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Copy Daniels secret – Speak Babylonian Think Like A Jew!



Today’s broadcast talks about God giving rulers to a nation and why we need to pray for the right ruler. We, the church, also need to occupy the spheres of influence in society so we can push back on satan’s hold of America!

Episode Transcript

Intro: The Lance Wallnau Show is coming at you live from the Master himself with a special broadcast taken from one of Lance’s most recent appearances. Tune in and get ready for some significant revelation. 

Lance: So, I know I understand our tribe. I mean, I get it. So, I’m up there at Trump Towers, and Trump goes, “Let me ask you a question. How many of you are bishops or pastors or ordained?” Well, half the room. He goes, “Alright. In your church, if somebody gets up in the middle of your sermon and takes the microphone to take over the sermon, how do you deal with it?” How many of you know that in an African-American church, the protocol is observed far more strenuously than in most Caucasian Pentecostal gatherings? When the man of God is there in the pulpit, the deacons, the bishops, there’s a protocol and an honor in the pulpit. So, they explained to him that it doesn’t happen in our type of church. He goes, “Why?” Well, because of the way we have the house of God set up when I get up to speak, the elders, if somebody tries to interrupt the meeting protocol, are taken out of it. They will have hands laid on them and out, and they’re all off doing each other with, yeah, here’s how we would do it. Here’s how we do it in my church. You don’t even get to you don’t get up to the pulpit to get the microphone. You’re not just going to walk up there and interrupt anything.


So, Trump’s like, hm, upper lip perch. Listening, 10 minutes of testimony on how they handle church. He said, “Well, alright. Alright. I get it now, and I’m glad to hear that”. That’s the way it ought to be. Now, the way I look at it, that meeting is my church service, and I’m the preacher. I just looked at them, and then they looked at each other and said, “He’s got the point.” Anyone who interrupts me when I’m preaching is out of Order. They should be kicked out. They said You’re right. He’s got the point. They should be kicked out. He had them commit to the protocol, and then he made the analogy that that’s hi,m, and they all agreed that he has to kick these people out on the clock that gave four minutes of space designated for a meeting with absolute silence.


The case was so close no one had a, yeah, but it was done.


So, Darryl Scott yells across the room tell mister Trump he isn’t president yet; tell mister Trump, what you said to me on the phone, miss Doctor Wall, Doctor Wallnau, I see you over there; tell mister Trump what you told me and I thought oh my God. Pentecostals don’t want everybody to know what they’re talking about on the phone. I look at him with desperation. I go, “What part?” He said, “Tell him the whole thing.” Well, I had my briefcase with me, and the only thing I had in my suitcase was my King James Bible. I’m nervous. I plunk my Bible up on the table; he’s looking at this phenomenon. I go to Isaiah. I said, “Mister Trump, you might notice you say some amazingly controversial things, and they would out anybody else, but somehow, you’re the only guy that can see. You remind me that George Washington had at least four horses shot out from under him and was still riding. Nobody could get away with saying what you say. Some are self-inflicted shots; you just get up and keep going”.


I said now the reason why is because of the grace of God. God has his hand on you, and I will tell you in the Bible what I believe God told me. Thus says the Lord to Cyrus, whom I’ve anointed. I read Isaiah 45, saying, “God raised you by his grace to be an outsider who comes in that is going to undo the belt of military and economic adversaries to God’s purposes for Israel and the United States.” He’s doing an answer to prayer though you do not even know him. I shouldn’t have said this, but I did because I’m a Jew. I said, “And the truth is you bring your Bible, and we love to see your Bible. We love to see you honor God but know you’re not an evangelical. We realize that. But it doesn’t matter. We love you for who you are. Stay true to your principles, and we’ll keep praying for you. You’ll be fine even though it will be a controversial ride”.


Well, when I was over, that was an accurate prophecy. I am the only prophet who prophesied about Trump that is predicted to Trump. He comes up to me and says to me afterward, he goes, “You know what you said earlier?” I go, “Yeah.” He goes, “That now you think about it. If you’re not Christianese, if you don’t know how to talk charismatic. What do you do when somebody’s giving you a word? You don’t have language for it”. So, he said that really and I thought, minister to me, bless me, edify me. I bore witness. We have the code. So, I was saying, hey, I was trying to think what I can tell him because he’s trying to say something. He goes, then he finally says that it meant a lot. Meant a lot is a secular version of saying it ministered to me. So, I took a picture with him. Boom. The moment’s done. And I said under my breath. I said, what the heck am I doing here? I don’t know economics. I don’t see the apprentice.


