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Lance Talks To Mario Murillo



We’ve got Mario Murillo with us today, and he’s telling us about his tent meeting revival where 3 thousand people were inside the tent, 1000 outside, and it was only 38 degrees out. Now that is a hunger for the Lord!

We’ve got a great conversation for you today where we discuss Mario’s Colorado Springs crusade, the Billy Graham mantle, God using a strange truth to wake up pastors, the gift of the evangelist, and more!

Don’t forget to check out Mario’s new book at:

Episode Transcript

Lance: Welcome back. Welcome to all of you. It’s going to be a wonderful day today. I tell you what, I’m so excited about today’s broadcast, today’s show. You’re going to want to share this with your friends. Get ready to share it right now because I got Mario Murillo and I’ll be able to grab him while he’s doing his tent meetings revival. Is that, that’s actually a picture. Now, I’m seeing it really clear of what your tent looks like. How many people are like in that photograph behind you right now? 

Mario: Well, we bought that’s tent was new. First time we used it is in that picture. It’s twice the size of our old one and so we ended up thinking we’re going to have a bunch of empty seats. We filled it an hour early. 3,000 inside and then 1000 people are sitting outside. I should probably lean away so you can see it because it’s pretty amazing. Maybe I’ll do that.

Lance: Oh there we go. Yeah, we can see it now. That’s 1000 and that’s much more powerful because those people are not even in the tent. So, that you’ve got a new one coming and so the new one will seat.

Mario: The new one is going to be 40,000 square feet and it will seat 5,122 people. So, that one’s coming and you happen to be at this crusade that was in Hanford and in that picture, it’s 38 degrees outside and those people are sitting in the cold.

Lance: And I can tell they’re sitting in the cold and there’s no heaters outside either. That’s just the hunger for God. That’s the hunger for God. You’re in Colorado. Have you started your Colorado Springs crusade yet or what’s going on?

Mario: Well, it’s begins on July the 10th. We now have Lance 1,500 volunteers. Largest army we’ve ever assembled and their boots on the ground. Many of them are already there. They’re on the streets winning souls and lay hands on the sick and they’re getting healed. And this is the first time that we’ve seen the buzz in the churches. Never seen cooperation between churches like in Colorado Springs. There’s a genuine affection, unity, childlike, innocent excitement about this tent crusade. They really believe it’s theirs. I’m going to be doing the preaching, but this is anevent that has the heart of the people of God in Colorado Springs. I’m humbled greatly by what’s going on and it’s going to be amazing. We expect a massive harvest.

Lance: I want to make sure that people understand the mechanics of these things because you talk with great emphasis on volunteers and how many people are working. And I think it goes right over people’s heads that what you’re really saying is the amount of volunteers that show up to go do the work of evangelism door to door and handing out food and really blessing the community. This is an indication to you of the amount of commitment that is in the church the grassroots towards seeing a breakthrough. So, that’s why when you say 1,000, it’s more than what you’re used to what normally shows up.

Mario: Well, in Hanford we had 1400 before that in the previous 10 crusade was about 800. So,you can see the exponential growth and we’re already preparing for November in Sacramento California, which is going to be an even larger invasion than this one in Colorado Springs. And we’re going to be in a deeply blue state, California on Highway 99 and it’s going to be an amazing event. I think one of the secrets is that we train people. Training reduces fear. People that aren’t normally bold and willing to go on the streets are coming away ecstatic and permanently addicted to soul winning.

So, we’re giving back to the churches after the event is over. Not only the new converts that are coming into the churches and they’re all we’re also sending home soldiers that are going to be an incredible asset to their home church. That’s why pastors have been all across America. Pastors have been in their pulpit saying, sign up for Mario’s Tent Crusade. I want you to go because they’ve seen the results that they come back transformed.

Lance: And so, you’re actually having something unusual. You’re getting people that are flying in. Normally it’s like we’re recruiting locally the churches are locally but you we’re seeing people that are coming in from out of state. Is that correct?

