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Trump’s Secret Blueprint To Break The Dem’s Leviathan Hold



There is a chapter in Nehemiah that explains this peculiar moment in America. It was when the struggling Jews hit the mid point in restoring their nations walls and gates and the enemy saw their progress and went crazy. On Sunday we’ll be 100 days till midterms. The American Firewall will be half way built. We’re gonna stop this fire and meet it with fire from God.

Let’s talk about that. But first, what’s happening around the world right now is amazing. Satan’s agenda is being pushed back and the timing of events is thrown off. The Great Reset is sucking wind in Europe. Roe v. Wade was a moment that symbolizes the shift in momentum. The change is not just here, it’s global.

Democracies are shaking as Sri Lanka, Italy, U.K. Netherlands, France, Germany all feel the impact as the people rise against the ruler elites.

100 days from this Sunday the Democrat apparatus will be shattered in midterms. The thing they fear and talk about already is that Trump is heading back with a blueprint (called a Schedule F) to break their Leviathan grip on America through big government labrynth of three letter agencies CDC, NHS, DHS,DOJ, FBI, etc. – all of them see what’s coming.

Remember who now holds power in office and media. They are the party that boasted in Time Magazine that they had to call off 200 groups of anarchists ready to burn down American streets if Trump got near to an election night victory. They are the party that is trying to put Steve Bannon in prison.

This is no time to be punching the air. We need to hit the target.

With so much at stake this is the moment in my lifetime when the church needs to see and agree on the threat and move AS ONE.

The good news is that God is showing us how to advance.

Episode Transcript

Lance: Well hello friends. Good to see you all out there. Have you been checking out what’s going on globally? Because I’ve been a little bit on vacation for a couple of days, which really for me just gives me a chance to dig down on some international news and stuff. But the main thing that I think has been missing in a lot of what I’m hearing Christians talk about. Is the fact that there seems to be a God global reset. That is missing with the whole one agenda. The Davos,World Economic Forum, cats that are behind the Zalinski Ukraine war with Russia, and then found that in a strange way Russia ended up putting a nail in the tire of their whole agenda. 

I mean they’re ready if they had gotten the authorization without our interference. They were ready for the WHO to become the World Health Organization ready to lock down and control America and all sovereign nations with Monkey Pox or whatever else next obsession is. That has to control quarantine, social distancing, shutting down stuff. But that whole grab for power that was originally driven by the climate issue then was given COVID as a gift and they can’t wait to exercise any kind of control whatsoever to produce this ability to manage the masses. But the pushback is global populism and I think it’s a spiritual phenomenon. What’s happening in Sri Lanka is they did what the World Economic Forum told them to do.

Remember the WEF, the new monetary powers that control businesses. They have a new thing which is their wokescore. If you’re not meeting their ESG score, their score for what they think is an environmental and social policy and governance policy of inclusion. which of course means that everybody that the left says has to be represented on the board has to be on your board. So,they Sri Lanka got like a 95% ESG score rating on their environmental or ESG. The problem is they went like bankrupt and they ended up producing a famine. Their policies are disastrous because they don’t work. So, you have their president’s, presidential palace gets rated. That’s the story that the news isn’t telling you. It’s the backlash of the populist against the elites in Italy right now. Now that they’re experiencing 150,00 debts to GDP. Now maybe don’t not get that number but it means that they’re 150% more in debt than for every dollar they make. They’re a hundred 50 percent in debt to obligations.

So, now their economies in free fall. And a lot of it is because of their ESG compliance. They’re going with the woke agenda and then of course you got the war with Ukraine which has disrupted the economic supply. Because these nuts didn’t stop and think that you can go ahead and cancel culture. Go ahead and cancel Russia. McDonald’s did and Pepsi did. The United States did and all of Europe it. So what did Russia do? Russia said fine. You’re going to cancel the rubble. How about this? You want gas? I mean you think about this. Don’t you think you should calculate this in advance before you go to war with somebody? Are you need their gas? Go to war with the gas station and then they cut off your gas. So that’s part of the problem.

Hi honey. I was just doing a little broadcast here. Annabelle’s coming in. How do you get out of my system? I haven’t said anything in a couple of days. So, now what’s happening is Russia makes them have to pay in Rubbles. So Russia, the thing we never wanted to do was drive Russia and China together. The Biden regime has done exactly that stupid thing. They put Russia and China together saying why should we all be bullied by the United States? Why should their economic policies control all of us? We should decouple from the dollar. We should really create competing world systems of governance and currency.

