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How To Win Your Battle At The Gates Of Heaven



On today’s broadcast, Lance discusses the gates of heaven, the seven mountains, and the idea of an apostolic church. You’ll get a history lesson as we learn about magisterial reformers, the importance of being influential in the various areas of society, and more!

Episode Transcript

Intro: The Lance Wallnau Show is coming at you live from the master himself with a special broadcast taken from one of Lance’s most recent appearances. Tune in and get ready for some major revelation. 

Lance: Hell wants to plant people. Have you ever looked at the parable of the tares and the wheat? It’s the end time parable. This is really important. It’s a parable of the sheep and the goats, the tares and the wheat. These things are powerful. Most people because everybody’s all rapture fixated. They’re missing the actual juice of what Jesus is saying. By the way, you got to get this book. All the predictions are in this book. What’s happening now is in this book. Where we’re going next? It’s right here. Catch this. Take a look at Matthew 25. You have a Bible? I got on everybody last night for not bringing Bibles. If you got a Bible, say I got a Bible. You see this verse here? Look at this. I want you to see this. Going in here and then I’m almost done.

Do you know that it was a remnant that got your governor elected? Your governor was only elected by 30,000 votes. You guys forget this. I’m not trying to speak evil of people but NBC News on June 22nd recorded that Andrew Gillum the guy that he was running against who almost became your governor during COVID, during the crisis of crisis that would have been a lockdown and shutdown funded by Soros. The guy has 21 counts of federal investigations and indictments coming against him. Financial shenanigans while he was in politics. 21 indictments are coming at him. And that was after he ended up in March of 2020 in a sex scandal involving a male with an overdose. This came to NBC News wrote the story. With an overdose because he was unfortunately needing rehab and needing help and intervention with alcoholism.

This was the guy that was almost the governor of Florida. Only 30, 000 believers who voted who actually shook themselves out of the church mountain long enough to take an interest put into office the person that has created the economic and spiritual renaissance it is the State of Florida. Well, I pray for everybody. I’m not against anybody but I’m telling you, the fact that Rush Limbaugh did an interview with him and Rush Limbaugh put the DeSantis on and DeSantis did a 10-minute interview with Rush. That was the 30,000 that did it. It was media when God did it working for a remnant of Christians. The church and media put DeSantis in office. But I want you to go here for a second. You got to see this. This is very important. I just feel like I got an open heaven right now. I don’t want to lose it.

Matthew, Matthew 13. I talked about tares and weak. We have to look at the top of each of these mountains as a gate of influence. A gate of influence. Jesus said, I’m going to build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. You’ve got to get our people in the gates. We need to get behind gate gatekeepers in business, gatekeepers in arts, gatekeepers in media. We have to think not about ourselves but about each other. We got to say, who has leverage? I still love meeting the pastors that I met tonight. Where’s the pastor that I met who’s, here you are right there and your church name again? Destiny Church. Do we have other pastors that are here tonight? Now, put your hand up if you’re a pastor of a church. Thank you. Thank you. Just stand up for a second.

This is very unusual people. Thank God for the pastors. These are remnant. These are remnant pastors but they could turn the battle at the gate. They’re the secret sauce. Alright, so Jesus says, he teaches on tares and wheat, the last day’s parable and right now, what we’re having is this tremendous conflict because tares and wheat are kind of running into each other all over the country. And when the crowd left, the disciples said to Jesus in in Matthew 13 verse 37. Can you explain to us what in the world you’re teaching? We don’t understand these tares and wheat and it’s so great. Jesus will explain to them in private. He says, “The one who sows the good seed in the field is the son of man as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom.

Catch this. Jesus sows’ people into the kingdom. Most people miss this. Let me read it again. The field is the world. The field is the world. So, I’m going out into all the world. I’m going out into the world. The world of Florida. It’s Florida world we’re in right now. Jesus says here that the good seed, the good seed are the sons of the Kingdom and the tares are the sons of the evil one. And the enemy who sowed them is the devil and the harvest is the end of the age. I want you to catch something, the sons of the devil. They get planted too. During when? During the time of the harvest of souls and nations. Satan plants people in strategic proximity to gates of influence. You got to catch this. This parable says God plants people. Satan plants people. He plants his people in order to dethrone the influence of God‘s people. And the gates of influence which is the top of those 7 mind molders of culture is particularly where you got to go the New York Times got taken over by Satan planting people.