The first time I’d been to Trump Towers. I need to learn about politics. I am not a race advocate or race reconciliation. We got plenty of those in the body of Christ that does the drum kettle repentance. I’ve been to all the meetings. It’s not my stick. I don’t do all stuff. I do whiteboards and & Mountains. Do you know what the Lord says to me? Right there at Trump Towers. Every time you pray in tongues, you tell me this is what you want to do. Think about that. Every time you pray in tongues, you tell me this is what you want to do. See, I’m walking around with the 7 Mountains blueprint over here, and every time, I’m praying in tongues, and tongues a lot. I’m praying in tongues to get involved with politics, race issues, economics, and global politics. Figure that out. My tongue is taking me places my head doesn’t know.


So, if you want to talk about innovative business and be radical Pentecostal here, start with the fact that God has plans for you down here that you may not know. That’s the genius of what the sister was talking about, this radical. The radical giving is relevant because it’s the only thing God can do to break you open to not being led by your head where you’re dead. If you can obey God when he says to give generously, it isn’t rational, and it certainly is contrary to your self-preservation instincts to provide what is your buffer between you and the world around you and to trust God. Well, if God can give that to you, then he can provide you with anything else. Does that make sense to you?


Alright, so let me fill in the diagram because I’m got carried away. Cyrus is the ruler. After Cyrus comes, by the way, Cyrus was prophesied a hundred and 20 years before he was even there; he shows up after Cyrus was a bad president. After that was a good one. So, take a breath. That’s the pattern of bad than good after Cyrus. So, you’re going to have; you got a bumpy road. You may be curious if it’s a Cyrus coming. What you know is that the foundation level is people pray, and what does God do? He gives you a ruler that is conducive to accomplishing his purpose. Now when Cyrus came, what was the purpose of Cyrus? I get frustrated with the shallowness of Pentecostal prophetic people because they’re too goofy. They want to know that it’s like a pest dispenser. They wish for the next prediction as to what will happen, like babe Ruth, pointing out a home run. They love words of knowledge. We love the sensational, but we’re shallow.


Look at the model. I’ll tell you the model is more accurate than the prophets because the Bible gives you irrefutable processes and patterns. Your job is to discern and apply it. So, when you pray, God gives you rulers such as it’s conducive to his glory to give you victory as a nation. After the ruler, this is praying for the rules. Then God said, go, Cyrus says, build me a house. He sends the Jews just like Jeremiah prophesied, 70 years of captivity, then they will be restored to the land. The first thing they got was to build the house. Let me say this: I’m here because God has a new business model. I know you got to wanna know ideas, and I and it certainly makes sense. How are you going to build your business? What principles can you work with? What innovation could I give you? Tons of that. What works? How people are making money and allowing the economy and all that stuff. But that’s irrelevant to the big picture—the 30,000-oot view. God gives you a political intervention. And when God gave us the intervention, I don’t think the church did what it was supposed to do.


Break: Friends, the news headlines proved one thing: the world is very fragile. And that means the to prepare is now for more instability. Do you have enough emergency food to get you through a severe shortage? Most people don’t. That’s why I recommend the My Patriots supply at “” You could save $150 off of a vital three-month emergency food kit. That’s a kit that contains a whole lot of different kinds of meals. They have 2000 calories a day in them, and we’re talking about breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a combination of other meals. That’s going to be Lance Walnut. com forward slash patriots. Save your $150. Get a hold of the 3-month food supply and do it now. Don’t be a victim. Don’t live at the last minute and decide that you will do it when they don’t have the product but take action. You’ll be glad you did.


Lance: Why would God shut the church down for a year and a half or two? Because the church Wasn’t doing what we’re supposed to do during the four years, God gave you a trump. He didn’t give you a divine intervention to return to usual, return to business, build your 401K, and grow your database for your church and ministry. He gave us a window for a wrecking ball to take back territory. We’re so used to preaching about reformation transformation, and even the schools, I’m sorry, the Bible schools, the revival schools failed because they told you everything was going to be supernatural, supernatural, supernatural. I never trained you to occupy in the natural with a supernatural anointing. So, everybody wants to go and be Chris Valentin or Heidi Baker, but only 2% of the body of Christ is anointed to do what we do, wandering around with a microphone with an anointing. 98% have to go out, occupy, and make a living out there.


So don’t follow us as fully as you do because if you follow us to do what we do and you’re not anointed to do what we do, you will be broke. The Jewish, my forefathers, 10% of us are Levites. Ashkenazi Jews, 10% of my tribe, are Levites. 90% occupy and expand the territory. We don’t train the church to settle and expand the territory. We train the church to become a captive audience to listen to the anointed oracles. So, God gives you a ruler. Then he told him to go back and occupy and build the house. Zerubbabel and Joshua ruled the house where Joshua was the priest. Zerubbabel was the governor and an old prophet who was 80 years old; a cranky old Jew went and prophesied and said, the reason why I shut down your nation with a plague. Your economy is declining because I gave you rulers, and you still need to give me what I wanted. I want a different church.


