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Unlocking The 7 Spheres of Influence



Gain critical insights into the state of the United States, the sacred-secular divide, and the power of occupying key positions in business, arts, and politics for societal transformation. Join Lance in this episode as he explores biblical parallels, the role of family and church, and the need for believers to rise to the top of the gates of influence. You won’t want to miss this!

Episode Transcript

Intro: The Lance Wallnau Show is coming at you live from the Master himself with a special broadcast taken from one of Lance’s most recent appearances. Tune in and get ready for some major revelation. 

Lance: Peter Weidner had a unique anointing that was to convene and I think Cindy might have prophesied it over Chay that that anointing was on him. Very few people can get diverse leaders together. I mean, America is a vast place and as much as we want to say that we’re all connected. The truth is, it’s like Nehemiah. The wall is great and we are disconnected from our parts and when you hear the sound of a trumpet then gather to that point and then suddenly ministries that you respect and that you see from afar get back get together and kind of huddle and that’s what Peter Wagner would do, he just draw these people together. And Chaz that Papa Cha has that same unique gift to assemble a cabinet if you will of leaders that have the ability to administrate the kingdom agenda. So, my burden in this brief period of time is to share with you what we do in what’s called in legal cases, the theory of the case when we go to the Supreme Court with the case. I listen to the attorneys that are discussing how they’re going to shape it, because they know how to win the case and how to frame it, but it requires an accurate analysis of what’s actually happening. And we’re in a moment right now of critical distinction in the direction of the United States.

It’s very important that we have an accurate theory of the case. Meaning, what are the courts of heaven addressing? What is hell up to when Satan was appealing to sift Peter as wheat Jesus said, Satan is demanded to have you. That’s an interesting statement. That Jesus picked up on the fact that Satan was making a petition to take out one significant emerging leader and that Jesus had to intercede for an emerging leader because Satan was putting a specific target on him. It’s important that we all recognize that we’ve got to go up to another level in anointing, another level in joy and in peace in order to handle the pressure of what’s coming. Because promotion, battlefield promotions are being released right now and it’s we’re in, I think we’re in an unusual situation in that a lot of the promotion comes to people that can accurately understand what’s happening and it’s possible.

David’s administration for instance, there were two great tests that took place. There was a test of Absalom and Adonijah. Absalom was the test of a charismatic son who had issues with his dad and wanted to kill him and take over his job. Well, that was a pretty easy one to discern and so the high priest of Bayathar, Joab, the military guy, Zadok, the priest, and the prophets. They all run David’s side and they said, man, this is bad. We’re with you, boss. And so, they were loyal in that test and they all got promoted into greater capacity once the Absalom crisis had passed but then another one came from the same house, same dynasty, same father in Adonijah, one of the sons who was anxious to be the new authority in Israel, got together with Joab, got together withBayathar, got the priest of the military and got endorsement to self-promote himself as the heir. Bathsheba heard about it. Zadok heard about it. Benaniah, one of the key prophets heard about it and they very carefully went to David who was very old at this time and warming his body with a hot water bottle called Abhishek and it says, he did not know her. So, literally she was there just to keep him warm and they aroused him up and he go, ‘Hey boss, did you authorize your son to go take over the kingdom while you’re here in the rest home?’ He said, What?. And they orchestrated it and then Bathsheba said, ‘Oh David, did didn’t you tell me Solomon was going to be the heir?’ He goes, ‘What’s going on here?’ Yeah, Solomon and then Benaniah comes in and goes, ‘Boss, didn’t you say Solomon someone else is taking over the throne?’ Go, wait a second and he arouses him and gathers together his focus and clarity and authority and says, ‘Get me my robe. Let’s sort this mess out.’ And he comes out of the bedroom into the boardroom and makes a decree. Solomon is king.

This is important because the same group that passed the test with Absalom flunked it with Adonijah. Joab sided with the rebellion. The high priest sided with the rebellion. I’m just saying that because we’re living in times when there are momenta issues being defined for the church and it’s a time when if you get it wrong, it affects your career trajectory in the anointing. It affects how God can and you could get it right in one test and get it wrong in the other. Donald Trump, I’m going to mention him because he is the [INAUDIBLE WORD 4:58] definition of the test of our church generation. What to do with the heathen from Queens who became president?