Harvard Princeton Yale got taken over by Satan planting people. Our political apparatus the,deep state, you know what the deep state is. We now understand what the deep state is it’s not some kind of weird kind of cultic term. It actually refers to 3 million government employees who run 3 letter agencies that outlast any president congressman or senator. They’re the Permanent administrative state bureaucracy of the FBI and the CDC and the IRS and the EPA and the CIA and all the 3 litter agencies. 3 to 4 million of them managed by only about 6,000 political appointments who they put onto the position of managing them. What Trump now knows is if we really want to drain the swamp. All hell’s going to lose in theft to try to steal this next election in violence. They got 200 street groups. New York Times already bragged about how they called off 200 riots. When the election would look like the conservatives were going to cave in and give it to Biden anyway. Otherwise, they were going to have riots all over the country. Molly Bell wrote the article in New York Times. 10-page article.

Most of us don’t talk about this stuff. We’re like dumb. The enemies right in your face. It’s not even that’s why I say forget the QAnon conspiracy. You don’t need conspiracy interpreter. Just listen to my podcast. It’s in your face. It’s right in your face. Well, who are they? They’re there in front of you. Just take a look at them. Do a selfie with them. But we need to get that anointing on behind all of the key races and elections that are going to determine what happens in the future. Now listen to me. This is just me talking. But what we got to do is we have to win so that the investigative power on exposing been going on can the gavel can pass to the courageous people that are in government who will expose the beach ball games that have been going on. And they’ll expose the manipulation of elections and etcetera this can happen.

Secondly, if we can win the White House with somebody that has the vision to do it, then we now have three Supreme Court justices. You have to pray for them. There’s been assassination attempts on them. Pray that preserves them just like God preserves Trump and DeSantis right now. Because those justices are ready to pare down the 4 million administrative state employees which never were constitutionally authorized to create a fourth branch of government anyway. What you’re seeing with the Department of Just the DOJ with the FBI right now with the NCS all of that’s got to be exposed by courageous congressmen handling the gavel boom to expose over the next couple of years. We got to handle that that exposure and then we have to start to pare down the administrative state by insisting that they give up their power to the constitutional definition of what God really designed for our blessing as a nation. Does that make sense?

Most people don’t understand the game plan. That’s how you do it. Then the four million and all those scream bloody murder when Trump removes or whoever’s president removes the first 5,000. The top layer of, but he’s got to. Because the mullers and the clappers and the commies and the Brennan’s. They are the enemy of the people right now. They’re under, unfortunately remember what I told you. What Hell wants to do is the devil plants people. I just showed you that. It’s the tares away. Satan plants people. Where? Where there could be a harvest of righteousness. Satan’s already planting his own agent in that gate. It’s time that we took seriously advancing the children of light to the gates of influence.

I’m looking for Christians that can go there. I’m looking for Christians that can come alongside Cyrus’ and put their arm around them and say let me do this journey with you. You’re going to need those evangelicals. I understand them. In the meantime, you’ll witness to evangelize but that person’s anointed. Churchill or Lincoln is anointed for the crisis. Their person Relationship with Jesus is a bonus but they’ve got the gift mix and believe it or not, the spirit of the Lord is on certain people. God is so much bigger than us. I remember when I gave this word to Donald Trump. I actually prophesy. I’m one of the only prophets I know that actually prophesied. Ramirez is the only other guy I know that’s access to him. They actually we’ve talked with him and given the word. I give the Isaiah 45 word. I said, ‘This is you. It’s hard to figure out but this is you. You’re Isaiah 45. Thus, said to the Lord to Cyrus who I’ve anointed. Even though he doesn’t know me. Spirit of God is on you and as long as you true to the assignment and the mission and the calling that is on your life, you cannot be destroyed.

Alright. Well, I’ll stop there. So much we could do but I just want you to see this. We got the gates of hell. Now, what God wants to do is it’s going to be a battle of gates of heaven against the gates of hell. What happens is God is going to put his people in proximity of the gates. Now, this is where I want to simplify this thing one time. Just give you this one picture. I’ll come back and work with you because we need to have what I’m thinking is a seven mountain. I’m going to probably abbreviate 7 Mountains into trademark it to 7 M. It’s a 7 M Prayer Mobilization Network. I think we have to cover all 7 Mountains in prayer so that we could start to create the environment where we can identify who is God raising up to go to the gates of influence. Does that make sense?