Mario: Yeah and not only that but now that the COVID restriction is lifted, they’re flying in from Australia and they’re coming from Europe and Canada and Mexico to be in Colorado Springs. But there’s another enormous thing that we didn’t even plan this. This is like beyond words. The church of South Korea is commemorating the 1974 Billy Graham Crusade in Seoul,where 77,000 Koreans were converted. And in the closing service say broke 2 million in an airstrip that would listen to Billy Graham. They claim without reservation that that crusade with Graham shifted the nation. So they are coming from South Korea. We have nothing to do with it. It’s not a part of our ministry. The South Koreans are coming all over America. They’re choosing cities to go and intercede in those cities to thank America for sending Billy Graham to South Korea.

So, guess when their time in Colorado Springs is from July 10th through the 13th. The Holy Spirit arranged it that South Korean intercessors are going to be all over the city while the tent crusade is going on. And none of us knew this. We just found out.

Lance: I love it when God said and I don’t hold back saying that I believe that Billy Graham mantle is that you carry an anointing on you similar to that. Because what Billy Graham did was in after 1945, the Second World War. We went right into this potential Cuban missile crisis with Russia and the atomic warfare era. And it was intercession and repentance in America that shifted us out of that. Billy Graham rose up really not preaching a message of John 3:16 he was preaching a message of America’s being weighed in the balance. And if it doesn’t repent is going to go the way of atheism and communism.

Boy, we’re right back at that cycle again right now and that’s why this why that means so much to me. Because you’ve got you are to your toenails. You’re an evangelist a soul winner and signs and wonder soul winner and revivalist. And that’s exactly where that Billy Graham spirit should be going right now.

Mario: I want to speak to that for a second because you prophesied that on me in Washington DC. Michelle and I went to your event in the Trump International Hotel and we were like little puppies sat in every session you did and it was revolutionary and then the Holy Spirit came on you, saying you prophesied that all of this would happen. Now I want to tell you this is the most amazing thing I’ve heard this week. I’m going to tell you right now. We’ve been ordering sound equipment and we ordered a new tent. Both the sound equipment company. One of the largest in the world told us everyone is buying sound equipment right now. And without us asking them or in any way volunteering any information, they said these sound systems are being purchased for tent crusades. People are buying them.

I’ve been getting phone calls from every major evangelist that I know asking us, we want to buy a tent, we’re going to buy a tent, churches they’re all buying tents. So, I went to the tent maker that we use and he said, our orders are So far backed up. We’re not even going to get ours for 6months that the reports of God working when we put it on your show and we put it on flash point and people see the altar calls. It’s caused a general perceivable effect so that sound companies and tent makers are overwhelmed by the orders coming in from churches for outreach. I don’t know how to describe it. And it’s not coming from a Christian angle. It’s coming from a secular,these secular companies.

Lance: Well, it seems as though an awakening is in the midst of us and people are finally realizing and you’re really, your burden for the church. Because a lot of this is because the church isn’t hosting what’s needed. The God is raising up instrumentalities outside of the camp so that we can go bear the reproach of the gospel.

Mario: That’s right. And one of the thing that I’d like to mention is how God has used the strange truth to wake up pastors. I never thought of this and the one day the Lord had me to speak to a large group of ministers over a thousand of them. And I looked at him and I said, the most dangerous thing about you not speaking out against abortion. Destruction of marriage. The hostile takeover by the left of American freedom by opting out of that what you’re not seeing is that your own people suffer persecution at work. Their children suffer in the school with the LGBTQ agenda and they’re under the lash of what’s going on in culture. And when their shepherd is not addressing it or arming them, or appearing to be siding with them against the oppression. The most horrible thing is happening. The congregation says you don’t love us. You don’t care about us.

And when that light went on. Now, I’m getting reports everywhere that pastors who were not speaking out are now speaking out. They’ve realized the folly of their silence. And to me, that is an enormous indication of something.

