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Kari Lake Update: The Blame Game over midterms. What actually happened?



We’ve got a Kari Lake update for you on today’s broadcast while the eyes of the world are upon Maricopa County for all of the wrong reasons. Join us as we discuss fixing the swing state machinery, Donald Trump being blamed for various things tied to the midterms, corporate discipline, and more!

Episode Transcript

Lance: Wow. You won’t believe it, but Kari Lake has actually got a shot at challenging the corrupt result of the election in Arizona. And the attorney general is requiring that they’re going to be things done before the certification of that election takes place that will expose what went wrong and it could result in an overturning of that result. I’ll tell you something, this is an exciting moment to be alive. I have to share something with you right now that I’m equally excited about. Your memories. The things, Annabelle and I have all this great footage of the kids growing up. You got them too. You got these videos and VHSs and all this stuff that’s on these big old clunky video players and what are you going to do with it? There’re no devices to play it on but Mercedes found something you’ve got to take a look at. Mercedes, what’s it? It’s called Legacy Box. This is an answer to prayer for all of us that are over 50. 

Mercedes: Yeah. So, I mean honestly you summed it up really well but Legacy Box is a great new show sponsor. So, what you do is you take any type of old media material. You might have VHS cassette tapes film. How many of you have like things on film, how many of you have parents who have memories on film. I’m talking old school.

Lance: Yeah, your parents gave you stuff you got in boxes.

Mercedes: Exactly and you want to preserve those memories and what happens too is like as media ages this is true even with CDs and DVDs. As they, age they become more and more corrupt they degrade and they get to a point where they don’t work anymore. So, that’s why Legacy Box was invented. So, you take all of those different media, old media types you have, you put them in the box, you mail it to Legacy Box and they digitize it and they can send it back to you. You can get it in an iCloud link. You can get it in a hard drive sent back to you. So, it’s really cool, really exciting. I think it’s a great service for a lot of different people.

Lance: I’m telling you man, I’m serious about this. The family unit is under attack but if you want to create a mechanism to fight back. You show the cohesion of the family. You show your parents and you when you were a kid, you show when you were their age or when your grandchildren, it’s amazing. My kids can now see footage from Annabelle and me being 10, 15, 20 years old and it does something when you can see the memories digitally delivered. You can put like a soundtrack under. You could do all kinds of voice overs type of technique if you want to go there. I’m going to tell you, you got to do this. Legacy Box is the answer and how do they get a hold of it?

Mercedes: Sure, you can go to

Lance: I’m doing it myself this year. It’ll be a big surprise for Annabelle.

O Boy, it’s that time, it’s that time of year that I look forward to its Thanksgiving and Christmas I don’t care what goes on in the world you got to create your own little cosmos of happiness. I’ve got one of Santa’s elves with me today Mercedes Sparks dressed like she’s right coming out of the candy factory. You guys can’t see this on the podcast but she’s dressed with hath on.

Mercedes: You should picture your flagpin. Did you notice your flagpin in the shot?

Lance: The flagpin upside down.

Mercedes: It’s just sideways. Well, I’m beside myself.

Lance: Got to fix old glory.

Mercedes: Fix old glory. Today’s theme we’re fixing old glory. I got to talk to you about the midterms. Gonna give you a perspective on this and an update like you’ve never heard before. Now this is really important because there’s three States that we have to sort out. I mean I don’t want to give my energy to Donald Trump makes an announcement. He’s going to be running. It’s got clearly this is going to have all kinds of ramifications in my Christian world. The same people that wish Mike Pence had a bigger role. Suddenly realized okay maybe he was kind of like a bad investment. But Trump wasn’t running. I want someone like to say this. All that that is Christians have got to toughen up. You got to stop being wimpy. You want to desert people when they’ve been loyal to. You can’t desert Trump because he is the one that they fear the most. Why do you think Merrick Garland’s going after him with supinas? Donald Trump is a threat to the left or they wouldn’t be taking him so seriously.