Your sons and daughters are the future occupiers of those gates. Let them know this is the blueprint. This is the battle map. It’s a clear template. You call the media? You’re going to have to go up against the gates of hell in media and they Will try to like I told you last night. If the devil can’t persecute you, he’ll try to tempt you and to compromise because whatever you bow to on the way up will control you when you get to the top. So, here’s the deal. The apostolic church. The other thing that the left is crazy about is this apostolic. They’re all over the NRA. I think they’re called the NRA the new, I don’t know. They’re making up something. The new apostolic NAR, New Apostolic Reformation and some of my former professor friend of mine, Peter Wagner called it. It doesn’t even exist. It’s obsessing. Everybody on the left right now. All the journalists on the left that are targeting us or watching us. All the new apostolic reformation. They’re all part of this great conspiracy. They’re going to take over everything on the 7Mountains. You better watch out. They’re like prophesying our future.

It’s weird and I’m sending back messages. I’m saying there is no organization. We’re all independent. There’s no secret handshake. No Illuminati on our side. That’s what you guys do. We have a hard enough time trying to get people to show up at the same church meeting. Oh no you’re saying that now but you’re changing your tactics all the time Lance. You’re the architect of that secret moment so it’s like.

Break: Everybody is concerned about what’s happening to the economy. I mean it wouldn’t be too far conjecture to say that it’s almost as though America is experiencing a recession that looks like it could be heading into a depression. I’m praying that Donald Trump’s prophecy that you’ll see a depression the likes of which you’ve never seen never happens. But you know the guy was unkindly accurate in so many things he said. That’s why I’m telling my friends to go to Birch Gold right now”. Get the 25-page report on how you can protect your wealth, protect your investments, protect your IRA, protect your retirement. The report that they give you is an explanation as to how commodities in gold and silver variously work during periods of time when the dollar is unstable. I’m telling you; you need to get the education. Knowledge is power. You won’t regret it.

Lance: But I do think now that they got me thinking about it, maybe the Apostolic and the 7Mountains and Dominion is what we should be looking at. I’m going to tell them; you’ve got me convinced. You’re right. We need to do something. Because what happens is this is the Apostolic Church, right? So, we’re going to change our we’re going to go from mountains down to circles. Just look how this works. The Apostolic Church as it’s first of all, a 7 Mountains Prayer Network. If we have the 7 Mountains Prayer Network and if the pastors in this church are willing to help steward that, we’re going to try to coordinate this in Florida and then through all the States. I’ve got all the different prayer networks but I never took this one but I need to do it because you see nobody else has the broadband for interpret what’s happening and doing the news. I got a million people a month to listen to my news analysis but I can tie that into the prayer network so that I’m telling I’m building the two. This is what’s happening, this is how you pray and if you want to pray, here’s where you go to join us as we pray.

So, we’ll build that net, right? But we got the Apostolic Church in Florida for instance and then what we do is we put these if the church is there, then I would do 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 yeah,cool. So, the church will be here then what happens is we do the government and the lawfare battles in prayer and then we hit what’s going on with the school boards with education see how this works. Then we’re going to hit what the enemy is trying to do in the about in media and what he’s trying to do through entertainment and we’re going to call it out and expose it and do what we have to do. Like the president, like your governor’s actually doing with Disney. Isn’t it interesting? Actually, he’s modeling what you’re praying for and we don’t even realize what’s happening.

So, we got the I’m telling you the science over here. Isn’t it great that the whole mask mandate came down? Because it was a female conservative judge in Florida that stripped the mask off of the airline in streets so people could fly without having to wear a mask. That was a Florida victory. Where we’re going to hit that medicine vaccination thing, the whole issue ain’t going to go away think the devil’s not going to come back he’s going to come back with that 2.0. I mean China’s going to cook up something next. So, we got the government, education, media,entertainment, science. You guys are tracking me what don’t I have here. We got to have business and here in business we have the battle of small business versus big business. Big businesses trying to destroy independent business owners. They want to wipe out businesses. Why? Because they wipe out their competition. They’re the only people during COVID that had gross profit expansion. Because everybody went online to go buy. And all the competition, the Mom-and-Pop stores all got shut down. This works for this oligarch group because they get bigger and bigger the more control that they have and they’re interested in putting you out of business. Does that make sense?

So, we have to be praying for the small business to arise and the big business to be flooded so that they can’t destroy the competition. And then over here we have the Family Mountain. I just got done showing you how the family issues in education. Boom. As it’s all coming back to the family. So anyway, we have intercession here, a 7 M prayer network. We can highlight developments in the state in those 7 areas. But we can also go to our theory of the case, which is Satan plants people, God plants people, and we want to know who the people are. We want to draw a circle around the ones that we want to encourage and we want to draw a circle around the ones that need to be saved or removed. Does that make sense to you?