See the American system’s, the only one that can go to a basement and print money. Which is why we have soaring inflation. Which is why we’re in danger of becoming like Argentina or Venezuela. Because those dollars after a while you can’t eat them. What are you going to use? Burn for heat in the winter. So, we’re in danger of losing that that global dollar status, but it’s so bad that I know that many of you think that it’s on purpose. I just think it is, it’s demonically on purpose like hell has an agenda and it and it has all these empty heads and empty suits willing to execute it that’s the problem. I think these people actually think they know what they’re doing. I think they pat themselves in the back for this.

So anyway, in Britain the of this populous backlash. Like in Italy, they just got rid of their prime minister and they’re having an upheaval on the streets. It’s the people against the elites. Here’s the thing I want you to catch because it’s coming to America and it’s going to be a backlash in 100 days against the democratic regime. But not only them but I’m going to talk in a minute about Trump’s plan. He’s going to disembowel what we call deep state is in actuality, the whole network of like 3 agencies that are controlled by Democrats in the DC area where the 5 wealthiest counties in the United States and in the world all live. Because they feed like pigs at the trough of all their inside deals and their money making their trillions of dollars of elite transactions.

So, they’re going to, what’s happening now is the populist movement as I said hit Italy, it’s Sri Lanka and it’s a form of populism. Because it’s the people backlash against the elites and their policies. Putin now is he’s not weaker. Victor Orban just came to Dallas for CPAC this week. And he delivered a message. He said the sanctions thing has failed. You guys want to keep on digging a hole with Putin. It’s not going to work. You got to find a solution that’s an alternative to trying to back Zalinski, because it’s not working.

Now what we’ve got is we’ve got the ten toes of the Book of Revelation. These ten competing systems as America goes down in global power. What you’re seeing is the fault line and fractures of other systems rising up that are competing systems that will compete with the United States. That’s the inevitable Daniel version of this. But how far we go and how fast we go and how quickly we decline is really I think still up in the air. Because it looks as though God has held back the madness of the devil on destroying the United States by doing something which I don’t think any of the prophets who prophesied, Trump’s return to office comprehended. And that is that, yes the election is arguably not one by Biden legitimately even though it gets me cancelled all over the social media. I’m just going to put it out there.

The 2000 Mules documentary by DeSousa, gives an open minded and objective person an understanding of how just the ballots alone could be playing into that. Without going to the machine aspect. But what is happening now that’s interesting is that the Democrats are recognizing that with Biden’s approval rating like what is in the tank so badly, that he’s lost 50% of his Hispanic support. That they’re expecting that in 100 days from Sunday. They’re going to experience a major wave of opposition, but you see it’s already in the globe. I just want you to see the trend.

Before I go to Biden, let me go back to Brexit. They’re replacing the Prime Minister there Boris Johnson. But Boris Johnson himself is being forced out because of the disaster of his own elitist ties and that don’t work for the British people. He’s supposed to be doing Brexit. He’s not doing it. The two people they’ve got replacing him are up to compete for becoming the new prime minister and take over that that position in a couple of months. But they’re both World Economic Form. Get this the World Economic Forum is like the end time beast system. This is where our American Globalist elites aren’t loyal to the United States. They’re loyal to their own management of the world order, their own empires, and their own spheres of influence. But God himself has put, is disturbing their agenda. That’s the part that I want you to catch.

So yeah, Boris Johnson another backlash from the people against the incompetence of the elites. Italy the same thing. In Germany they’re having a major crisis because they’re dependent on the gas that comes from Ukraine. And they decided to go to war. I’m sorry depend on the gas that comes from Russia. They decided to go to war on behalf of Ukraine against Russia. And now they realize that they’re going to have two decades of economic destruction if they continue that policy. They didn’t think this thing through. This is kind of an interesting observation to me that these intellectual leads that think that they’re smarter than you. They’re going to control the whole climate of the whole world, but they can’t control their own economy or stay in power. I should tell you something about the pride of man.

So, what you see going on in Germany is an upheaval. Italy is the upheaval. In the Netherlands, the cats from the Hague and from Brussels and their own government in the Netherlands decided that they’re going to make an example of economic purity, again using environmentalism as the issue. They’re going to attack the farmers. Their real goal is to create some kind of a weird new city that is going to be the capital of Europe. Kind of like the beast capital for the future. Combining Brussels in Belgium and Germany in a kind of like an overlapping sphere of territory and to do that they got to move the farmers out. They don’t care about the farmers, because the farmers have cows and the farmers by the way are the backbone of the middle class.