You know what they did? They invested in mega candidates that they thought they could beat. Now if they really believe that Trump was so toxic. They’d say, great he’s running. But no,they’re having a panic attack. Why? because they never know what he’s going to do Mercedes.He’s unpredictable. He did it once. He can do it again and that’s what I want to talk about right now, three states we’ve got to sort out. I’m not going to play games in my audience. I’m not going to give you a raw-raw scenario for a whole year and make believe that Maricopa County Clark County Nevada Philadelphia Pennsylvania Madison’s Wisconsin Atlanta, Georgia. If we don’t fix the swing state paper machinery that the Democrats have.

Look this guy Federman before the debate they said, they got 70% of the votes and who knows how many of those votes were legit or real coming out of Philadelphia. Remember the 2000 Mules thing with our buddy there.

Mercedes: Danish D’Souza.

Lance: Danish D’Souza, right. Well, I was going to call him Demetrius for summer. You’re getting him a Bible name today.

Lance: Well, you’re welcome then. But Danish D’Souza thank you. See that’s why we have you here Mercedes to keep me on point. The Danish D’Souza has got 2000 Mules thing. But you know what? The majority of the mules were in Philadelphia. He only triangulated the activity in Atlanta Georgia doesn’t inspire you. We got another senate runoff there. I’m not happy about it but here’s the point. If you don’t have Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan. If you don’t have them locked up in terms of election integrity all we’re going to do is have the oh wait the vote the news is frozen again. These guys don’t care about this game that you ever notice this they don’t care where they put. They didn’t through a Dmytro thought with all the hubaloohullabaloo that was going on with the 2020 election. You think, well for sure, they’re not going to try to do that again. Oh, they shut the media down. We’re going to have to wait overnight. Oh,look the votes are coming in. oh, well wait a second Federman is ahead and Cary Lake’s behind and let’s keep this going long enough to get. Oh, there’s another box of votes I just found. Look,they’re coming in, this is democracy. We can’t have that.

So, the good news Arizona just might be cleaned up much like Dade County much like Miami and Florida and it gets cleaned up in Arizona, we can actually win the State instead of have this shenanigan again about, oh whoawhoa Trump all lost by 2000 votes. Nope, not. If Kari Lake is governor. Now supposedly, she lost no one’s covering this on the news. Maybe Tucker Carlson will give it a moment. But the Daily Mail and come out with an interesting statement. Kari Lake insists. She will be governor of Arizona. Whoa what happened? I thought she lost. Well, you see the attorney the attorney general Jennifer Wright has said no we’re not going to certify the election results until we are satisfied. We know what happened.

And so, Jennifer Wright has said there is going to be at least seven things I have to see taken care of before this vote could be certified. Because with more than 95% of the votes tallied. Lake Trail, Doug Katie Hobbs by fewer than 18,000 votes. But they had something like 60 locations where duh the printer cards didn’t fit the printing machine, so they couldn’t do the votes. People had to be carted all over the place waiting in line for two and a half hours. 5 out of 6 locations where Republican locations where they don’t trust the system so they show up on game day. Who knows what happened to those votes?

Well, Jennifer Wright says, here’s the 7 conditions I have for examining this election before it’s certified. One, the voting that had problems with either ballot on demand which is called BOD printers or tabulation. I want to know each location. I want to know the specific problems at each voting location. I want to know any other issues related to the ballot on demand printer or tabulator. Four, I want to comprehensive log of all the changes that were made to the ballot on demand printer configuration settings. Oh, that’s a big one people. For those of you that wonder about if any of these settings can be altered on location or off location is going to be investigated to look at the log of any changes in the printer configuration. That’s huge. Five, Maricopa County standards for the BOD configuration settings is specified in internal technical specifications and our manufactured technical specifications. She wants to see whether the configurations match exactly what’s required by the technical design of the system.