I’m giving you guys a download from heaven on how to actually align the angels of heaven want to align with the battle on earth. And like I said we just can’t be praying about all those fires protest pray for peace. See it’s like saying. If there’s an arsonist in the town, praying for God to put the fires out is the least of your problems. You got to find the arsonist. I’ll give you my final line for the night for families, education, for what’s going on in these battle zones. We were looking at when God raised up Deborah and a woman named JL, who were encouraging the men actually to do what they had to do in fighting Caesar great king in the Old Testament and Godraises up women in the prophetic and in in politics. He does do that and like I said you have to analyze whether they’re Christian or not Christian. You have to see where’s the anointing. You have to discern. Look at their principles. Look at their beliefs. Look at their track record. Churchill had a clear track record but if you were a total, he totally driven evangelical and you’re hanging out with him between scotches and whiskeys and cigars, you’d say the guy is a forget it, he’s a shipwreck but he was an anointed shipwreck. And he’s the only guy that Hitler was nervous about.

So, you got to discern where the hand of God is. I remember during the debates. I heard the Lordon my left ear say, the next president of the United States being Isaiah 45 president. Jeremiah Johnson just sent me a picture of a meme, Donald Trump, 45th president of the United States. I thought, oh, this is so weird. How’s that possible? And then I heard the Lord say saving he gave me the word, what was the word? It was about grace. It had to do with saving grace and another grace. What is it? Common grace. I haven’t told these stories in so long. It’s like just my ear was open and I was freaking out. I was thinking it was a familiar spirit because I don’t hear God talk like that, but Kim Clement was like my best friend and he just had a stroke. I didn’t know he had a stroke and now the anointing on the prophetic for government was on me that was on him because we were best friends. I’m a teacher. I don’t normally hear God. He would hear God and explain what he was talking about to other people.

Now, I have to hear God for myself and I’m hearing him and my ear was open. I’m thinking, I don’t hear God this way but God heard because Kim wasn’t able to prophesied for the election. Now, it was my job. Isaiah 45 will be the next president of the United States. I go look up Isaiah 45. Now, I hear the Lord saying, common grace. Common grace. I go grab a book. Common grace was common grace. During the period of time of the reformation, the move of God was so strong that in Europe, the pastors and the preachers were being approached by the mayors and the politicians who say, what do you guys teach. Because everybody’s converting from Catholicism to Calvinism and Protestantism. They’re following Luther, I need to know what you expect of me and the pastors were going, we don’t have a theology for you because all we do is focus on the Bible and church. We don’t have any vision for government whatsoever and the legislation and the magistrates said, you have to give me a better answer than that because there’s revolution happening and the movement requires us to understand what your beliefs are.

So, suddenly, the pastors and the theologians had to get together and they began to hammer out with Calvin and others. What is the Bible say about taxation about economic about opportunity, about justice, about government, about courts, about representing? They had to work on it and they were called magisterial reformers. Look them up in history and what they discovered was that they all got saved because of saving grace, the grace of God, brought them to Jesus and then the Lord showed them. There’s another layer of grace. It’s called common grace. Common grace is the grace of God that comes on fallen men and women to administrate his will on the earth. Common grace is what comes upon a judge who isn’t a tongue-talking Pentecostal but has a history of ruling righteously. Common grace is the cop that won’t take a bribe who doesn’t know Jesus yet. I admit common grace people. Courageous, not compromising Elliot Nest types that God has in the earth and I get to lead him to Jesus. I thought they already knew him. God had his hand on their whole life. Common grace is how God keeps the world from falling into the hands of Satan controlling it at the gates of implies because he plants common grace people up there.Which is why you pray for rulers and those that are in authority, because you never know when they’re a common grace person or whether the devil planted them and God might convert them or remove them.

So, I got that word and then when I met Donald Trump at the Trump Towers, it was Darryl Scott. Can’t believe he did this to me. He says, ‘Tell them mister Trump. He wasn’t president yet. Tell mister Trump what you told me on the phone.Now, preachers talk to each other. We don’t always want to have everybody know what we’re talking about, and I told him, I think Trump’s the 45th president of the United States. I think this guy’s got, I think the preachers got a problem with it because they’re looking at saving grace. All they know is saving. They don’t know. We’ve been here before. We need reformers that have common grace. They may not be card carrying evangelicals but God‘s on them. He says, I believe it.