My burden was when I first got a word of the Lord and it’s kind of interesting. Nobody quite knows where to categorize me. I’m not in the prophets in the typical prophetic group. I’m not in a typical apostolic group. It’s kind of an interesting kind of conundrum. But I was with Kim Clement. We’re supposed to meet Donald Trump. You guys know the story. I don’t want to waste precious time rehearsing it. But I was supposed to meet with Kim and Donald Trump in the first group of leaders in New York and I thought it was an unusual gathering because I understood why Kim was there. Understood why Kenneth Colt was there and Jensen Franklin was there and Doctor Jeremiah this and that. TBN was there. I thought, I’m really off the radar. I mean what I do seven mountain stuff is kind of like why are the all these MAGA church leaders and recognized preachers invited to the first round. There’re several meetings like that. And I went up to the guy at the elevator who had a clipboard. And it was with no mock humility but with genuine concern that my office made a mistake and then I should be there. I said, ‘Am I, you sure I’m on that list? The guy looks at me. Almost exasperated. He says, ‘Yes, you’re on the list. You’re on the list because I put you on the list. Obviously, this wasn’t the doorman.

This was the producer who worked with Paula White and he put me on the list for an interesting reason. I want to share with you because it shows how faithfulness will position you for promotion even though you don’t feel like it’s your time or place. Now, I was asked Rick Joyner called me up and said, ‘Hey, there’s I want you to go down as a billionaire guy wants to meet with you down in Florida.’ And I have an invitation, an odd invitation to go speak in a garage meeting of like 100 revival people and it’s on metal chairs and in a warehouse or something and it has on Rickety board. I went down there and took the meeting because I was going to meet with the billionaire guy. The billionaire guy never showed up and I’m flying home saying to myself, ‘What’s wrong with me? I’m not building a big Bible college. I’m not building a MAGAchurch. I’m not even trying to raise money to be on TV. I’m running around talking seven mountains. I sound like a lunatic. It’s a great cottage industry. Everyone wants to do it. Talk about it. Knock it off but it’s a weird space. I think I’m being misled, Lord. I think it’s time that I settled down. I just did things normal. I need to build a database, build a ministry, raise some funds, do television. I need to do what other people do.

While I get home and feeling like I’m really wasting my energy. That guy at that door at Trump Towers said, ‘Do you remember this weird meeting you did in a garage down in Florida? I was there and when I heard you, God told me, I got to get you in front of Donald Trump. That’s why I was at that weird meeting. That’s why you do weird meetings. Then when I’m up at Trump’s office up there and he’s coming in, I remember this point is mister Trump and he’s like a celebrity type guy with the apprentice. I can remember that the Lord gave me a word before I went up there. So, thus says the Lord to Cyrus, “Whom I’ve anointed. Isaiah 45, “The next president of the United States would be an Isaiah 45 president. The next president of the United States being Isaiah 45 president. Kim and had a stroke. I honestly believe that the anointing that would have been on him hit over on me because we are best friends we’re supposed to meet. Now, I’m hearing in a way I’ve never heard and I honestly thought it was the devil. I’m telling you the truth because if you hear God speak in a unique and new and powerful way, you ought to step back and say, let me just test the spirits to see if this is God. This isn’t how we normally talk.

So, I did what to my embarrassment. I don’t recommend every Pentecostal do but I went to Google to go try the spirits and I wrote in the next president I said, be 45. And I wrote in well what number was Obama because of Obama’s, I knew he got reelected twice this shows how ignorant I was of electoral processes. He was, and it says, 44. I go, aha. And he was reelected.So, he’s the 44th and the 45th. And then it says no but whatever number you get going in you stick with no matter how many times you’re reelected he was 44 twice. the next president will be 45. I said, oh my God. Then I went to Isaiah 45 thus says Lord of Cyrus, “Who I’m anointed to go through the two league gates of Babylon to break the gates of Iron and this I’m going to do for the sake of my people and Israel, church and Israel. He doesn’t even know me.

That messed with my head. All my Benny Hinton teaching about the anointing went out the window. The anointing is characteristics of being holy and sacred and set apart and fasting and praying. Don’t breathe the spirit and don’t punch the spirit and don’t sneeze in the miracle service. So, we got Donald Trump. Thus, says the Lord of Cyrus. I’m thinking this is messing with my theology. You anoint people that don’t know you. Oh, but I’m a student of history and I know that. I know that Winston Churchill was the aggravating anointed adversary of Adolf Hitler. Hitler knew Churchill was his problem. Even while Churchill was out of office. He was depressed. Painting in in his Chartwell at his estate thinking he had missed his destiny and the whole time Hitler’s raging about Churchill. Why? Because the demon principality on Hitler knew Churchill was his problem.