Lance: It is an enormous an indication of the fact that I think pastors themselves have to be awakened and what are you saying during your pastor’s lunches? I haven’t gone to one yet but now, I’m incredibly curious about what your discourse is when talking to them when they come out.

Mario: Well, what I do is I sit down and I first I empathize with them about the complicated nature of modern ministry. I said, I know what you’re going through. And one thing that’s important is that in our branches for leaders, there’s a tremendous mixture of the business, community, education, law enforcement, politicians, state senators attend them regularly. So, it’s a cross section of people who care about their community. So, I’ll talk about the fact that there needs to be a supernatural demonstration of the power of God of healing signs and wonders. And I tell them I said look it’s being abused. The prophetic is being abused. Healing is being abused. There’s coercive fundraising. There’s furious preaching. It’s all around us.

But the equal damage being done to the Holy Spirit are those central pastors who are notable and respected and lead large congregations who have chosen not to redeem the gifts of the spirit in their proper use. And I use a phrase the purpose of the abuse is to prevent the proper use. I tell them, look, Satan knows what true prophecy would do. It says if one of you prophesy and someone unlearned come in your midst they will fall down on their face and say that God is if the secrets of their heart are revealed and falling on their face, they’ll declare that God is [INAUDIBLE WORD 12:59] truth. It’s as much of a danger in the church, the false prophets as the reaction of the false prophets. The gifts have to be redeemed. Then I harp back to 1907. When the Southern Baptist Church was tempted to erase evangelists because they were all, this incredible abuse was going on in evangelism.

So the Southern Baptist Church unlike another modernist denomination in that time. They said admit that evangelists have been immoral. Admit that they’ve lied and exaggerated and have raised money coercively. And yet I tell you that the gift of the evangelist is legitimate and we in the Southern Baptist Church will redeem it because it’s in the New Testament. Well, that decision to redeem a gift instead of opposing it instead of being a heresy hunter of watching the abuse and the exaggerations and saying, you know what? We’re going to press in and fight to find the real expression of healing and prophecy in the body of Christ. Let’s do it validly by the power and wisdom of God.

So, I appeal to them and I beg them and I said, look, let’s redeem this because it’s like the old bumper sticker. That says, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns and when gifts of the spirit are outlawed, only outlaws will operate in the gifts of the spirit. So the finally the Southern Baptist 907 said, we’re going to redeem the gift. 40 years later virtually to the day, Godrewarded them with Billy Graham. Because they chose to legitimize the gift. Endorse the gift and stay with it. We need tongues even in Sunday morning services. We need the prophetic. We need the nine gifts of the spirit of discerning casting out devils. But what we need is for those that have practiced it imbalanced to be corrected, but we need the leaders that are legitimate and respected to say you know what, get in your pulpit and say you know what in this church we’re going to have the moving of the spirit. And we’re going to determine to obey God and follow the scriptural teaching.

Lance: I love what you’re saying and what’s coming up for me Mario is that the evangelist is really being reactivated right now in the body of Christ. And for the longest time in the charismatic movement while we’re in a period of relative peace mega churches were the growth mechanisms. And you have a lot of prophets in the charismatic movement doing their thing. Apostles probably were hiding out building big church networks, but the evangelist kind of was struggling and something strange happened. The prophet actually ended up having a misfire also.Because they ended up becoming the almost like the entertainment section where they would be calling people out and speaking to personal destiny.

Personal destiny became the signature what the prophet would be doing prophesying which is legitimate. But it moved into a kind of a weird territory. Let me know what you think about this.I say that the prophet gift, when I look at the Bible I see the prophet speaking to the destiny of nations more than I see them to hovering over the destiny of individuals. They could speak about an individual but their primary function was to prophesy direction over nations. I’d say that America’s greatest need right now is it needs a prophetic word from God as to who are you because the debate we’re having is what kind of nation we’re going to be.

