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Cindy Jacobs talks Prophecy, Politics and Culture



Today we’re talking to Cindy Jacobs, who is not only a popular prophetess but she’s also led a movement of intercessors called ‘Generals of Intercession’ since 1985!

We’re discussing the prophetic prayer and the turmoil in America between then and now, civil disobedience, the part of the church waking up, James Kennedy’s influence, and more!

Episode Transcript

Lance: Welcome back to the Lance Wallnau Show and I have somebody who you’re going to love to meet if you haven’t met her before. She is a very popular part of the world that I’m in, Cindy Jacobs. Now, Cindy, you are known as a prophet or a prophetess.

Cindy Jacobs: Right

Lance: And but you’re also was one who has led a movement of intercession and it’s called Generals of Intercession. Is that right? How long has that been going on?

Cindy Jacobs: Well, we started about 85. Yeah 1985.

Lance: Okay. So, you’ve been through a lot of vicissitudes of activity going on between prophetic prayer and turmoil in the United States. How is now different than, as you look back on the span of those years. What’s different about today than when it started?

Lance: Well, Lance, I think that if we if we took a look as like a snapshot of today and put it back then people would be horrified. I mean, you name it what we see, what we produce. The callousness even in the body of Christ to things that they would have considered pornographic I mean a PG13 movie, it would in the 50s and 60s would have been considered pornographic. The things they show, the amount of skin they show, what the people are doing, the language they use. So, we’ve had a real slide. I think one thing that has happened is there was something in America called the Legion of Decency and you could not curse on television or in movies. You could not show drugs in a good way. You were not allowed to show like police in a bad light and things like that and so what a shift now. The criminals are the heroes many times.

Lance: Yeah.

Cindy Jacobs: So, it’s upside down. It’s really upside down. You know when I was a kid in the 60s, I think you you’re later than I am. I’m older than you, but we prayed in school in the name of Jesus. We read the Bible and discussed it in our schools. So, we’re now seeing what has happened when you take God out of school. Take values even if you don’t want to use the name of God. We take values out of school. Now we see violence unchecked. I mean never was heard of when I was a kid.

Lance: But I found something interesting and I think the audience will take interest in this. I have a friend of mine who’s in California and we work on the education mountain we call it. And he discovered that there’s subject matter in the curriculum that teachers are allowed to go into.And of course, this is where you got the CRT inclusion and all stuff. He said that there is whole segment where you could talk about Jesus Christ Christianity and the apostle Paul specifically as part of the legitimate curriculum. He said in what, and I’m going to have to get this really pushed and I’ll get back in touch with you on this because he said, most teachers that are Christians do not even know what their authority is in the classroom.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: And then I recognize that they are licensed and authorized and certified to cover certain curriculum including Jesus, Christianity, and the life of the apostle Paul and they don’t even realize that it’s in that they could do it. So, that’s not being done but we actually have wonder to what extent we have authority to do stuff that the church and Christian’s discount they actually have authority. The left always pushes the envelope on what they do. They go beyond what they’re allowed that they go right up to the justice’s front door and would go in the house. The conservatives wouldn’t go there, they would send an email or a phone call. But is there a difference that you’re seeing nowadays in the civic engagement of the church in government or is it pretty much what it’s always been? For me, it’s a new level of Interest.

Cindy Jacobs: Oh yeah. I think that in fact even what we call civil disobedience. We have to obey God and not man. I remember talking with some top lawyers and things like that. I was on a council kind of like a Freedom Council, Liberty Council and we discussed and I said to them in a close meeting. We’re going to have to get into civil disobedience, because what is coming is going to be so bad if we don’t be taken over. And people just looked at me kind of like, really? And I think I think there is a part of the church that is waking up. Sad to say there’s a populist movement. They seem to be more awakened to what’s happening than even the churches.

Lance: Yeah.

Cindy Jacobs: I don’t know if that’s your experience.