Well, Churchill would hardly meet your characteristic for the anointing but he was. He was anointed to take on Hitler. Lincoln was anointed to take on the battle of a divided nation. Though he went into office not attending any church and not attending any revivals. He became a believer we believe from the basis of what he had written and what he had said in the crisis or the ordeal of his walk in the White House. Having no place else to go but to God, as he said. But it tells me that God will raise up secular leaders. And then Isaiah 45 adds this statement. For verily, thou art a God that hides himself. God hides himself in unlikely packages.

What I’m saying is that you could pass the test maybe of embracing of Donald Trump only after he leaves office and realize, wait a second, the guy wasn’t so bad after all. What he did with the economy, what he did with China, what he did with Russia, what he did with establishing peace in the Middle East, what he did with unemployment. I mean, it’s hard to find something that the guy didn’t do well while he was under siege with an entire administration trying to sabotage him, spy on him, and pull him out of office.

Break: If you are enjoying today’s program, we’d like you to consider becoming a partner with Lance Wallnau Ministries. Become a partner today by visiting or call 800-910-6349. It’s time to take this uncompromising perspective out into the airwaves. Partner with us now by calling 800-910-6349 or go to Together we can make a difference.

Lance: Well, what a saying is we have to really have an accurate theory of the case. What’s happening right now? What do the apostles and prophets need to know? We have not won the battle of influence in the United States and I think that if I go back to this and I just really want to move on from this but the Lord won’t let me. So, I’m going to call this 7 Mountains 2.0. I’m just going to give it a facelift. 7 M 2.0. So, here’s the theory of the case for those who’ve never heard me do it. I’m going to do it really quickly. I believe that there’s 7 spheres, 7 vertical hierarchies that shape the minds of nations that these seven spheres are in every nation and that every nation is basically being discipled by the aggregate influence of who Whoever controls the high places that goes back to the Old Testament, who controls the high places, controls what’s happening.

And at the top up here, you have the gates of influence. That’s why there’s so much hectic excitement and the witches and the demons are all manifesting over at Brent Kavanaugh.Because at the gates of influence when a Supreme Court Justice is being chosen, they have the power with a small group to determine Roe V Wade and you guys are all praying and interceding about that. A small group, a remnant of influencers or remnant gatekeepers to side the issue and this is true at every domain at a national level and a local level. There’s a small number of individuals that occupy what we call the gates of influence. The gates of influence you’ll come to realize is where the gates of hell congregate because Satan doesn’t have direct access to planet Earth.

God has taken it from him. He has to work through agreement with people. And so, his boast is to Jesus in the temptation was you see these kingdoms, the vast empires of the earth and the Mao, from the Ming dynasties to the Incan dynasty to the Roman? Jesus saw all the world kingdoms in a moment of time and Satan says all that was created for you but given to me. And says, it was given to me I give it to whomever I will. If you and I can work a deal right here and you just worship me we can just put an end to all this conflict with you and me and your grizzly future whatever that looks like. You bow down, worship me and you can have it. You are the Alexander the great I admit it. You are the Julius Caesar. You’re above them. You can have it,make a deal with me and you can have the kingdoms. Jesus said, get behind me Satan. But listen it was a real temptation it wasn’t a fake temptation Jesus didn’t say, huh, you’re lying. You can’t do that. Only my father can do that. No, the authority over the kingdoms of this world somehow defaulted to Satan and Satan could give it to whom he will. That’s why Jesus didn’t contest that. He basically said, “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shall thou bow your knee too. Get behind me. An important point.

When Jesus was resurrected, he had done something in the resurrection that affects Satan’s boast. He said, all power has now been given to me including the power to give authority to whomever I will. All this has been given to me. Now, you go therefore and make disciples of nations teaching them. And I have to say it’s kind of a personal frustration of mine that Bob Jones did such an exquisite job of imprinting the idea of a billion-soul harvest upon the soul of our revival generation that we think success is in the ambiguous acquisition of a billion souls which you can never seem to measure. And as long as we put things in terms we can never measure, we can think we’re winning even when we’re losing. Because I don’t know how many souls are being sent from all the dreams that Muslims are having and all the harvest happening here. Somebody put together a list from Joyce Myers and Joe Lowes to the Billy Graham Associate and found out the entire population of the world has already been saved twice.