Now, we really do need prophets to rise up and declare thus saith the Lord. This is who I’ve called you to be, because that’s the battle we’re in right now. The identity of the United States. What kind of a country is it? And if it’s going to be like Elijah to use your point. If it’s hopping between 2 opinions. Let this be the Mount Carmel moment when we put to the test exactly everything that Baal prophets have been teaching and proselytizing. Because the fruit of it is right now everywhere from your gas pump to your children in rebellion, to our border’sinsecurity, to crime in your city. We’re seeing now the fruit of the proposition. Now is the time that the prophets really need to call forth a confrontation and the evangelist need to call forth a decision. And I think you’re seeing that in your meetings.

Mario: Yeah, what I love about what you’ve said is that if Elijah had been obsessed with giving people a constant string of individual sessions of personal destiny, he never would have ended up on the mountain destroying Baal worship in Israel and you’re not a prophet if you’re not willing to rebuke the king. That’s what prophets do and that’s what is meaningful. I think that there is a titillating kind of almost dangerous trend that we need to observe and it isn’t necessarily the minister’s fault. It’s the contaminated crowd as I call it. There’re the aberrant appetites of Christians right now that need to get right. And Paul warned Timothy about it in second Timothy 4. Where he said, the day will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. But according to lust will heap to themselves teachers. And a word about apostles because I really feel that something needs to be said about apostles.

When I see a man with 50 people in his church and he calls himself an apostle, I get very compassionate for him because there’ some, there’s a disconnect. Apostles can speak to the church and bring balance. Paul could write a letter to Corinth and say quit doing this. He could write a letter to emphasis and say emphasize this and don’t get off in this. So, they were like a general that could speak common sense to the common movement. And that’s what we need more of in the body of Christ today. We need voices that can bravely say you know what? I’m going to put my own reputation on the line for the greater good of truth being spoken to the body of Christ, so that she will be again. I think we’re going to see that.

Lance: I think we are too and I think that part of the adolescence that is the [19:47] [Inaudible]syndrome is, it produces a demand for novelty among teachers so that they have to go into greater esoteric and exotic revelations. It produces an adolescence in the predictive aspect of the prophet where what people really want to know is what are people saying is going to happen like it’s a perpetual Nostradamus pes dispenser with the latest prediction. Which cheapens really the gift of foreknowing in the first place. Because once again the Lord is speaking to the destiny of nations. I think sometimes we miss I always said that I find as Saul’s niche, I used to call him secular prophets.

Rush Limbaugh was more accurate about predicting what would happen in politics than a lot of preachers, because God gave him that gift. And as he gave his life to God, he was prophesying and people didn’t even realize it. And speaking to the movement and we got to pray for these movement leaders because Mario the evangelists are coming forward and I want to make sure that they’re lighting their torch off of what you’re pioneering, because I think you’ve got a great sense of balance. Tell us about your book. I really want to get to your book and we’ve only got a couple of minutes left, but it’s powerful. Talk to the people about this.

Mario: Well, the most powerful thing about it is that Lance Wallnau wrote the forward and he done Do that. And when he saw the manuscript it’s called Do Not Leave Quietly. It’s very specific about everyone has a role in pushing back the evil. And in it, I talk about why silence is growing like a cancer. And how we fight it. We destroy it. How we can be equipped. I’ve got a chapter called 50-million Hand Grenades. You need to see what that’s about. Then there’s another one The Educated Bullet, which talks about how God can take an ordinary person and turn him into a lethal effect on evil. Whether it’s a housewife stay at home mother or bank president or a politician. There’s something for everyone in this current unfolding drama where God is doing a miracle in America. The book is called Do Not Leave Quietly.

Lance: And the quote and the origin of that title is related to something and what is that from?

