else. Second thing firepower is the intelligence, the tactical superiority of your strategy and your plans and the third is how much devastating power do your weapons have. So, when you have these three elements, a large arsenal of weapons that are very lethal manned by a group of people that are specifically trained and have the best there is, you have firepower. So, the church looks at the culture war. We wonder why we’re losing, why we’re losing ground, why we have all these massive Christian events. But at the bottom line at the end of it, when everybody goes home, there’s so little tangible victory that you can lay your hands on and you don’t see the needle of moral change moving.

That’s what makes our event different, I believe. Is people walk away from it saying, now we know what to do. Now, we know we have the power to do it. Now, we have the wisdom do it and more than anything else we have the boldness and the faith to do it and that’s what’s needed.

Lance: And what we talked about and I can’t tell if it was off the air or on the air anymore. But we’re talking about how even our opposition which is covering us in the political parties, fighting what we’re doing. They were writing hit pieces on us 3 months before we decided to go there. I can figure out for the life of me. I’m going, what’s this guy in Colorado got a problem me for?And I’m never even there. Then I realize oh the devil knew we were going to Colorado. This guy’s, he must be wired. He’s picking up on it like you said with the Philistines. But I do believe that the supernatural signs and wonders. They never touch it. In your meetings. Now but make fun of prophecy and prophets that go off and miss it and say crazy stuff. But it’s hard to argue with the testimonies people are going to see.

Matter of fact play one. I don’t know how long we’re going to be able to play. It’s hard to argue with what you’re about to see people. Watch this.

Mario Voice: Oh honey. Right there. You know that’s not you. That’s the power of God all over your body. Put your hands out. Don’t leave me yet dear. Jim stand beside her. Get her name for me.

Lady Voice: Theresa White from Round Oak, Georgia. More cows than people.

Mario Voice: That’s the power of God all over your body.

Lady Voice: Mario called me out. I mean, he was looking right at me and he pointed and I literally did this number. I didn’t come to be healed because I didn’t have a dreaded disease. I didn’t have cancer. I didn’t have heart failure. I have chronic arthritis that is slowly eaten away at all my joints.

Mario Voice: You’ve got multiple illnesses in your body and they’re all leaving. Do you feel what I’m telling you right now? Put your hand on your neck, shoulders, stomach, back, hips, knees, feet, fingers.

Lady Voice: But he called me out and he started naming things off and at first, I’m like, Lord,he’s got me confused with someone else because I have that stuff but it’s not, I mean it’s not worthy of this. And then when he hit the ear though.

Mario Voice: Neck, back, shoulders, ribs, lungs, your waist, knees, and your feet. Dizziness.One of your ears.

Lady Voice: That I knew then that God was saying, yes, I’m talking to you. He hit the ear and he hit my fingers and those are really big deals because.

Man Voice: You couldn’t do that?

Lady Voice: No, I couldn’t.

Man Voice: What was it normally?

Lady Voice: Right about there. See, look at that. Look, see that?

Man Voice: So, tell me about the ear.

Lady Voice: I had noticed over the last three or four weeks that it was really hurting and sore and I could push there and it was like, oh, I got to do something about that. It was just getting more and more acute and I was thinking today, I really probably need to do something about this because it’s getting worse. But look, I mean I couldn’t this was very painful when I did that earlier today.

Mario Voice: She goes that’s right. The power of God is in this house right now. Let us give Godthe glory.

Lady Voice: Well, I hadn’t run in two or 3 years because I have fake knees and a fake hip and they had fused my ankle.

Mario Voice: Healed by the power of God.

Lady Voice: So that my foot didn’t do this number anymore. It’s really hard to run when you can’t do that number. Okay? So let me hold on to you for a second. So, look. Look at that. It’s supposed to be fused where it can’t do that. And look at that.

Lance: I love it. This lady’s going to start running around that church. I love this man. so, signs,wonders, miracles. They’re not writing about that in the paper. They’re not criticizing that they’re not calling that in the question, that really is living proof.

Mario: Yes, it is and the power of the Word of God. We are beyond words. We said this in a previous broadcast America’s too addicted, too deeply gone, too filled with deception to be Moved by a simple message. The atmosphere of their life has to be pierced by the supernatural. Their heart has to be moved by the power of God. Many of our converts in our tent are healed before they are born again. And that’s what’s going on. That’s why it’s happening. Is because we got to have that.

Lance: They’re healed before they’re born again. I just want to throw out there. Lord‘s reminding me. Nehemiah 4:14, we’re really hearing, we’re going to hear a lot about Esther 4:14 in the coming days because I think we’re going to be involved with a massive move of women that are going to rise up to protect their children. Because this going after the children is going to stir up a genuine evangelist prophetic voice. The Elijah anointing is going to come down is going to rebuke this spirit because the next generation is off limits. God has his own Plans for the next generation. And here’s what Nehemiah said in 4:14. When I saw their fear, he’s took in his people. I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people. Notice the move of God is governmental. Nehemiah is an anointed governor, but he’s bringing restoration to the walls and gates. That’s why Fire and Glory is about the revival that awakens the church and reaches the lost and the spirit of revival goes into the Nehemiah’s and the Ezra’s that are rebuilding the walls and gates of culture. We’re not just sitting by in the church praying for Godto go do something because we’re the answer to the problem.