Six, the precise time, the non-uniform printer configuration settings were found to be the root cause of the problem. Oh, when did we find out that we had a configuration problem? And seven, the method that was used to update or reconfigure the printer configuration settings at each of the 60 voting locations. When did they make the changes at each voting location? Was it conveniently after a bunch of carry votes came in when they had to do some configuration changes? You see she’s going for here. She’s doing what should be done in every state. Why it was that this wasn’t insisted on in Pennsylvania, is because you didn’t have an attorney general that was ethical and this is the danger. This is why Soros pays for Secretary of States and Attorney General Races, because they can make sure that it’s not an election. It’s a paper collection process that determines who governs.

Now, I want you to see the full articulation of both the frustration and the attitude that is now confronting the Board of Electors that are in Maricopa County. Do you have that video? Can you play it? Want you to listen to this guy. He’s fired up.

Video Sound: Good morning. Once again, the eyes of the world are upon Maricopa County for another botched election. Am I here to accuse you of stealing the vote? Heavens no for that would make me a terrorist, wouldn’t it? Let me ask you, if you took your life savings to a bank and the teller put them in a machine and the machine kicked out one out of four of your bills.And the teller said, don’t worry, who put them in box three over here and we’ll let you know how many were in there later. We’ll send them off to a separate location and someone will be sure to get back to you and tell you how much money you have. Would you be okay with that? You would not be okay with that. Now ask yourself the question. Which is more valuable? Your vote or your money? Now ask a lobbyist that same question. Now ask a campaign manager that question. Now ask Mark Zuckerberg that question which is more valuable your money or your vote or your country or this world or the corruption than is taking over every single county in this nation. And then you look into your own soul and you look back at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are the cancer that is tearing this nation apart. Good day.

Lance: Well, that’s what you call political speech making at its finest. You get a little bit of that,and you get the idea that these people are a little fired up and that’s the kind of fire that holds the feet of accountability to the flame. So, Kari Lake says, the way they run elections in Maricopa County is worse than in a Banana Republic around this world. She said, in an exclusive interview and I’ll tell you what? I believe at the end of the day that this will be turned around. I don’t know what the solution will be but I still believe I will become governor and we’re going to restore honesty to our elections. I like Kari Lake. She’s a believer by the way. She poured her heart and soul into a campaign where she saw the thousands of people that came out. She could not get Katie Hobbs to debate her. She couldn’t face off as what they do. They hide their Federmans and their Bidens and their Katie Hobbs. Then they make up for it with a paper blizzard and an electoral process where they’re in control. They shut the lights out, turn the lights on and say, oop, were so close but maybe next time.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: Not going down and we can’t let it happen in Arizona because I’m telling you. Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia. These are the states that will determine the presidency. And if we don’t have at least honesty in one of them, we’re going to find ourselves putting all this energy into a presidential election, where like Trump said, it’s rigged. And of course, the election deniers, election deniers is what the media kept on saying about all of Trump’s candidates that they’re labeling him as having lost. But I want to talk to you about this. The blame game over the midterms, what actually happens, I’ve got a little article here by Victor Davis Hanson. Victor’s brilliant and he’s a professor out there Stanford and I’m going to I’ll read a little bit of this to you for the you that are podcast, you’ll appreciate this.

Who are what was responsible for the Republican nationwide collapse in the midterms after all pundits, politico and pollsters all predicted a red tsunami. Moreover, the average loss for any president in the first midterm is usually 25 house seats. And so, Hanson saying what with all of the chaos with all the disaster that has been going on in America. How could it be that we just have a razor thin margin showing up in a victory? That’s his question. When Biden’s approval ratings are sinking below 43% in the fashion of Biden on loss. The loss on average should be more than 40 seats. And I’m sure many of you are going what in the world and you want to leap to a quick conclusion. Let me give you some of the options that Hanson lays out as a professor.Barack Obama in 2010 lost 63 seats? Is Biden therefore more charismatic or more energetic or more popular than Obama? Was his agenda more successful? Given such high republican expectations the blame game for the loss is as strident and confusing as the election itself. But Mercedes, we like to simplify the complex and perhaps put a laser like discerning onto what’s really happening. Is that correct?