So anyway, he tells me right there, yells at me in the media, Trump Towers, big table there. He goes, ‘Tell them mister Trump but you told me. What part? I mean, I’m talking like two Pentecostal preach. He goes, ‘Tell them the whole thing. Well, I pulled my King James Bible out of my briefcase. I read Isaiah 45 and said, that’s you and he said, ‘Now tell the preachers in the room.’ Because there’s a room full of civil rights activist preachers who all had a problem with Trump. I said, ‘Look, his common grace is saving grace. Saving grace is what we preach but common grace is what’s on him right now and you better recognize that. I’m telling all of you, we got to grow up. It’s not about whether or not they’re card-carrying Sunday school preaching Christians. It’s about whether or not you can see the evidence of common grace when I heard that word in my ear that Trump was the 42 president.

I still didn’t want to say it because nobody else wanted to hear it. All the Christians were running. Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz. Donald Trump was not the darling of the evangelicals. Lord goes, ‘That’s him. I go, ‘How do I know that’s him, Lord? How do I know? I mean, I’m hearing you but how do I know how I’m reading, I’m interpreting right? Lord says, ‘You watch the debates. You’ll see the one I’ve anointed. I hate to say it, but how do I know the one you’ve anointed? Lord is so kind to us. He said, It’s the one that has the authority. And I knew not to bug the Lord with another question. I said, ‘Alright. Watch the debate and see who is.’ The Lordbeing kind of me because I’m about to go publicly way out in the limb. It’s Donald Trump. It’s none of the Christians. It’s the Heathen from the Bronx. That’s the guy.

I mean, I’m going to tie myself to this word. I got to and Romero will tell you tomorrow night, this wasn’t, none of these were going down well with everybody as my friends. So, I said, ‘Alright. Watching the debate. The one that has the authority. Well, I looked at the debate and the whole night, the center of every controversy was Donald Trump and the Lord said, ‘The one who has the authority is controlling the event.’ So, he was the one that were all trying to take out. That was the great moment when I remember I was at Cheon’s in Pasadena and I was at a bar. I quit. I literally walked out of ran to a bar because they had on the bar. They had the debate. Everybody else is in the worshiping and I got to go see this debate. This is when I got to find out. Who has the anointing?

So, I go in to the bar at this café and I go and watching the bar reacting and seeing them watching Trump. And next thing this is when, what’s the name? Megan Kelly goes, ‘You have on record. I said, ‘Oh my God. What a take down this was? You’re on record mister Trump as referring to women as pig and dogs. What do you have to say about that? This is awkward moment I thought, O boy. And he leans in and he says, ‘Only Rosie L Donald. How do you lean back? And your reaction was all the guys at the bar. They go, can you believe that? Oh my God. This guy, this guy and they’re all leaning in. It didn’t matter who else was answering questions. From that moment, everybody was fixated on. The Lord said, ‘The one with the authority is the one controlling the conversation.The spirit of antichrist wants to control the conversation in America. It’s time that Jesus Christ controls the conversation in America. The spirit of antichrist works the manipulation of the news media. It’s time that we started praying for God to raise some David’s up with a slingshot to take that Goliath down. Make sense?

We got to switch this thing. The antichrist is a spirit with a very big mouth. Bible refers to the book of Daniel as a little horn that speaks great and swelling words. It’s a little platform. It’s got the microphone. It’s not the time for that microphone to dominate. All God wants is to have a church in agreement that he’s got nations waiting for him and we’re going to give a nation. We’re not just an exit strategy and Florida’s going to have to be taken for Jesus. You got 7 realms you’ve got to start to occupy and God wants you to pray a model it here so we can roll it out to the whole country. When Deborah rode in Israel, she gave strength to the generals that were in the battle. Women you’re going to, I want you to catch this. You’re the secret sauce. You will help activate the men because we’ve been emasculated and pulled back and the culture’s done a number on us. So, we need the women to once again rise up and speak to the men. This is your time step into it.

I’ll conclude with this. The story is that the history is that one of the kings in the great battle of kings that Deborah was summoned to judge in Israel. One of the foreign kings, the Philistine king came into the tent of one of the women. His name is JL and he came in to hide. She said, ‘Go under the carpet. Go under the rug.’ And he said, ‘He was thirsty. She said, I’ll get you some milk.’ So, while he was waiting for the milk. He was hiding under the rug. The Lord said, ‘That’s the enemy. That’s the enemy and you must take him out.’ So, she took a tent peg and went over and positioned it right over where his temple was and drove the tent peg right through his head and took out that wicked general who was killing the Jews. Boom.