Mario: In Acts 16, Paul the apostles saw the miracle of the earthquake that broke the Philippian jail. The church at Philippi was under house arrest. They were hiding and Paul could’ve left and said in this next visit, God, I was in prison, I was beaten, and I was delivered by an earthquake.But as they told him to leave, something hit him. I’m not supposed to leave quietly.’ And that’s when he brought up the issue of his Roman citizenship. Their illegal incarceration, their physical abuse beating him a Roman citizen and he enforced it and said, I’m not leaving quietly I’m going to stay here. The future of the church of Philippi hung on his decision to do that, and it is a remarkable story. I take it and I apply it to our times right now.

Lance: Absolutely and it’d be an interesting study Paul because a lot of Paul’s mess his mission was. The Lord said to him that he was going to preaching the gospel. What was it to the Gentiles, to Israel, the children of Israel, and to kings? The kings were an actual category of Paul’s mission. Gentiles and Jews and kings. We should really be thinking about what is the apostolic word to political rulers right now. Because that was one third of Paul’s commission was make sure you’re addressing the conscience of kings, because there’s more involved in this than just getting saved.

It’s you getting saved and then how to govern in the fear of God and I think this is the next level for the church is that we need nations that protect our right to life. Our right to spiritual life. And but we’re seeing changes right now Mario. We’re actually looking at the courts have made making decisions. The atmosphere is beginning to shift. The wheels are coming off of the chariots they’re grinding in the sand. They’re still howling. I don’t know if you caught the latest January 6 episode. I just did a broadcast last night. I mean it was so entertaining. I was actually entertaining myself, the latest is they got second hand stories that Donald Trump on January 6thfrom behind the front seat reached around to grab the wheel. And then grab the clavicle of the secret service agent and forcing him to drive to the insurrection, so that he could help lead it from the back seat.

This is what they’re breaking news is on January 6th. The absurdity of which is so palpable that it actually is comically desperate. And the way that they’re dealing with it is look at the Twitter feed of all these high level people who want to believe the lie and say, this is the final straw.Who are actually believing Donald Trump in the back seat at 74 was taking over with like a volcan ninja move, a secret service agent. Until they asked the secret service agent, since this is second hand news. What do you have to say, and he said, no, that’s not what happened at all it’s a total fallacy. This shows the mindset of what we’re up against which tells you, I think like the Bible says the Philistines their defenses have departed from them. I think now we need to just move forward like Patton all the way.

Mario: Yep. What I want to add to that is that we don’t have any video of him lunging but we do have a video of Nancy Pelosi Elbowing a little girl and that’s confirmed. So I think they’re going for the lunge to distract us from the elbow.

Lance: From the elbow.

Mario: Yep. And I just want to mention one thing about the book is this my little appeal. Don’t get your book on Amazon. Go to and I’ll sign it for you.

Lance: Oh wonderful.

Mario: How’s that for a gimmick?

Lance: Let Do it. I know. I love it. It’s a transparently honest one. Do not leave quietly. Go to Is that correct .org?

Mario: Correct.

Lance: And they can sign up for your blog there. Because I find your blog to be that’s where every spiritual bullet that impacted me before I called and you to come to Trump Hotel to speak. It was the blog. It literally carries your anointing. You have a gift for as in preaching and in writing but I think the writing is actually at a level that’s why I love your book. So, everybody go get it. Do not leave quietly and sign up for Mario’s blog. What’s your readership now? How many people are reading your blog?

Mario: Well, we broke 18 million lifetime views, and we have several thousand that come to it every day and I’m amazed. And especially pastors. They’re the ones that reading it. I don’t care if they give me credit for what they preach the next Sunday as long as the information is getting out. And we will remain cutting edge. We’re not going to be afraid to tackle the controversial subjects. We will be hitting them head on. And thank you so much for the endorsement. I appreciate it.

Lance: Yeah, well man I believe in you. And for those of you that got to see this before we get to Atlanta, we’re going to be looking forward to seeing folks in Atlanta on Friday. It’s going to be super and supernatural. Thank you once again, Mario Morello. Appreciate your time.

Closing: If you enjoyed today’s episode, please consider supporting the show by purchasing a copy of Mario’s new book. Do not leave quietly from

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