First, former President Donald Trump is being blamed on various counts. Before the midterms, he did strangely attack Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and he loudly hinted that he was going to run again. Those histrionics supposedly took attention away from the Republican candidates. Trump turned off some DeSantis fans from Trump endorsed candidates and energized Trump hating left wingers to go out and vote to stop the momentum for that Second Trump presidency. That’s one of the narratives that’s out there. Yet the idea that Trump was somehow erratic or reckless. Is it really new? And it didn’t surprise anyone on either side of the political divide. The second theory is that Trump promoted losing candidates. Often on the narrow basis of whether they accepted his charge of a rigged 2020 election. His critics countered that while his MAGAcandidates won primaries in states such as Arizona and Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, they had little chance of ever making it in the big general election. This is what Mitch McConnell is high behind. You didn’t pick the right candidates.

Some important Trump supported candidates actually did win. We should look at that. JD Vance won significantly out in Ohio, though he was outspent two to one. Ted Budd won in North Carolina. At the same time, those that weren’t the Trump enthusiasts, the centrist, the moderates like Joe Oday in Colorado lost. So, there’s the third proposition. Why did Senate minor leader Mitch McConnell in the fossilized Republican hierarchy short candidate Blake Masters in Arizona? Why did they short him? Why didn’t they support him, while pouring money into an internecion fight in Alaska on the side of the less conservative Republican candidate? For those of you that don’t track this, it’s the Murkowski. The loyalist to McConnell as a Republican was running against a MAGA Trump supporting Republican. And for some reason which you can see and understand now, Mitch McConnell took millions of dollars out of what was needed by Blake Masters to win in Arizona or perhaps the Clark County guy that was running in Nevada and decided to park in on Murkowski for just one reason.

He wanted to have a senator who supported him instead of a senator who was supporting Trump.He didn’t care if he lost a senate seat. He wanted to make sure it was going to be led by a seat that was going to vote with him. Makowski’s Mitch McConnell loyalist. So nevertheless,Republican House and Senator Coffers probably gave mega candidates more than Trump did from his $100 million dollar campaign stash. We have let’s see. Item number four, are we not in the midst of the greatest political revolution of our age? Election day voting in most states have been reduced to about 30% of the electorate. What replaced it is an utter mess of early balloting, absentee balloting, mail-in balloting, ranked voting as in Alaska and runoff voting and endless counting.

Folks, this early balloting, absentee balloting, mail-in ballot, all of that means that he who can collect the most paper wins and the Democrats know how to rig the paper machine. The left saw winning advantages with these radical changes. Now many were made under the pretext of the COVID lockdowns. So, they were made then but never unmade because the Democrats liked the advantage, they got with COVID. It’s mastered them to such a degree that most Republicans with small leads at the end of election day now expect to lose over subsequent days and weeks while they torture the process and keep finding ballots.

Yep, the Republicans already got burned in 2020 by those ongoing radical changes. Didn’t they have ample time to avoid the reoccurrence? And this is where I’m upset. This is what I’m saying. I’m saying why is it that McCarthy and McConnell and Rona McDaniel and the entire establishment Republican war chest wasn’t invested in stopping the absentee balloting early balloting mail-in balloting process. Why didn’t they put heat on that? I’ll tell you why. Because they’re all part of the same Uni-Party. And that’s the hard part for you and me. That yeah, it’s Republican versus Democrat but it’s really not. It’s the progressive Democrats are taking over the Democrat Party and the MAGA Republicans are the antidote to the progresses. They have to take over the establishment. You get that?