Lance: Yeah I know that’s totally true. I mean the people that are going to the rallies just my frustration away. The people that go to the rallies are the Christians that are awakened and the heathen that are awakened. The people that are critical of Trump and the rallies are the Christians that are in ministry many times that are skeptical about political engagement on the behalf of the church.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: And they try to talk to me carefully but I get their cross traffic in front of me. And they don’t like Trump and they don’t like nationalism. I mean it’s amazing how the nation is under attack. And ministers are worried about Christian nationalism and going too far. We haven’t even won. I mean we’re losing if you want to be honest with that. We need to go, we need to it’s like Gettysburg on day three. This is when we got to win it.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah.

Lance: But there’s more anxiety about dominionism.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah.

Lance: While we’re actually getting beat up, than there is about saving the country.

Cindy Jacobs: Well, I think the thing is that even in our Bible schools, I’m not courtesy in our Bible schools, but a lot of them aren’t teaching. They’re more in the synagogue model. Okay, you led people into a building. You do good things with those and they become good people. But Jesus the Ecclesia model which was going to all the world. And so, the church should teach people how to make disciples of their nation and send them out. Instead, we’re acting like we’re an occupied country and we can just say the things we want in the building.

Lance: Yeah.

Cindy Jacobs: And that has been so settled but I tell you, we’re about there right now.

Lance: Wow, I have a leadership journal which is one of the great magazines that’s been out pastors read it. I don’t know if you’re familiar with it. I don’t even know if it’s still available but I have the one from 19, it was 19 must be when Clinton was president. Was that 93? Was that it? So, but it’s Clinton was president and the leadership journal. It’s a kind of sophisticated magazine. It has James Davis and Hunter just wrote the book Culture Wars and they’re talking about Culture Wars on the cover of the magazine. They have a new guy on the block who’s got this exciting called Rick Warren and he’s got an article, Saddleback. It’s got D James Kennedy at Carl Ridge Presbyterian Church. He’s got an article.

Jack Hayford has and each of them is writing. Leonard Sweet’s the other guy and they all write on their take on the culture wars in the United States and where it’s going. Now, with 30 years in the rear view mirror, I just discovered in my library and I think, oh my gosh, the culture wars was just the issue 30 years ago like, hey, I think we’re in a culture war and here’s the conclusion I came to my scorecard. Rick Warren didn’t see where it was going, but he had a formula for building churches and he was right on church didn’t see the culture. It was Jack Hayford was the biggest myths because he shaped a lot of gateway and the mega church culture that is aligned with him and his four square denomination. And he said, it’s not the church’s job to be moralized and rebuking the unsaved. It’s the church’s job to present the gospel of Christ in a new way of living.

So rather than protesting their sins. I would rather welcome them into the church where they could see a new way of life. So basically, that was disengaged from the culture war and preach the good news. Lot of people are still saying that. But it was James Kennedy. Not even Leonard Sweet. Leonard Sweet was kind of typically witty and abstract and gave no direction at all. which is a scholar’s world. Kennedy goes this. He goes, of course, we can continue to do what we do and preach our message and hope that we’re changing the world until the Marxists come after they take over our government. Silence us in our pulpits and lock our doors.

He said, then you’ll find out that it was a mistake to underestimate the culture war that we’re in. We are called to disciples of the nation and win souls. If we do soul winning and church building but don’t disciple the nation, we will rule the day that we ignored both tests. Kennedy was the one that got it.

Cindy Jacobs: That’s so prophetic.

Lance: James Kennedy predicted. He said, Marxist will take over your church.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah and out of James Kennedy came Janet Porter, who started the heartbeat bill.

Lance: Yes.

Cindy Jacobs: She worked for him and all of that.

Lance: And to their credit, I’m going to say this, Steve Dolan over at Gateway and Robert Morris and the other they had some heart searching conversations I’m sure. But they realized their people told them that critical race theory was taking over the schools in the backyard of a church with 20,000 people in South Lake in the belt buckle of the Bible belt. It was too close to home. It’s too bad it took this to happen. They didn’t do it in Dallas they did it when it got in their own backyard but they woke up. and they realized their children are now getting indoctrinated.Well, you don’t do that and these evangelical churches. So, they mobilized. I almost probably shouldn’t even tell people what they did, but they basically mobilize such a way that they took over the dominant positions on the school boards and now the city councils. They’re mobilizing the church to take over government positions.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: Boom. They’re going D James Kennedy out of their Jack Hayford womb. They have to.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah. Well, that’s dominionism.