So, for some weird reason they’ve decided to target the Netherland Dutch farmers not the German farmers. Over nitrogen issues and I guess nitrous oxide or some kind of a toxin that’s coming from the fertilizer. At a time when you’re potentially dealing with the famine to try to deal with getting rid of the fertilizer, makes you think these guys are almost anarchist by design.But they really aren’t. They’re just out of touch elites that want to impose their radical environmental agenda on the world and they think that it’ll all work out. You can call a man or woman. I guess you can call a recession what they’re now calling Jenny Yellen is now calling a transition, not a recession or a transition but a transition. Then they just rename stuff that they don’t. Like it’s going to go away and change the nature reality but it isn’t.

The farmers are in full upscale revolt and the people are being affected by that. So, the Netherlands again is another populous backlash. Back to the United States. The nature of this this one is they’re so freaked out now because you’re going to hear more about this. And this is the stuff that is real news. Not the other stuff you listen to but that that we all get excited by. The real news is that that Trump has a thing called that that’s gotten out there now that is called the Schedule F. They’re already obsessed with what happens if Trump gets back in power. Because Trump has the ability now with the court that he’s got with Gorsuch particularly, to be able to go after the abusive expansion of the administrative State. Which is what we would call the Deep State.

But in reality what it is 3 million employees that are 95% progressive Democrat and Republican Rhino entrenched, feeding that 5 wealthiest county trough that they’re all got their noses in.These are unelected bureaucrats, which means that they outlast anyone. How dare Trump come in and try to interrupt the men’s club, when they have their set up with their controlled opposition with the Republicans, the McCains, and the McConnell’s and those and the Romneys who make believe that their opposition, when in fact they’re all part of the same club. Trump came in and interrupted it. He was a populist. And whether you like him or not he was God’s choice to be a wrecking ball to that system. Well, Trump has analyzed what he was up against. Whether his multiple impeachments and he says it’s the intelligence agencies.

Man this guy I can’t believe he’s going at him again. He’s out saying it. It’s the CIA, the FBI. It’s the NHS. It’s their screwball bureaucracy that is the deep state which leaves the borders open which lets the fentanyl come in. That let the terrorists get through the borders that lets the crime surge in the cities. He says, it’s the three million unelected bureaucrats that are permanently in Washington DC in that area. And in your government EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)and the Fed and the IRS. And he’s basically saying those three letter agencies have become an entrenched bureaucracy. They’re like professors. Once they got tenured, you can’t fire them.Even if they go full tilt communists who preach garbage to your kids, they’re going to stay in forever, because they had tenure.

Well, these are tenured bureaucrats in Washington. I’m telling you once you get ready for this. Remember the Time Magazine article from that lady who was celebrating the fact that they had this great conspiracy to keep Trump from getting elected the social media companies’, tech companies, from Bell etcetera. And they had 200 ground troop areas where they were ready for riots on the street if Trump actually got in office. They were prepared. And they called them off. She was sitting there popping the champagne court explaining in an article how they called them off because they wouldn’t be necessary because Trump was going to absolutely not take the election. But they got them. You’re going to see anarchy unleashed like you’ve never seen.

If the midterms go without interference in terms of legitimate election. It’s going to be in 100 days from Sunday. The deconstruction of the administrative state. They fear it. They fear it. Because the populist movement has risen up. And now they’re trying to shut down the precinct strategy. I you can’t believe it. I can’t believe this. Steve Wynn, Bill Barr, Carl Rove. They’re trying to raise $20 million dollar. You got $20 million dollars. They’re trying to raise a movement to stop you from being able to get involved with the precincts to make sure the elections have run right. But you’re going to go for the county supervisor, the school boards, the precincts, and there’s going to be a shattering of the grooming party. It’s coming in 100 days from Sunday as things move on. But there’s going to be a tremendous backlash.

I believe biblically that it’s all written right here and you could see it for yourself. If you want to read what’s going to happen and what’s happening right now go to Nehemiah chapter 4. The Wall Defended Against Enemies and while they were rebuilding the wall, the sand ballot was furious and very indignant and mocked the Jews. And when did this happen? Now it happened. We built the wall. We joined together up to half the height only halfway. That’s midterm. Halfway. For the people had a mind to work. And it happened when Sand Ballot and Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashedites heard the walls of Jerusalem being restored. And the gaps were beginning to be closed that they became very angry and they conspired together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion.

