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Sign Of The End Times: Sheep & Goat Nations



Something is eating away at democracies in the West; Putin and China are rising while America and the West are going down. What’s going to stop this? The unexpected intervention of God! Today’s broadcast discusses the beast system, sheep nations, and why Christians need to be involved as salt and light in our culture to prevent it from becoming increasingly corrupt and hostile.

Episode Transcript

Intro: Lance Wallmau Show is coming to you live from the master himself with a special broadcast taken from one of Lance’s most recent appearances. Tune in and get ready for some major revelation. 

Lance: So, I told these business guys, I said, here’s the situation you’re not building. These guys are in other countries investing building a Costco building a road and they’re putting their money into infrastructure and making money off of building in Africa and South America and other countries that’s how they make their moneys. I said, the Lord is telling me something, he is saying, you’re doing the right thing. Because you see what you’re doing is there are going to be sheep nations and there will be goat nations. But you see there are sheep nations. When Jesus comes back, he’s going to put the nations on his right hand and on his left and on the left are going to be the goats and on the right are the sheep. There are nations. There are entities that are going to be. Now we don’t teach enough about this because it’s kind of seeing through a glass darkly but I’ll tell you what? n Europe right now, Hungary and Poland are the sheep nations and the rest of Europe is basically like sorry to say under the antichrist spirit.

How do I know that? Because the LGBTQ is over there too. And Hungary and Poland have the strong Christian influence in their nation and they said, we’re not going to receive all of your immigrants that are coming in that are from Muslim nations. Because they really mess with the juju here. We recognize everywhere they go they don’t assimilate they get angry they’re irritated.And so, we’re looking for a healthy homogenization here. So, no we’re not going to have everybody come here. We’re going to have people that we really think can go and flow with us because we just want to get along and build a great prosperous nation. But you’re going to take them. No, we’re not. So, Victor Orban in Poland and Victor Orban and Hungary and in Poland they said, no, not to mention we have family values. We believe a man and a woman should be married and we’re against that forcing marriages, same-sex marriages., but you don’t like abortion either. We think it’s good bad for population growth of nothing else. We’re trying to multiply, not kill people.

Well, the Davos crowd and Klaus Schwab and the various other European Union leaders. It’s like they’re so unsophisticated. They’re so backward. They’re so provincial. They’re so primitive. They’re so judgmental and nationalistic and Trumpian. So, but Victor Orban in Hungary just got reelected by an overwhelming landslide. He’s pushing back on the European Union, he’s part of it but he’s not going with it. He’s saying, no, I’m not going to bring your LGBTQ agenda into our education system. Thank you very much and they’re mad at him. So, you see, you’re dealing with a world ruler. When you have something like the homosexual movement is a world ruler, transgender thing is a world ruler. Unfortunately, it’s like a cancer eating through the core of democracy is making democracies weak which is why Putin and China unfortunately are on the rise in America and the west is going down.

The only thing that could possibly arrest that scenario is the unexpected intervention of Godwhich would have to be his own people. Is this making sense to you? Everything I’m saying is valid, factual, and actual. We don’t have time to go into all the economic details and charts. Trust me. This is what I do for a living. I’m studying this stuff all the time. You know that the Davos,World Economic Forum. These guys who are by the way Bill Gates and Barack Obama all the heads of corporations. They’re all part of the World Economic Forum. So, what’s going to stop that? So, I said, remember we’re going back to these business guys and I said, what is this business guy supposed to do is this the world that’s going to be where you got one or two or three options. Either you got to go well that’s where the world’s going to go get right with God get saved and get ready to go.

Well, that’s a scenario that isn’t really a very glorious exit, is it? You with your bug out bag? Or you could think that maybe the Lord‘s going to do something different. Like there’s going to be a great outpouring of Holy Spirit and there’s going to be a rising up of something and there’s going to be a resistance against this agenda. Because here’s the weird thing. Putin as bad as it is what he’s doing with Ukraine. He actually is driving a nail into the tire of the European Union and the World Economic Forum. Because he’s decided that they don’t really give him the place he has for Russia’s future. He’s a nationalist. A nationalist is somebody that sees their nation as having more significance than being assimilated into a cosmic global goo.