Lance: In the most healthy form.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah, but I mean, that was our mandate. God gave us a mandate. The Earth was to be a colony of heaven and we were to take care of it and we’ve done a very poor job by the way and so we wake up. So, who are our biggest accusers is the church, people in the church. Wanting to stay in the synagogue rather than break out, have a great prison break and actually steward the Earth like we were supposed to. I mean, Jesus went and took the dominion back. He gave us the keys back and he said, now you go do the stuff.

Lance: Right.

Cindy Jacobs: And go and make disciples of nations. I don’t know how, we read that scripture so many years Lance and teaching nations and never thought we should do it.

Lance: It’s to me, I still am stuttering over how I get attacked by people over the fear of dominionism. I mean it’s like it’s almost comedy material. It’s like Jews in in Germany being accused of being too ambitious or aggressive of the government. It’s like my God there. We’re prophetically you’re dialed in on so many different levels, but you have a prophetic council.  What is the, let’s start with one question. What is the consensus of what you you’re hearing in the council? And I get to participate now in that, because I honor beyond it. But what are you hearing now for this next trajectory of time? What’s the word coming forth?

Cindy Jacobs: Well, I was sharing some,, we’re in consultation today and I was sharing that the Lord was speaking to me about Goshen’s that in the midst of the great persecution that God was going to give the choices of lands to his people if we recognized and if we prepared. Now, I’m telling you, I prophesied three years ago, food shortages were coming. People thought it was crazy. I prophesied persecution was coming. A lot of things I didn’t want to prophesy. I remember I was on my friend Sid Ross show at the beginning of the year and I said, I don’t even know if you want me to give the word, because it’s not a pretty word. However, the church will wake up in the midst of this. But I prophesied if Biden got in, hyperinflation was coming. Stagflation which meant the people were not going to be paid more, but they were not going to be able. I mean like people are choosing to walk to work. They can’t afford to take their car to work. They’re finding a job closer to their home and things like this.

The world has changed Lance in a short time. And it’s going to change more. I mean we prophesied. Chuck Pierce gave a word. We prophesied the conflict of nations war was going to come in the Now, we also were given an assignment that we should pray that it not go to the whole world and become a World War three. So, actually, I mean, I just came back from Poland. The intercessors there prayed 106 days at the borders that the war not expand.

Lance: Really?

Cindy Jacobs: I mean, they’re prayed.

Lance: Intercessors prayed 106 days at the border.

Cindy Jacobs: Of Poland and Ukraine.

Lance: Of Poland and Ukraine, basically lining up spiritually and building a wall in the spirit so it wouldn’t expand. That’s huge. I did not know that. That’s amazing how we don’t know this.

Cindy Jacobs: And the prophets in Ukraine, I heard that they had prophesied about war coming that they saw bombs and things exploding all over the country. God did try to warn that this was going to happen.

Lance: Wow.

Cindy Jacobs: But the word the Lord gave me was hold the line and contain it. That it’s not God‘s will for it to be World War three. I mean think about Ukraine like Warsaw. It’s a two hour drive to the border of Belarus where they’re massing troops. I mean one bomb anywhere could start World War three. It’s actually a miracle. It hasn’t stopped Lance.

Lance: Yeah, really.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah, it’s just.

Lance: It’s like a shooting war and a stray bullet that shoots the Archduke Ferdinand could start a warm but no bullet could arch Duke Ferdinand yet.

Cindy Jacobs: Exactly. I mean, it’s that volatile and the lord also told us that Satan was going to try to start World War 3, 15 years ago. God told us this and to stop the end-time harvest. Now, I just was with a friend Vernon Notigal yesterday, who has the go out day. He said, they logged 56 million people came to Christ since they began this movement. There’s a harvest going on. There many of us are not even aware of.