Get ready for conspiracies of angry activists attacking every gap they can find to generate confusion nationally. But we made our prayer to our God and because of them we set a watch against them day and night. And then this is the beauty of this. The parallel is right here in Nehemiah chapter 4. And I set the people according to their families. The main issue was going to be the families. That’s where the battle’s coming down to now. Fight for your sons, your brother and your daughters. Your wives and your houses. And when our enemy heard it was known to us that God had brought their plot to nothing. All of us returned to the work.

So what I want you to see here is and this is where the work is great and extensive and we are separated far from one another. We got a lot of people saying a lot of different things. And back to the prophetic confusion. The prophets I think I’m sympathetic with the prophets which is why I never name names or talk about them because I defend them in that I am pro Trump. And I’ve always been pro Trump. I was the early pro Trump. It was me; Kat Kerr and I think Jeremiah Johnson were the only three I could find in the landscape early on. Who saw that Trump was Cyrus.

I think Jeremiah Johnson and I were the Cyrus guys. And we saw that there was something happening in America which would be the recovery from a period of Babylonian occupation in culture and that God was going to raise up a pushback against what the devil was doing. I think that if America goes down now, the whole world goes under the orbit of the Communist Party of China. We already see how the intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice arrest Steve Bannon, arrest Mike Flynn. It’s got people from January 6th that had no guns in the Capitol, but they’re all locked up still to this day and being tortured with a couple of hours of daylight. It’s a demonic system, we’re fighting. And given the opportunity they’ll come for you just like Gavin Newsom threatened to lock Cheon up in prison for having church services and finding people $1,000 a day.

That’s Gavin Newsom, blabbermouth cutie boy who’s out there doing his run for president right now. Talking about the about love and freedom. Well, he was going to lock up Christians and find pastors and lock them up so much for him, hypocrite and antichrist that he is. And speaking kindly. So, what the prophets I think missed was that God looked at the condition in America. And you know the thinking was well God’s got to fix this election because it’s stolen. Well. okay. Maybe not. God doesn’t have to do anything you want him to do. Here’s what I think God decided to do. What’s he going to do? He’s going to try to push Trump back in and have him circled. And then have the critics, the church critics especially sit there and mock him because he’s so divisive.

And now I think God said, you know what? Let’s just remove him from the picture. I’m going to show America the fruit and the root. Here’s your race teaching. Here’s your transgender ideology. Here’s your economics. Here’s your socialism at work. Here’s your defund the police at work. And he’s giving America the prodigal son journey to the pig’s thigh. And it’s when the prodigal son came to himself that he said, oh my God, what am I doing? I think God has to strike the root of this problem in America to get to the fruit and the fruit now is in everyone’s mouth. And it’s going to get worse. Its gonna get worse economically. And America cannot undo its loss globally.

Can’t go back and undo its embarrassment in Afghanistan and the loss of that territory and the loss of the Bagram Air Force Base billion-dollar base given over to China. We can’t undo the fact that we screwed up the global economy, but we can watch God go to work to restore America and to perhaps give us an extension of influence globally in this populous movement. So, that we can strengthen the church to resist this elite gain that’s being played from the Chinese Communist Party to the nationalist empire ambitions of Putin, who’s now with Iran and Turkey.Oh Magog of all Bible prophecies getting set up there. But God is controlling the clock and he’s arresting the power of the devil. He’s putting them on a leash if you will and he’s allowing us to go forth in labor.

Even though we’re seeing our people arrested in deep platform. I got two strikes on me already taking 200,000 people away from me on YouTube for something I didn’t even say. It was a Rick Joyner interview, something Rick said but they’re going to try to take me down for it. They’ve done it to my taxes. They’ve done it to other guys. I understand that. That’s the price we pay. They come after you economically. They come after you in psychologically. They come to be with activists and with violence. But that’s Nehemiah. That’s where we’re at. But what I want you to see is they’re freaking out now over Trump’s actual plan. The Schedule F plan which is to fire about 30, 000 deep state employees in Washington who are an impediment to his agenda while he depopulates the Brennan’s and Clappers and commies at the top of the corrupted intelligence apparatus. He’s going after that national security apparatus that spied on him and spies on you. He’s coming for vengeance. I pray to God the church is in goofy and misunderstands the populous moment we’re in and the patriotism it requires. Let’s hear what Jonathan Swan says about this very schedule.