China, trust me has no intention of being assimilated. The west is diluted. These Europeans are ignorant. All they’re into there’s even worse. They’re intellectual ignoramuses. Which means they flatter themselves and being smarter than you while they’re doing something stupid. And Islam has no intention. What does that mean? Your big nightmare is going to be the beast system that comes out of the collapse of the West and the emergence of China, Russia, Iran, Syria, a new militant Islam caliphating together into a grizzly new force in the last days, merged together with the dragon and Putin. But you see, it’s only when you get this level of sobriety that you’re willing to take the intervention, right. So, you see how shallow it is to keep talking about? When’s Trump coming back? It’s a bigger game going on. Wake up. You’re playing checkers.

So, the business guys, here’s what I told them. I said, ‘Here’s what God wants to do. God is giving us a Joshua ten moment right now. You know what that was? God literally held the sun still and the moon, is what I said to you the other day. I’m going to come and say it again. God is holding the moon and the sun. He is stopping time. You feel that freedom right now? So, the Lord said, that’s enough. Enough of the pandemic. Boom. I’m going to send my own vaccine. There you all got it. Good. You’re free. Go. The variant now is being held back when the next one’s stopped in God‘s giving time for his people to be able to mobilize to do what do what go back to normal. No, you can’t go back to normal. You got to be aware of what just happened. So,the business people here’s what I told them. I said, your purpose is to make money because you’re building infrastructure be investing in sheep nations for Jesus’ inheritance.

What is a sheep nation? A sheep nation is a nation that doesn’t allow its religious liberty to be compromised because of its political or economic allegiance to another system. This is your definition. Why do I know that? Because Jesus says, when he gives the definition of those sheep and those goats he says to the sheep. He says, “Because when I was hungry you fed me when I was thirsty gave me to drink when I was in prison, you’re busy to me when I was a sick you cover me, as much as you’ve done to the least of these my brethren, you did it to me”. So, the big question there is to be who are my brethren? We better find a biblical definition. My brother is it humanity, suffering humanity, the poor? No, my brethren specifically Jesus defines in Mark’s gospel when there’s a knock at the door and Mary says, I want to talk to my son.’ And they go,huh, your mother and your brother are here. And Jesus says, who my mother and who are my brethren? And then stretching his hands towards his disciples.

He said, ‘Behold my mother and my brethren are those that hear the word of God and keep it. My disciples as much as you done to these my people, you did it to me. At the end of the day, it’s only going to be two types of governments hostile to you and those that allow you to exist without being molested. Sheep nations are going to be the nations that don’t cooperate with the agenda of persecuting probably the Jew and the Christian. So, the Jews are historically always unpopular. Does that make sense to you?

And there will be sheep nations, because Hungary and Poland are proving they can exist and I believe that in every any place where there are people that will stand together. But what’s it going to be? You’re going to have to have a government that won’t bow the knee. You’re going to have to have media that is properly addressing what the government’s doing, you’re going to have to have a church that is infusing itself into all these arenas. Or you’re going to be an isolated persecuted entity like you are in the Middle Eastern China right now. Doesn’t work so good there because you don’t have government.

So, I told these guys, so you’re investing. I want you to start thinking about your investment isn’t just for a return. You’re investing. Make sure your projects and your vision is funding sheep nation development. At some level, your dollar better be protecting your children’s future. And so, all of a sudden, there’s a there’s a mission for that money. Now I know we talk about prosper for a purpose, but listen if the end time harvest is all you’re focused on. Actually, that’s okay, but you have to think this thing through. I got a, where’s my briefcase here? Did you bring it up? I asked my briefcase. I don’t know where it went. Backstage. I have a, thank you very much. I have this very unusual thing here. I know I got to stop, but you got something out of this so far?

I have this magazine. You will be interested in this, Chay. It’s leadership. A practical journal for church leaders when I was pastoring years ago. 1993. So, I’m talking about coming up on 30 years ago and what is this? Oh, culture wars is a new issue. It’s a new subject. Culture wars in America. Got a little young-looking Davidson Hunter there. Looking, oh so young with acne on his face, young professor and he’s sitting here talking about, is there a Christian way to wage war? And he’s talking about the problem is that each side tries to foist a political solution on the problem but there are no lasting political answers to a culture war. The true solutions can only be prepolitical and the way we relate to each other as citizens. It’s the substance purpose. He goes into his argument with his best-selling book on Culture Wars. But what’s fascinating to me? He says, Christians need to recover the art of persuasion. Part of the art of persuasion means incarnating the gospel in our personal and collective lives and I got, he says, kids in my class and they’ll say, well, I love Jesus. ‘I said, ‘Well, tell me about your Christian tradition. Is it a Northern European or English Pietism?