We don’t know. But when he says, “Go make disciples of nations, I have a different metric. I could see what’s happening to the United States and I can look at all the vaunted power that we have to preach the gospel and say, we’re not winning this battle of disciple in the United States and therefore, these verticals become very important to me. Because there is gatekeepers that hell is operating through and if you don’t mind me saying so, the gates of hell are the gates of influence. Hell that occupy the gates over the arts industry and have a satanic ritual for a Grammy Award. Where do you think that came from? Came from human beings in cooperation with false spirits but these human beings aren’t the rank and vile graffiti artists in the street. They’re actually the artist and the producers and the investors of the commercial management of the Grammy’s. Meaning, they are the gatekeepers at the top of that mountain. Satan clearly gave it to whom he will.

The problem is we need to get some more of you up there. All power has been given to me and I give it to whom I would. But the church has done a really bad job with this because the church over here has created a separation between the sacred and the secular. We have made such a divide that people actually leave there to go over here and stay over here when in fact, in my tradition, I’m an Ashkenazi Jew. I have rabbis on my father’s side and that part of my family. I’m like 20% now. They keep diluting it. My dad married a Gentile. My grandfather married a Gentile but it was like a full gospel businessman meeting. A guy comes out to platform comes up to me. I don’t like 20. He says, Mishboka. I said, Mishboka. He goes, ‘My brother. I go, ‘Yeah? He goes, God‘s going to use you to reach your people. I said, Episcopalians?

I mean, we all have a destiny. It’s not a very exciting one but if that’s what I do, I’ll do it. Oh, and not Episcopalians, Jews. I go, Jews, why Jews? He says, ‘Why don’t you go to the lobby and call your father and ask him? That’s a word of knowledge. Well, I called my father. He’s really nervous about it. He said, ‘Who is it? What’s his name? He thought he grew up with him in Richmond, Virginia and he was suddenly being outed. I said, ‘Trust me, dad. You don’t know any of these Pentecostal business people. He said, ‘Well, now that you asked, I’d appreciate if you didn’t talk to your brothers about it. Ooh, I knew it was serious then. You come home and we’ll discuss it. Sure enough, he gives me the whole sheet of all the family members and that I migrated over from Germany and the Cohens and their name is X Moses Leo Wallnau which is interesting that Moses, I have a bunch of Moses’s and Cohens. Well, here’s the interesting realization. I’m probably one of the first tongue-talking Levites you’ve had preach in your life but I’m a Levite and the Levites were the teaching tribe. I’m in my sweet spot right here. We don’t really do things, we teach things.

So, I remember Trump Towers and I’m sitting there after I get this Cyrus word and I mentioned to Daryl Scott who’s sitting next to mister Trump at that time and to get that’s the story. He kind of embarrasses me. He calls out in front of the future president. He says, Doctor Wallnau, why don’t you tell mister Trump here what he told me.’ Because I told him, I said, I think the Lordtold me this guy is the next president of the United States and he’s Isaiah 45, which is really weird. Because we got cruise, we got everybody else running as a Christian except for this guy.But according to Isaiah 45, the Cyrus’s have to be people that don’t know him, that he’s anointed. It’s very weird theology and it’s going to go down like a rat sandwich with those of my Christian friends but it’s the way it is.

And there’s this an incident happened where a guy clocked this black guy who’s a black activist and a white guy hits him and everybody’s raging and angry and they’re all upset and I happen to be stuck in this meeting. This is my second meeting an I’m going to be telling Donald Trump his destiny is Isaiah 45 and it’s really a weird moment and I’m saying. Under my breath, ‘Politics, race wars, fights, celebrity apprentices, New York, none of this is familiar to me. What am I doing here? And the Lord‘s answer to me was most interesting. He said, ‘Every time you pray in tongues, you tell me this is what you want to do. Think about that. So, when you’re having this conflict in your head about your assignment, your direction, and all that stuff. If you’re sincere and there’s no over sin in your life that you’re like giving into all of them. You might as well ask yourself, what are you praying in tongues about that your head is fighting you with?

We created this sacred secular divide. I’m sorry to say, we perpetuate it and in a lot of ways, revival can perpetuate that division. Because what we’re teaching people is this 10%, 10% of the Jews were the teachers and they were the priesthood, the Levites. They were only 10% of all the tribes of Israel. 10% make a living over here pontificating, activating, laying, hands-on, prophesying, motivating, writing books, and doing TV. 90% are supposed to be out here taking territory. We’ve got the 90% trying to cram into the pulpit over here and dedicate themselves to being sick because of the theory that by being here, they’re going to change the rest of it. But that’s not how it works. If that was how it worked, it would have worked. So that means 90% of the young people that are aspirational for revival and supernatural actually have a call to business. They’re praying in tongues to own businesses, but they’re fighting it because they want to do what we do.