Lance: Where is this?

Cindy Jacobs: Worldwide.

Lance: Oh worldwide. Okay.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah. They have a day where everybody goes out and evangelizes one day. I mean they went out yesterday 70 people. 400 converts in Miami. So, I mean we’re seeing the stadium meetings. We’re seeing this great massive rumbling of an awakening. But it’s a race. It’s a race. And so we’re concerned that some of the church is asleep. We’re concerned in America that some of the church is asleep. That they’re still declaring daytime. That they’re still saying I want to just go sit in my place and listen to worship music. While the world goes to hell in a handbasket.

Lance: Right.

Cindy Jacobs: The Lord is saying it’s time to engage more no more lazy Christians. We cannot be lazy. Everyone every person and listening. You have to have a personal wake up call. We have to work while there’s light. The darkness is coming.

Lance: Yeah, work while it’s yet day for the night comes when no man can work. We have a book that’s just been handed to me, your prophetic strategy for bringing heaven to Earth, Reformers Arise. Oh, forward by Lance Wallnau and see Peter Whiter. It’s exciting?

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah. The church knows a lot about revival but very little about reformation and every true awakening always change the culture. So, all these people are saying an awakening is coming and awakening is coming, but what are we awaking them up too?

Lance: Give me some of the titles of the chapters.

Cindy Jacobs: Oh, sure.

Lance: Then, I’m going to tell everybody how to get the book in a minute. Let’s tease them a little bit with what’s in it.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah. Well, personal reformation. You have to have that first. That’s what trying to do. How to disciple a nation? How to teach nation? Do you know how to teach a nation? How do you put the government on the shoulders of Jesus? How do we have biblical economics? You know, the Bible is a manufacturer’s handbook. It talks a lot about economics. It talks about what happens in revival and reformation when you’re married together. It talks about establishing justice. It talks about what is the difference between awakening and reformation and a transformation. We work a lot of nations, Lance. I spoke to more than 100 nations and the things that are in this book are so basic to the Bible but hardly any Christians in the pew know how to do this.

Lance: You know Chay, Chay said to me, he said, if I have a conference on supernatural signs, wonders, and the glory. He said, it’ll be packed out.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: If I have a conference about how to practically transform your world and do what Godcalled you to do, he said, I have to underwrite it.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: If it’s about the work that we’re to do. Nobody goes but if it’s about the experience of God, everybody shows up. I think it says a lot. That we don’t really understand that the greatest experience of God is doing the thing he called you to do.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah.

Lance: It’s in the work that you had the experience.

Cindy Jacobs: Do you have time from one short story?

Lance: That’s why we got we got 6 minutes.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah, it’s from the chapter on Awakening and Transformation. We have to marry the great commissions, the go and the laying hands on the sick. Mark 16 and Matthew 28, and we usually one or the other. And so there was a missionary that went to Liberia and this is written in the book before we kill and eat you. It’s wonderful book. They were missionaries of the cannibals in Liberia. Everybody, the graveyard, everybody went, died in about 6 months in malaria. Nobody kind of survived.

Lance: Oh my God.

Cindy Jacobs: But this couple went and the chief and they’re telling about Jesus. This is cannibals and the chief says, ‘Look, you want us to give up our Gods. You want us to Change who we are and you say that your God heals people. I have many lepers in my village. Bring a few of those and let me you heal them. I have many blind people. Let me bring some of the blind people and if they get healed, then we’ll give up our Gods and we’ll accept your Gods. We’ll adopt your Gods.’ And so that it came along that one of the young mothers died of leprosy and some other diseases. They put her on the fetish sheep and so the wild animals just come tear them apart. And yeah and so they thought well this is our shot. We’re going to go pray for her. She gets raised from dead. We’re great. If not maybe they eat us. You know, the odds are great.

So, they fervently prayed. And this young lady all of a sudden started violently shaking and she came instantly alive. And what happened? The whole village got saved. They let them put medical clinics. They showed them sanitation. They stopped eating each other. They started educating their children. A reformation came out of a miracle.

Lance: Where did that take place again?