When I heard that, these are the words that came up when I was sitting there discussing this. This is for every woman, when the enemy is trying to come into your church, come into your family, this is for every business owner, wherever you have a house that God put you in charge of, remember this, if it comes into your house, you have a right to kill it. If it comes into your house, We have a challenge on what we could do outside but you have a sphere of authority God gave you and if the devil comes in, you’ve got to take that out. Does that make sense?

Thank you, Lord. Let’s pray. Father I thank you for the spirit of grace that is upon the house. It’s upon the ministry. That you’re moving even now. Doing something in Florida. This is a governmental house. This is a governmental alliance of these pastors. That together they could form that apostolic territorial church that orchestrates and administrates what happens in the heavens. [ANOTHER LANGUAGE 30:41-30:48]. Pray in the spirit if you got a charismatic background. Hallelujah. Pentecostal praying the Holy Ghost. [ANOTHER LANGUAGE 30:55-30:59]. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. [ANOTHER LANGUAGE 31:01-31:05]. I hear the Lord say fear not. Fear not. Fear not. Keep praying. [ANOTHER LANGUAGE 31:09-31:11].

The Lord says, I’ve anointed you individually.’ You’re saying, ‘Well, where do I fit in this?Well, the Lord has been speaking to me this whole night. He’s saying, I have an anointing and a calling for everyone hearing this message. Learn how to pray in the spirit. If you have not been filled with the Holy Ghost, you guys have got to go there. Whatever your theological background. In this battle, you cannot afford to do this in the natural. You’re going to have to face off with the devil in the spirit. You’re going to need an anointing. The Lord‘s telling me, as you pray in the spirit. Pray in the spirit and your tongues will take you into divine appointments. When I was at Trump Towers, I remember the first time I was up there in this meeting. I didn’t know what I was doing there and there’s it was so bizarre and all these preachers are there and then I then there was this black civil rights activist were all upset with Trump and Daryl wanted me there. Scott wanted me there and I’m sitting there and I’m going, Lord, what in the world am I doing here? I’m not political. I’m not a race expert. At this stage, am I the 7 Mountain professor guy? The Lord told me this, ‘Every time you pray in tongues, you tell me this is what you want to do.

I’m telling you something. Pray in the spirit because you’re authorizing through your mouth prayers that will take you into your future. You pray in the spirit. You may have a political office you don’t know about. Every time you pray, you tell me this is what you want to do. How can I argue with that? I don’t know what I’m praying when I’m praying in tongues. Now, I ease drop on it a little bit. I pray in tongues. I can write to English to find out what I just said. [ANOTHER LANGUAGE 33:06-33:08].

I pray father for everyone here, but the Lord is saying that you have an anointing and an assignment and some of you don’t even know what your future holds. You do not say I’m too old. Don’t insult the spirit of grace by saying, I wish I did this earlier. I would have done something different. You’re hearing this at the right time. Don’t say I’m a female or I’m a girl. I can’t do it or I’m too young. Don’t insult the spirit of grace. It’s not by your might. It’s not by your power. It’s by the Holy Spirit. And for some of you, your frustrations, even your backsliding battles have been to cause you to cease relying upon your own strength because you’re not going to get this done because of your perfect track record. God is trading your report card for Jesus’ report card. It’s never been about you in the first place.

It’s not about how good you are, how overcoming you are, how spotless you are, how pure you are, although those are qualifications of walking with integrity with God, they don’t determine whether or not you’ve got the call of God. Samson’s running around with Philistine babes and all kinds of crazy stuff and still had the authority and the power as long as he had the hair on his head to execute judgement on every enemy. I’m telling you something. Stop being religious and thinking you’re not qualified because of your track record or performance or spirituality. Jesus is exchanging his record for your record and calling you by grace to step into the battle.

Closing: Thanks for listening to this Lance Wall Now broadcast. If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure to subscribe and share the episode. See you tomorrow.

Break: If you’re like me, you get frustrated when you see Target and these big shop stores that are pushing their woke agenda on your children. How do you fight back? Well, you got to reorganize. Public Square is what you got to do. I want you to give your business to people that share your value, share your faith that are patriots that are pushing back on these big woke corporations. Go to “” or “Public SQ”. Download the free app so that you could shop with people in your own area. Put the money in your community in the pockets of the friends that are sharing your values. By the way, if you got a business, you especially need to use this app because you can put your business on the app so that other people know who you are and they can do business with you.”. Do it now.

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