Your anointing is out here in these spheres and so that these 7 verticals that represent the gates of influence that shape the minds of people. As your family becomes one of those powerful versions. The one that God‘s given you is kind of almost like a prophylactic against anything hell throws at your culture. If a mom and a dad will cover their children in prayer and properly mentor and surround them, they can create in them an identity that is different than the Babylonian perversion that is prevailing around them. God help you if you got a good synagogue or church. See what I’m saying is this is how 2% of the American population are Jews and they still retain a Jewish distinctive identity. I don’t care if it’s Ben Shapiro or Bernie Sanders. They still identify as Jews. Why? Because the family and the synagogue, the bar mitzvah, and the culture circles them in such a way that no matter what country you hurl them out to, they still retain the distinctive characteristics of being Jews. And that’s the lesson for the church. Family and church can actually preserve your kids. But that’s not how you change a culture, that’s how you preserve yourself from the defilement of culture. There’s a big difference.

Changing culture means we have to advance our people to the tops of these gates of influence. We should be training them and having them believe that they’re called to start businesses and become influential. Instead of a Zuckerberg doing Facebook at Harvard, we should have been prophesying to our kids, come up with a new technology. It’s billions of people to be influenced by, but we weren’t doing that because we carry over the sacred secular divide. We have people fanatically devoted to passion spirituality and disconnection from a vision for planet Earth.Because we never understood you got to go into all the systems. Go ye into. We think suck yeinto your revival. God says, revival thrust ye into the system. Because it really doesn’t matter if you’re on a jumbo jet and you’re having an outbreak of signs and wonders and coach if Al Qaeda’s flying the plane.

It does not matter if you have an outbreak of signs and wonders and miracles and revival in coach, if Al Qaeda is in the cockpit crashing the plane. Right now, we’ve got Al Qaeda in Washington. We’ve got Al Qaeda in the news bureaus. And a lot of this is because I’m telling you our theology didn’t train our people to go forth. And now only too later we realize that we better crash that cockpit up there, I think. What do you think George? Well, I don’t know. I’m praying about it. I guess once we start losing altitude, we should do something. I don’t know.

Alright, so my theory of the case is that what God‘s going to do here is going to tell us overwhelming that what we’ve been doing isn’t working. I think we know that. What you don’t want to do is double down on what doesn’t work in the hope that you’re going to get an outcome you’re not getting. That is the reference definition of insanity is to continue doing what doesn’t work. I’m going to continue walking to the wall over here till the door shows up. Well, that’s one theory.

So here we have the red pen. I’m taking up an offering for a new whiteboard by the way. I’m serious. I told my wife. I said, every offering we give from now on here is designated funds for the new whiteboard. Little whiteboard, little revelation. It starts looking really crazy after a while anyway. It only makes sense to me. It’s kind of like illustrating in tongues. [SPANISH LANGUAGE 26:20-26:26]. Anyway, but it’s worse than a little whiteboard because it really makes me look like I’ve got a mental disorder.

Speaking of mental disorders, let me talk to you about the Democratic Party in Colorado. So anyway, this guy, I shall not say his name out of courtesy. But he is the Democratic Party leader in Colorado. I just get this text. He’s working hard to warn against dangerous Christian nationalists like focus on the family and Karis and two particular churches, Radiant Church and Church of All Nations, who are a threat to democracy and he warns that this dangerous force is being led by the villainous leader Lance Wallnau. The moment that you decide that what you’re doing isn’t working and you change what you’re doing, you have an anointing to affect the climate. You have the power to establish your people at the top of the mountains. At a national level, at the Hollywood level, it’s a little late to the game in Wall Street. I’m going to tell you something. It’s hard now but on a local level, it’s so doable that the local is really becoming more of a focus for you. Start looking at where you have territorial authority and jurisdiction in the natural and in the spirit and begin to vigorously occupied that.

Break: You enjoyed today’s program? We’d like you to consider becoming a partner with Lance Wallnau Ministries. Become a partner today by visiting or call 800-910-6349. It’s time to take this uncompromising perspective out into the airwaves. Partner with us now by calling 800-910-6349 or go to “”. Together we can make a difference.

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