Cindy Jacobs: Liberia.

Lance: Liberia.

Cindy Jacobs: Before We Kill & Eat You.

Lance: Before We Kill & Eat You. I remember the title.

Cindy Jacobs: Garloc. Yeah. Garloc.

Lance: Never actually read it.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah.

Lance: Wow. Well, and it’s in the Bible. Paul goes to Malta as a shipwreck and the father-in-law of the Chieftains with the bloody flux. He gets healed and it produces a revival of sorts of reformation on the island of Malta.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: We have a biblical precedent for that and the title of the book is?

Cindy Jacobs: Reformers Arise.

Lance: Reformers Arise and where can I get it?

Cindy Jacobs: Amazon.

Lance: Go to Amazon?

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah, just go to Amazon, Reformers Arise. It’s a manifesto for changing nations.But how do you change a nation? One’s neighborhood at a time. One city at a time.

Lance: And you work with the person you’re sitting next to on the plane like you were talking about.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah, right.

Lance: You just take that there’s a narratives. The thing that I love looking at Andrew Breitbart that some of these guys are secular rowdy characters, but they were really more savvy in understanding the big game we’re in. because they understood the left and Breitbart said that, he said that the news cycle is controlled by the left and it’s an art to disrupting it and creating an alternative news cycle. So, he got saved, well he get saved he had he converted from being a liberal that was where with Ariana Huffington with the Huffington Post. He helped to design it for her on the internet, because he wanted for the right to have a clear understanding of what the left was actually doing and saying. So, the Huffington Post, he created it and quit.

Cindy Jacobs: Wow.

Lance: And he got converted mentally in his philosophy by listening to Rush Limbaugh and Dennis Prager and he would go to his leftist professors and friends that he hang out with and party with and he said, what’s our answer to that? And he realized they did have an answer. So,he ended up creating Breitbart which would be the vehicle to answer the Huffington Post. So,whatever the Huffington Post did, he wrote on and gave a different perspective. Does that make sense?

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah.

Lance: And I look at the categories. He’s got big government, big media, big educate is basically the 7-Mountains.

Cindy Jacobs: Wow.

Lance: He called them big. He saw it as where the left goes in to take control. So, when we’re talking to our people that are listening right now, you got to be careful you’re listening to because you’ve got big media. Like my own children will say, I believe in a balanced diet so I listen to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and Fox. So, they’re listening to three or four leftist sources and one maybe conservative and they think they’re telling me they’re getting a balanced diet. So, they’ll read the New York Times and they’ll read like the LA Times and they’ll read. I’m saying, these are all dominated by the left.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: So where would you say people can go to get, what are some sources they could go to get a cleared windshield to be able to see what’s going on? Where do where do you go?

Cindy Jacobs: Well, I the Epic, what is it?

Lance: Epoch Times?

Cindy Jacobs: Epoch Times. Yeah I think that’s a good one. Lance, I think you’re giving it.

Lance: Yeah, oh okay, so I go listen to myself.

Cindy Jacobs: Go listen to yourself. Yeah, I think the thing is that’s so sad is because we did not understand journalism. Almost every newspaper, every news outlet they’re liberal. In the 70s,what we were being taught? Don’t listen to the news, it’ll pollute you. Don’t listen to the news, it’s bad faith.

Lance: Right, exactly. So, and to this day I mean I worry about it because we have people that come up to us who watch just Kenneth Culver’s Flashpoint and they say you’re the only news we’re listening to. I tell them, if we’re the only news you’re listening to you’re not getting much.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: Because I know we’re only dipping our toe in the margin of what we want to talk about.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: But it makes a good point. Please, those who are listening it’s going to take a long time to get this conditioning out of our head, but you’re called to business. You’re called to media. You’re called to politics. You’re called to education. You’re called to be an actor, to be an entertainer, to be a filmmaker, a direct, you’re called to wealth and if you don’t do what God called you to do, instead of sheep, we’re going to have goats taking over those areas and then you’re going to be complaining for the rest of your life about how bad the world is because you didn’t go into it and occupy it.