She goes, I don’t know. I just love Jesus. He said, ‘Well, if you don’t know anything Calvin or Luther or Zwingli or Huss. If you don’t know anything about the reformation, you don’t know anything about the origins of your own faith. If you can’t articulate how your beliefs play a role in a society that’s functioning healthy, then you’re really not thinking it through. Just don’t fall back on you love Jesus. Become more articulate and intelligent about defending your own belief system. But this fascinating’s got Eugene Peterson, young Eugene Peterson. Oh my God, Leonard Sweet. He looks like Kat Stevens here. Leonard Sweet always says the most intelligent things, but they’re at the end of the day they’re not very helpful in an indigenous mission. I’m an indigenous missionary to this culture which means I live and look and act as part of the culture though it’s not my home. Kind of like a digital nomad. There’s all this cool language and everything, and it’s good for a professor.

Rick Warren young, Rick Warren like a high school shot here. He says, Jesus moves people through a process take it to the process, increase their level of commitment. So, it starts as more than preaching, it’s a process move people from a spectator to participator, from a consumer to a contributor, from the crowd to the core. So, he had this great strategy for all these increasing levels of commitment to the local church. But you see what that is? That’s a church centric grow expand assimilate saddleback Sam, expand, expand. And how did that relate to the rest of this?The assumption was that if you got a bigger church, better church, more supernatural church it could affect the whole culture now the problem is 30 years ago that was what the theory was. It’s wrong. You can grow the biggest thinking church in town the devil doesn’t care as long as you leave him alone in the gates of influence.

Jack Hayford really missed the boat on this one. I’m just telling you guys. I mean this is where they’re all laying out the premise for the future and listen their whole movements of God. A lot of our renewal and revival movement are Jack Hayford version of Vineyard. He basically says,God didn’t call me to be scolding sinners he called me to be bringing them the good news.’ Now that make sense. That’s an amen corner somewhere in a TBN movie show.

Break: With the instability happening in the market right now and with inflation going up at the dollar and it’s like seems to be like in its free fall. We’re watching the stock market make some terrible reckoning adjustments. And where are people going? Well, when cash is unstable, people put their money in a store of value. Gold and silver and precious metals. What I didn’t know till recently and I should have known it is that, you can take your 401K and you can actually convert it and put it into an account that has silver and gold. That means that your 401K retirement savings is going to be in silver and as the dollar starts to get unstable or decline. Your gold and silver value is guarding your retirement.

Now this is the tax-exempt strategy that Birch Gold can advise you on. You want to go to”. Talk to one of the consultants. Download the report and learn how you can convert a 401K or your retirement plan into gold and silver. Account secure and protect your money and have peace of mind. Download the report. Talk to the consultant. There’s no obligation. That’s what I’m recommending people do.

Lance: Hayford’s argument is, calling people to turn to God when they come inside the venue of your ministry is one thing. But it’s another to parade and protest, because worldings don’t meet your divine standards. So, he said, I’d rather go downtown in the nature of Jesus and offer help to someone who’s going under because of tough stuff in society. They’ll start to listen. So, here’s the problem, Christians take it as either or. There’s a place for mercy. My God, my wife’s got five warehouses and my credit card and she’s feeding the poor, clothing the poor, and furnishing the families of Texas. Single mothers, the more poor and broke you are with kids, the more my wife’s got a warehouse full of stuff for you. I believe that. But why am I a culture warrior? Because these things you must do also.

The only guy that got that is D James Kennedy. D James Kennedy from Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. Train me in evangelism explosion. If Christians are not involved as salt and light in our culture, we will one day wake up to find our freedom to live as Christian’s dawn. The barbarians will be at the church door. We won’t be able to have our separate this pietas charismatic gatherings. Our society will become increasingly corrupt, Godless, and hostile until people finally break down the doors of the church and hold the Christians away. That’s what happened in Russia. The church was irrelevant to the public’s sphere while the communists were taking over Russia. The bishops were actually meeting to discover to decide what color vestments they needed to wear. They had 70 years to regret that discussion.