We have to clean up the Republican Party. Their principles line up with a platform that David Barton and Tony Perkins put together. Two great Christians. But they don’t necessarily act on those priorities once they’re in office. Five, this time the silent and undercounted voters were not disillusioned MAGA supporters who hung up on pollster’s calls. Remember every was thrown off in 2020 because the Trump supporters weren’t talking to the pollsters and telling him what they were doing. They didn’t want to get into the cancel culture. But this time pollsters missed the 70% of those under 30. Along with the high number of single women who voted straight Democratic tickets from top to bottom. This is the aggregate power of the universities as a factory of propagandizing youth and it was Biden’s giving away hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money to buy off the college vote by whether he can get away with it or not. He made the effort, so that they look at him as doing something for them.

Mannered Republicans may have scoffed at how Biden and the left demagogue the abortion issue or slandered Republicans as semi-fascist and un-American insurrectionists. They shrugged at Biden’s hokey efforts at buying off young voters with amnesties for marijuana convictions, student loans are offering slightly cheaper gas by draining down our entire strategic petroleum reserve. But all those low-minded strategies resulted in high left-wing enthusiasm and turnout. I’m giving you guys the forensics.

Mercedes: Can I chime in?

Lance: You certainly made any point.

Mercedes: Okay. So, while you’re talking over here, I went and I was looking up. I was like, well, what are Trump’s endorsements like. So, I don’t understand the whole trying to the lie is in the media right now. Trump’s a loser and people are losing because he’s a loser. America’s done with Trump. That’s the narrative the media’s trying to push and this is the thing I don’t want to miss because this is what Rush Limbaugh always did really well. As he called out the drive-by media for whatever their most recent narrative that everybody’s out there parroting. So, but Lance we got to look at this.

So, Chris we put this on the screen. So, I found the endorsements by Donald Trump from 2018 to 2022. So, in 2020 he made 495 total endorsements. The primary endorsements were 241 with a success rate of 93%. The people he chose had a success rate of 93%. Then move over to the general election endorsements. They were 254 with an 82% success rate. Listed below that in 2021, 2022, 2019, 2018, all of those numbers are worse than what he just did. So, like in 2021 for the general election, there are only 367% success rate in 2020, there are 182. For the general election, 78% success rate and we’ll go back to the next like midterm 1201895 endorsements, 59% success rate. What type of weird constructed media narrative is this, where this is his best average so far? I mean it’s absurd to me.

Lance: So, I want you guys to all catch this, because what Mercedes just pointed out there is irrefutable evidence that Trump was not the weight the albatross hanging around the midterm election neck. He had an 82% success rate.

Mercedes: The success rate out of so far of the like the years that I’ve shown here.

Lance: And I’m saying if you want to throw in there, the shenanigans that caused Warnock to suddenly break up the vote there in Georgia. And you want to add the Clark County, the most corrupt county in Nevada, which is what flipped the senate election there. And the fact that there was no support for Blake Masters by McConnell and that we don’t know what happened in Pennsylvania because there never was a challenge to that.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: I would say that Trump’s rate was actually at a minimum 82% possibly higher.

Mercedes: But even why the heck does somebody losing even reflect on Trump. I never liked Doctor Oz. He used to be on Oprah all the time. He’s a moderate at best and MAGA’s not coming out to vote for Doctor Oz. It’s ridiculous to think that and to your point, a lot of these candidates weren’t even funded because they were MAGA candidates and the establishment, the Ryan, what’s his name? The what’s his name? He’s crawling out of his hole from wherever he came from and now he’s back again.

Lance: Oh, are you you’re talking about Chris Matthews with fire.

Mercedes: No, not Chris Matthews he’s like Ryan he ran for he was like Speaker of the House.

Lance: Paul Ryan

Mercedes: Paul Ryan. Yeah, he’s also out again like the establishment.

Lance: Yeah, Paul Ryan yeah and Boehner the great dynamic duo of compromise with Obama.

Mercedes: Yeah, and we got a problem in our own party.