Cindy Jacobs: Right.

Lance: I think we failed in a way because we exalted the calling of God in a certain religious way. I hate to say it, but it was like signs, wonders, miracles, evangelism. Listen man, when I was in corporate America, I kept getting in trouble because of my evangelizing. So, I realized, I actually am if I want to do what I want to do, I’m going to be a little bit more stealth, because as I had one owner of a company say, I’m not paying you to evangelize my organization. I said, I’m not doing it on your time, because it doesn’t matter. You’re an executive here and you’re not on the payroll to go convert everybody. It’s very embarrassing but we need to help people know. There’s a way to be a Joseph, a way to be a Daniel, a way to be an Esther. You can undermine the devil and still get promoted.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah. Yeah.

Lance: And you teach people that. You teach them with your Joseph message.

Cindy Jacobs: Yeah, spiritual diplomacy. We’ve got to learn to be wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove and I think it’s like when I go talk to a president, I don’t use any Christianese. I don’t use anything like that. I very clearly line out policy to them in a way they’ll understand in a way they’ll want to see the good in what is being said. And they do it, and they do it. I mean I have gone in and prophesied treaties, that president should make that they needed to restore relationships.

Lance: Are you saying that in many cases you haven’t said thus says the Lord when you did that?

Cindy Jacobs: No I don’t.

Lance: Listen people, I think it’s invaluable. That’s why that’s powerful. Those of you that are [INAUDIBLE WORD 27:14], you need to hear this.

Lance: Yeah, I mean I’ll tell them I’m a prophet, and I will tell them that what I’m saying will be forgot. I mean I’ve said outrageous things. I mean I’m sitting with an atheist president in a Latin American country. And he’s a Nobel Peace Prize winner. And so they tell me. I mean he’s living with his girlfriend. There’s no indication he has a drop of Christianity in him anywhere. And before I go in the Lord says his mother prayed, knew he was going to be president when he was in her womb and prayed that God would make her son president. That was a leap. And so I told him that. He sits back. He looks at first like he was rejecting it. He leans forward and looks at me and says you’re absolutely right. And the next word was this. And your mother is in heaven and she is praying for you. And what do you think she would think about how you’re living your life today? Bang, conviction fell.

Lance: Oh my.

Cindy Jacobs: That guy got saved shortly after that. And dedicated the nation.

Lance: I love that. Oh my God. Listen, folks. If your life isn’t right with Jesus, you need to be getting right with Jesus right now. You need to say, Lord Jesus, forgive all my sins that come into my heart. Cleanse me. Make me into the person you called me to be. Lord just told me, there’s people listening. They ease drop on these broadcast. They sneak around but God‘s talking to you. Not talking to my usual people. You’re visiting today and God‘s saying, this is your hour. You never know how short life is. You don’t have, you can’t assume you’ve got opportunity for a year. You need to make some choices right now. Ask Jesus to make himself real to you right now. And thank you so much Cindy. What we’re going to be keeping in touch with they can get in touch with you by going to where?

Cindy Jacobs:

Lance:, and people are asking me all the time about Lance. What about these food shortages, these food supply issues? I’m telling you, go to We have a 30, 60, 90-day food supply at our home for peace of mind. Listen, you say, well, I’m okay. I got enough. Listen, I got something. You don’t know what you’re going to need in your kids. You think your children are taking care of these choices? My concern is the number of people that are going to be, I’m going to be having to feed.

So, there’s a disruption and it can happen for a variety of reasons. We had it in the winter last year just with like the electric red going down in Texas of all places but we had a food supply. Go to and this is for your sake. Go use the discount code that I’ve got. You get like 10% off or something when you go there. Alright, Cindy Jacobs, thank you so much for being here with us. I felt the anointing. We’re going to get this book. Let me grab this book here again. Its Reformers Arise. You got that? You want to read it? And we’re going to come back. I’m going to read it myself again and we’re going to have a conversation how to legislate on Earth what God is saying in heaven. Because we didn’t get to that subject today. We are. Thank you, Cindy Jacobs. See you again tomorrow.

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