Jonathan Susswan Voice: 2020, and when you put out some anodyne sounding border court schedule F amid the craziest election in American history, you could be forgiven for not paying attention to it. But it’s actually profound what it does. It allows cabinet agencies to reclassify tens of thousands of career civil servants who have currently under law have for decades, very strong employment protections. Because the idea is that these careercivil servants non-partisan continue from one administration to the next regardless of the party of the president in power. Trump wants to fire tens of thousands potentially. At least thousands of these people that he calls pejoratively the Deep State.

Lance: Look at his goofy face.

Jonathan Susswan Voice: And what order allows him to do is to reclassify them as a new employment category called left. They immediately lose almost all of their employment protections and can be easily fired and replaced. So that’s happening there. As you can imagine there’ll be legal challenges to this, but I’ll tell you Trump’s advisers like their chances in a court system now dominated by conservatives at the highest level. And because of that there are some Democrats who’ve been following this issue very carefully and who are quite alarmed about it and have been trying to take steps to prevent a future president from doing this. So, Gerald Connolly

Lance: You catch that? So, what I’m saying is this the stories that people are missing. These are the biggest stories going on right now. Roe V Wade is what the evangelicals are all excited about. And I understand why. Because of life. But the strategic victory wasn’t that. That was the spiritual victory. That could be removing a curse upon the country. Important in terms of the battle for the future of America and for the unborn. But the real significant victory is that Gorsuch got into office and that he himself Had a decision that was made that struck down I think it was the Environmental Protection Service the (EPA). And the Environmental Agency was a decision was made that there’s overreach in these three letter agencies that they become their own legislators. They become their own justice departments. They become their own prosecutors with fines that they wreck on you for business. And when American small businesses are being killed and the environmentalists are just are taking over just like the WHO using an environmental issues as being a reason to take over your State and your employment and your government.

Gorshuch said, no. He wrote his thesis on this, that the system America set up does not give that power to three letter agencies not even the intelligence services. These laws come through congress. If congress votes on it, then the people voted on it and the people’s elected representatives are represented in these three letter agencies. But the three letter agencies and these are the agencies that are the inside inter, what do they call them? The interagency processes is how they strange. That’s how the swamp and Leviathan works. These guys are there forever. The 98% Democrats. They all vote for their own will. Their own money and those that aren’t Democrats are Rhino Republicans. So, they all feeded the same trough in the five counties surrounding DC and the populist movement is bashing it.

And I believe what they’re afraid of is that Trump is going to fire their butts when he gets in. And they’re right now repopulating. They’re determining who they’re going to be putting into office. Who they’re going to be taking the probably like 30,000? There’s like 3 million of them. 3 million of these employees. But Trump’s going to basically got 300,00 of them. That’s it. Let me hear what Bannon has to say.

Bannon Voice: Trump’s revenge or anything like that. Put aside the war policy. You must put aside the drama and the conflict. And by the way there’ll be a huge drama that the administrative state is going to fight this every day like Stalin Grant. Okay? Not one step back. That’s okay. I admire that. You’ve got an apparatus, a non-democratic apparatus that’s impervious to elections or it’s used to be impervious to elections with controlled opposition Republicans, because they wouldn’t take it on. They would just add to it and build it. They would not confront it. And this is not marginally cutting out a program too. This is not about that. This is about going to the heart of it. The heart of the beast. It’s not the swamp. It’s not the deep state. It is that you saw it in the first impeachment. What was the fetish? The interagency process. It’s like a Sacramento. It’s like holy it’s like mass is to the Catholics. The interagency process. How the administrative state has to work.

And John Susswan ends on, it sounds like Darren Beatty at the end. That the lead thing will be because Cash Patel and others had a lot to do this. The take on, this is how you take on the National Security apparatus. And Civil Libertarian Democrats, because remember the last time he went through this was after the assassinations in the Vietnam War and the protest and all of it.You had the church commission, you had that that this how you got the super eight all that.Because of the CIA, guess what? Being out of control. CIA did some good things but they were also out of control particularly in domestic politics. The FBI had did some great things as a kid raising or the FBI was everything, but they were also out of control.