Lance: We have, and this is the establishment the establishment’s why I’m saying the establishment is happy. They’re happy, because the last thing they wanted to see was 20 MAGAcongressional successes and three or four more were Trump supporters. It would have destabilized their power structure. So, Hanson goes on to say that six usually reliable conservative pollsters forecast a huge Republican victory. Apparently, they had over sampled conservative voters reasoning that the left leaning pollsters usually under sample them, but they were way off. Seven, the left smeared conservatives as democracy destroying violent insurrections. You can’t underestimate the power of inkind contribution. You know what inkind contribution is? It’s when NBC, CBS, ABC, all of the news shows, all the late-night comedians are all doing free propagandizing and politicizing against Trump and his candidates.

So, when Republicans offered non-stop negative appraisals of Biden’s failed policy with commensurate alternative positive agendas the unknowingly fed into the Democrats false narrative that they were just cranking annihilates. Could not Republicans have offered an upbeat and coherent contract with America that offered uplifting concrete solutions to Biden’s messes. This is what Hanson saying. Finally, Democrats are now the party of the rich. The Neo Socialist Democrat Party has more billionaire capitalists coming from Wall Street and backing them up than do the free market Republicans. Used to be that the Republican Party was considered the party of big business.

Now it’s the socialist globalists that are Democrat big party of capitalist billionaires and almost every important senate or gubernatorial race, the democratic candidate was the far better funded of the two. Now we’re finding out about this FX guy. You’re going to talk about later that had the cryptocurrency the Bitcoin scandal. And he was behind Soros as the number two donator. But get this. They’re saying, oh it was to both parties. Well, I don’t doubt that the guy spread a little vigorous over here to a swamp Republican that could help now, but the line share of that support went to the Democrats.

Mercedes: Yeah, worst yet it was for regulatory republicans related to crypto.

Lance: It was regulatory, so he was buying off the regulatory.

Mercedes: Yeah, like they were on one of these house panels that has over.

Lance: Buying off the people that had the oversight of stuff like that he does.

Mercedes: Even worse yet Sandbank man Friedman, they call him SBF his parents both lawyers were also known to be Democrat bundlers. So, they would get different funding together for and then donate so.

Lance: And who’s that though?

Mercedes: His parents.

Lance: Oh, his parents.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: Oh, so he comes from a family of bungalows and bunglers now. In almost every important Senator gubernatorial raced, the Democrat candidate was far better funded Hanson says. In some races such as New Hampshire US Senate Election the Democrat outspent the Republican counterpart 17 to 1. No thanks to McConnell again, came in late helping out the senate candidate who was an election denier, Trump supporter. Has a Party of capitalism forgotten the power and role of money in politics? Why is it once again so easily out funded and outspent and outsmarted? He concludes, all these writs variously explained the otherwise inexplicable dismal Republican performance. Yet, there’s a common denominator for Republicans to all these multi-faceted problems. Either different leaders or different strategies or both are necessary to ensure different results.

What concerns me Mercedes is the fact that we live as now we know in America. You could be living with an accurate, clear-eyed, urgent appraisal like Hitler was to Churchill. Churchill saw the threat but the vast population did not agree with Churchill’s appraisal until it got so obvious that Hitler was a threat that they ended up bringing Churchill in. My problem is, how much worse does a have to get before the American people realize. Now Trump said something rather interesting during his speech running. He said, in his opinion and his press is so prophetic when he says something like this. He said, well, you know what? They’re only beginning to feel the pain right now, but in 2 years you watch by the time the next presidential election rolls around.

Mercedes: Totally.