The Bible lays down two tracks upon which not only the church but every Christian should devote his or her energies. The great commission, preach the gospel with signs following and the cultural mandate. Go and make disciples of every nation. We make disciples of nations and we take care of the planet. That’s how your salt and light if we neglect the gospel and evangelism. Unregenerate people will increase and accelerate the decay and corruption of your nation. If we ignore the cultural mandate, we’ll have an increasingly hostile to us. Somebody once asked me, ‘Do you think Christians should be involved in politics? With tongue in cheek, I said, ‘No, no, of course not. Well, we should leave that to the atheist. Otherwise, we’d have nothing to complain about.

People tell me all the time; we don’t have a right to impose our morality on others. Well, virtually all legislation is the imposition of somebody’s morality on somebody else. Ethical beliefs when applied to a society give rise to legislation. We have laws against rape for example because rape is immoral. He says, oh, I love this one. They said, the humanist manifesto of 1933 and 1973, which for most past articulate, which for the most part articulate and the opposite of Christian morality. They are busily engaged in imposing their version of morality on this country. 85% of which claim to be Christian in America. So, they’re the ones who are doing the very thing they accuse us of doing. They are right now imposing their morality on us. 30 years ago, which one of them do you think had the best formula for dealing with the culture? You have to do both. Aggressive evangelism and an aggressive take back of that mountain. You’ve got to do it.

Lift up your hands. I want to pray for you. Father, I pray in Jesus’ name for everyone in the sound of my voice that there is a new move of God that is happening in the land and there’ll be an increase in the supernatural. There’ll be an increase in your divine manifestation but behold, you are clothing yourself as a man of war in ways we have not seen before where you’ve been silent, you’re now crying out loud and you’re stirring yourself. There is a fresh revival long prayed for, but will you accept it when it shows up. There’s a fresh move of God, but will you embrace it when it becomes manifest. For it’s not going to look anything like what you thought but examine the fruit of it. For they will be saved, they will be delivered. There’s deliverance coming back into the house of God, because there’s many that are afflicted and tormented with demons and God says, I’m going to drive them out.’ And those that have been deranged their gender are going to be delivered. And it will be a movement that will be spoken against, says the Lord, but take it as free advertising. Because the multitudes are coming and the common people are going to hear the gospel gladly. The overlooked and the underappreciated are going to make up a great harvest. But the spirit of the Lord says, I am for the common folk. And I’m rising up even now as a deliverer.

I’ll leave you with this as I was meditating on these things. I looked in the internet and I said, is there any writing I could find from Christian scholars on sovereign nations sheep nations. This is so important. No, no, no scarce Derek Prince Gordon Lindsey they wrote about it. But they just saw at the distance. They said, sheep and goat nations will be here when Jesus comes back.That’s as far as they could go with it, I thought ah, but I read one strain Christian scholar in 193637, so, shocking. He wrote and said, and right now everyone’s lips are saying is Hitler the antichrist, is Mussolini the antichrist. They see wars. They see global realignment.

He said, but the Lord showed him. In Psalm 2, he said, they will not be the final version of the antichrist they will come down. Because in Psalm 2, it says why do the rulers the kings of the earth and the rulers take council together against the Lord and against his anointed. Why are they frustrated? Let us break their bands asunder. And the writer said, there must be a generation of Christians that frustrate the global agenda of nations to such a degree that they’re bound by the move of God. The nation’s populous movement rises up and there are enough converted people of influence that the devil can’t do what he wants the government’s about, and they meet to say let’s break this thing and they go to war against the church.

He said, until the church rises up with sufficient power to become the agency that binds global governments. It will not see Psalm 2 fulfilled and the end time come. And he said, this is not that movement, because Hitler and Mussolini aren’t resisting the church. I believe there’s a move of God of such power coming that it will cause our political enemies to say the real enemy is them,and that’s fine. Because that’s when we know the end is here. But we don’t go out with a whimper. We go out with a shout.

Closing: Did you enjoy this latest episode? Please remember to share it with your friends because the more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to navigate the world.

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