Mario: Right.

Lance: Go into government. Go into school systems. Go into the classroom. Go on to the campus with Charlie Kirk. We’re not hiding out. Now, listen to what he says. When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people. And I said, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your own houses. It’s getting very personal now. Fire and Glory is a mobilizing movement. It’s not just an event where it’s wasn’t that a great memory. When will they be back? If that’s what we do then we failed the greater assignment. The greater assignment is if you’re a business man or a businesswoman, you need to be at the event because we’re going to see an anointing of protection come down upon your business. If you’re a pastor or a church leader or an aspiring minister, you need to be there to get a fresh mantle if you will of affiliation and identification with real apostolic church leaders in Colorado. If you’re a politician, a legislator, a wannabe politician that wants to be in politics, go there. Because when we’re done, the business leaders and the churches are going to be meeting with the legislators to talk about building the wall around the families.

Mario: Amen.

Lance: This is the real deal folks and trust me, that’s why the devil doesn’t like it.

Mario: Yes.

Lance: Because we’re thinking bigger than just an artificial one-day exploit. We’re talking about occupy till he comes.

Mario: Ezra arrived first and preached repentance and the message of turning back to God. Nehemiah came and he also preached as you just quoted him, but he was the builder. And I really see the Fire and Glory in that right there is that what we’re trying to do is to essentially tell you, look, here is what you need to do with your personal life that positions you to be a part of God‘s solution to America. Then, so the fire of God comes and the glory of God comes and in the glory is what the Haggai said, “The glory of this latter house will be greater than the former.

Lance: Hallelujah.

Mario: There’s something coming. We’re building. And one of the things that I believe that both Lance and I are convicted. This is a profound moral conviction for us. We don’t want it to stay with words. We want it to become action. We want to impose on the devil the authority of God. We want to enforce on the devil the victories of God. But we also want to catalyze in the believer their obligation and duty to act in this hour and how to act. This is amazing moment and you add on top of that that at night we’re going to do a full-blown living proof crusade where you’ll see what everybody’s been saying about us that the gangster comes in, the prostitute comes in, drug addict comes in, the homeless come in and they’re born again and miracles of healing occur and dramatic healings. And I know that the full spectrum. I’m going to say it in humility. I don’t think the devil has faced such a full circle of assault as what we’re determined to bring against him in Jesus’ name.

Lance: I remember I listened to Steve Bannon talk about when President Trump had full spectrum energy dominance in every sector talk about the energy. But I really love the that full spectrum dominance and full spectrum dominance is this. When you have the gospel preach that the poor healing it so that the drug addict and the gang members coming in, you’re doing more to change a city than the fake politicians who say they’re going to run. See government has extended itself beyond the authority God gave it.

Mario: Right.

Lance: Government has overreached. By the way, illegitimate authority of witchcraft operate in any overreach. When someone is influencing you or your children beyond where God authorized them that’s witchcraft. It’s authorized influence. Government is becoming like a witch.

Mario: Yeah.

Lance: He wants to control every aspect of your life and God‘s raising up the prophetic evangelist movement to rebuke the devil and say thus far you’ve come in no further and then push back. Push back. This is the pushback that will put it back, I believe. Now, if you’re because we got businessmen coming. It’s not just the poor. This was so fast. It’s such a Jesus thing. You could be with a homeless person or a drug addict or a gang member that is a billionaire, a Silicon Valley guy and somebody who’s a lawyer. We have it all in these meetings. I mean for real. 800 people got filled with the spirit in Ocala, Florida.

Mario: Right.

Lance: Wasn’t even expected. Stephen Strang Floyd Brown. I was reaching into the first row of the guests to make them go pray for people because we didn’t have enough people to handle 800.

Mario: Right.

Lance: This is a move of God people. I mean we don’t throw those terms around blandly or irresponsibly. God is moving. Answering your prayer. Once again what is this going to go”. And it’s going to be?

Mario: July 16th through the 19th and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of that week, Fire and Glory, 10 AM every morning. And the four nights, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 6:30 is the Living Proof Crusade.

Lance: Love it. It’s a great one two punch. Mario, trust me during the day. I trust him during the night and it’s like a trapeze act. One guy let’s go. The other guy grabs and you get to be in the under the top when the miracles happen. So, I can’t tell you how motivated I am about this. By the way as of right now, I think Bill Federer and I think all the Western Journal people are going to start getting this. We’re going to have Floyd Brown of course I’m going to be there too. And if I’m not mistaken, I think we have General Mike Flynn and some other people that are coming in from the Greater MaraLago Circle who want to see in person what this is and minister to the people. So, you really don’t want to miss this and Mario you and I have to do more updates.Thank you we got your studio up there and by the way your book. Name of the book?

Mario: “It’s Our Turn Now”.

Lance: “It’s Our Turn Now”. Can they get that on Amazon?

Mario: They go to”.

Lance:”. Alright, there it is. Okay, we’re going to bring that up on the screen. God bless you all and we’re going to see you again next week.

Closing: Did you enjoy this latest episode? Please remember to share it with your friends.Because the more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to navigate the world.

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