Lance: The pain will be palpable. They will know the mess they’re in. And by the way America’s a great resilient nation. But it simply cannot handle. It cannot survive

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: Another 6 years of this kind of leadership. It will be reduced to a minor, and listen, there’s as an apocalyptic Christian, my thinking is, alright, the midterms didn’t turn out to be what we wanted. But you know what? Maybe the midterms weren’t focusing on what Godwanted. Maybe the issue for America is going to be its relationship with almighty God. And this may not be a desirable conversation right now but remember when we wrote the book, God‘s Chaos Code. We talked about Poland and how Poland didn’t break the grip of communist socialism until the people publicly got together and saw the attack on their faith and said, we want God. A million at a time when the Pope John Paul went there that they received him,because he was a Polish Pope and he was doing what he could in order to help Margaret Thatcher and Reagan. Deal with the communist regime, because he suffered under communist. We knew the threat.

So, he very boldly went to Poland and the people cried out we want God and that was really the beginning of the break of the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe. And I think that the issue for America isn’t inflation or fentanyl or defunding the police and the rise of crime or the breakthrough corrupt border. Problem we’ve gotten and the millions that are surging across. I don’t think any of those issues is going to be the issue that God is going to endorse. I think Americans and I’m talking to you guys and tell you the truth. I think America’s going to have to have this come to Jesus’ moment because we keep on going the way we are. God himself is being removed as the blessing and the covering over this great prosperous nation.

Mercedes: Yeah, I agree and I think the concept of like corporate discipline is really interesting to me. I don’t know what camera look at. There’s like this camera is so far away now. But the idea of corporate discipline is really interesting to me and it made, as you’re talking, I remember the story that’s it’s in the Old Testament. You can help me out here, but it’s in the Old Testament and the Israelites win a battle and then God is like, okay, you need to go up and walk around this mountain. So, they’re going up the mountain but they’re like murmuring against Moses as that’s happening. And all of the sudden, God‘s like issues corporate discipline and what ends up happening is snakes start coming into the camp and biting people. People start getting sick. People start dying and then eventually, they and they confess to Moses we’ve sinned against you. We’ve sinned against God. Please pray for healing for us. I think that’s the one with the snake on the staff. Yeah. Okay.

Lance: When you look at the serpent.

Mercedes: Yeah, I love that. I love that story. But in my takeaway when I was reading that I was like, how many snake bites did it take until they realized we’re under discipline. Because at first you think oh there’s just a lot of snakes in this area. And then it continues to happen. Was it 40 people? Was it 400 people? At what point did they realize we need to go and confess our sins and repent before the Lord? So, that always stands out to me and I wonder for us as well in America how many snakes, how many economic crashes will it take, how many people need to lose money and food and home before we really realize we have essentially cancelled God out of our culture over the last generation, the last 60 years? God says, no, this is a nation for my inheritance and you will love you will worship me. I think that’s where we’re at right now and I think through this process of corporate discipline, we will come to the Lord again.

That’s why I love what you’re doing with Mario and really what Mario’s doing. Its God is reinserting himself into this nation whether people want that or not, because it’s going to get so bleak that we will turn back to the Lord.

Lance: And what is happening is the states themselves are becoming the land of Goshen land of Egypt scenario. Where people are trying to find out where can go, where there isn’t crime and where the schools are decent and where their kids aren’t going to be propagandas and where they aren’t going to be Drag Queened. That’s why Florida and Governor DeSantis has become so popular. Because there’s a high number of Americans. The problem is half of America it appears has rejected the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. So, they’re changing the guard, which puts us in an interesting position, because now we really have to treat America not as a Christian nation but as a pagan nation that needs to be evangelized. That actually is the reason why we’re doing evangelism, because we believe that there are millions and millions of souls that do not know the gospel and that are politically disengaged and confused. We have to win them and as much as this infuriates my Christian friends, these people have to be educated and civic engagement and how to occupy the authority the founders gave them to determine the rule of government in their life.

Mercedes: Sure.

Lance: Well, you don’t want to miss tomorrow’s Podcast, because we aren’t done yet. We’ve got a lot more to cover.

Closing: Thanks for listening to this Lance Wallnau broadcast. If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure to subscribe and share the episode. See you tomorrow.

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