They are 10X, now what they are. We don’t have the New York Times or the Washington Post are those liberal at the time because they were First Amendment they were strong in the First Amendment. Now they’re part of the department, they’re the propaganda department. We got a lot of economics to get through today. We got Tina Peters got all that the Republicans, Carl Rowe, Steve Wins, Steve Wynn, the agent for the Chinese Communist Party. Not me saying that DOJ saying that. In the filing’s agent for the Chinese Communist Party. They’re starting a now voter integrity. The Republicans starting a voting integrity. They’re going to raise $20 million dollars. That is all to make sure that the Trump apparatus, the mega apparatus does not take charge of the election apparatus. It’s not going to work because they don’t have volunteers

Lance: You understand what he’s saying? He’s saying that, even the Republican Party is to kill Trump’s ability to gut their system. And they’re trying to keep you from the voter integrity. They’re going to create their own voter integrity thing. Because they don’t want you pouring over the precincts. Looking over their shoulders and seeing what kind of backroom deals are being done. Telling you man this is Nehemiah. People will say Nancy get back to the Bible. This is the Bible. You’re in the spiritual warfare zone and this is the spiritual Warroom. Okay? And the thing Bannon can do, we can do. We could pray. We got to be in though. We can’t be off chasing obsessions about, well this prophet said this. This prophet said, it’s so adolescent.

We got some of our best brains chasing down erroneous prophecies in their free time. Because they’re obsessed with the fact that they can’t control the prophetic eccentricities of charismatic prophets. Here’s the real war. It’s coming for you. It’s coming for your children. It’s coming for the economy. And there’s a beast system out there in the United States is the only thing that can hold it back. The United States of America is the only possible restraining and we’ve done a cramp job of that of managing that. The LGBTQ agenda has taken over the culture. Your BLM critical race theory has taken over the culture and the preachers are the biggest cowards and compromisers and they’re like the Rhino Republicans. Because they have 10 reasons from Sunday why they’re not going to get involved with it and why guys like me are off my rocker. Well, I’m not off my rocker. I know you know I’m not off my rocker, because you and I are the Warroom possie.

We’re the people the Flashpoint Army, call it what you will. We’re the ones that are the Grassroots Army and they know it. That’s why they’re coming after the evangelical’s heart.Because that 40% of that Trump base is the Charlie Kirks and the Clarence Thomas and the Bannon’s and the and the Jack Basobics and the Dinesh DeSousa’s. Guess what? We’re all brothers. You understand that? There’s a spiritual war going on in the world right now and I believe God’s doing a great reset is resetting the reset the cloud swab. Ezekiel is trying to pull off. And he’s going to fail. And God’s going to give us the gift of time. Persecution coming? Yes. But I’m not ready to cash in on the vision that Jesus had of, go make disciples of nations just because the news cycle looks depressing.

We haven’t done a great job but we’re getting back on our feet. You want to read Nehemiah chapter well I’m telling you chapter 4 and 5. Because we’re right there in the restoration process after Cyrus came in. Now we’re on the wall and the gates and getting the house of God back in action. And for those of you that keep asking that, what about the economics. Well, it’s going to get worse. It’s got to get worse. That’s why I’m telling you. Go to Read the 21-page report on how even with a couple of dollars. You start putting your money into commodities and then start studying a little bit about real estate and land. I know there’s a bubble in the housing market, but there’s going to be always places that are going to go up. For some reason Waterfront property always goes up. You ever notice that?

So there’s places in the country that still make sense in terms of land, but you got to get yourself a little bit educated. Not a lot. But we’re going to be doing some specials in the coming weeks on how to prepare yourself because the end isn’t hitting overnight. But we’re watching that descent happening because of the, because these idiots, I’m sorry they’re just, when you walk without God you do stupid things. And I promise you when they come back for this resets, when the Congress comes back. They’re going to do is come with another stimulus package which is going to throw more paper on the fire with currency. So you got to know what to do to prepare your house, your neighborhood, your community, your family for the days that are ahead. We’re working together as a community to get that information out, because we’re going to go through this together.

Would you please like and share this with other people? I’m going to go join my wife now on my vacation and I got this out of my system. You see I would do this even on vacations. I love doing this. But pray for us. Pray for us, because we’re deciding like Mario. We’re talking about an event. I think we’re looking at Pennsylvania. Everybody’s asking about it. We’re talking about it has to be October. I would like to get it in before midterms. And we’re looking at a whole new philosophy of how to do this thing. He struggled with evangelism. Work with the churches. I’m big like, the Clay Clark type thing with the populist movement.

I’m talking to Mike Lindell and General Flynn and the Trumps and various others about how this populist movement can better merge. This will make, let’s make all my religious friends nervous. Merge with the evangelical awakening. Because the great awakening and the great restoration of America is the Nehemiah Project. Like and share and subscribe on whatever platform you see this on. I’ll talk to you later.

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