God wants a different church. He wants an other church. Well, I’ll admire Colette and what he’s doing. He’s not quite sure what this is, but, every instinct inside of him, who is ridden by the waves or the moves of God, is saying, something new has to happen. That new thing is God wants a house. You can call it the Ecclesia or the Ecclesia if you wish to, but God wants a different kind of house than the building down the street, measured by two services a week. How many people they got on staff, and how many people got saved last year? Because A nation is going down the toilet because the church isn’t doing what the Ecclesia’s anointed to do. So, they were called to build a house.


After the house comes to Nehemiah and Ezra, what is that? They built the house then they restored the walls in the gates. Oh, you notice a progression? A new Ecclesia builds and fixes the boundaries of every LGBTQ transgender socialistic Marxist agnostic influence that eroded the inheritance of what God gave a nation. And the fact that it’s almost silent tells you how controversial that idea is. It’s restoring what was broken down by a cultural assault while the church didn’t engage the culture. Restore the walls and gates. If you don’t fix the walls and gates, your border with Mexico is a living parable, analogy, and metaphor for the spiritual condition of America. The inability to police your border is what Proverbs 25 says, “A man without self-control is like a city without walls destined to be plundered and brought to poverty.” You’re watching your culture be plundered and brought to poverty because we don’t have walls between a man and a woman, barriers between pedophiles and children, walls between Drag Queens and schools. And what do you think is going to solve that problem?


Some supernatural visitation of God on us that’s going to have us experience. In our church world, we have had some of the most intoxicating encounters with God. It never changed the community. It only changes us. Why? Because we’re supposed to go into the system. Not be separate from the system but go into it. When the walls and gates are done, then you’re going to start to see the city; then you’re going to begin to see the nation change. In terms of the 7 Mountains and then I’m done, if you want to see the nation change, this is the business model over here, then the church over here actually has to start to unpack its people and move them into occupy the high places in arts, in business, in media, journalism, in education, we have to start to unpack our people into going into these areas.


They exist out there, but they have no authorization to do anything. The gates of hell are located over Hollywood, Wall Street, and Washington, DC. Do you want to go there? I’ll take you right to where the gates are. The gates are the concentration of satanic power and leveraged influence over the minds of the masses. I’ll show you where they are at Harvard and Yale. Like you can, why can’t I say them? And New York Times, and CNN, are known as high places so everyone can see where they’re located on the map. Why is the church allow them to exist? Because we only had a theology that we’re called to occupy once he comes. We’ve had a visitation, revival, harvest, supernatural, rapture, and exit philosophy. Consequently, Satan has strategically been increasing his presence in all these vertical domains while the church is going around in circles debating about a political solution.


We’re supposed to be the solution. The Lord told me not to look for a political solution. Your answer is the government will be upon your shoulders. The governing influence over hell is on the body of Christ. I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail. Not I will develop my party, and the gates of hell will not prevail. It’s the Christians in the Republican Party that are holding back hell right now. Does that make sense? So, where are we going? Do you want to start your business model? I say, and I’ll talk a second time. Dedicate it to becoming an Ecclesia in the business mountain. Make your business a ministry. You can’t operate it on a non-profit basis. You got to think like a Jew. Speak Babylonian, think like a Jew. You have to be able to interact with the world system the way the world system is working, but you have to feel like a kingdom of God person.


What God does is give you innovative ideas and disruptive technology to be able to occupy. Still, if you don’t understand the game, if you understand the map, that you’re occupying space against the gates of hell, you’re not being adequately prepared for where God’s taking you. If you’re only looking for an innovative idea to make money in a troubled time because you’re a Christian, that’s fine. That’s the shallow end of the revelation pool. The deep end is where the exploits are. We got movies now. I’m invested in film. This is a weird thing for me.


Do you know why? Because I finally got the movie make, the producers, the studios, the actors, and the cash flow to have winning projects I could put money into because we’re learning how to take over the Arts Mountain. We’re learning how to take over these fields. The business arena is up for grabs right now. Science and technology are now the new domain. But you know what? If we had been preaching occupy these areas during the period that we were preaching other stuff, then the Zuckerberg and the Twitter guys would have. Instead of a generation of hidden building disruptive technology, we would have had a generation of young entrepreneurs creating a disruptive technology. It would have been Kingdom technology rather than us fighting the world system. Does that make sense to you?


Someone has to start preaching it. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. It’s time that these ideas started permeating because God will give us another redemption cycle if he can get the house he wants. One that restores the walls and the gates of society because you never hear this preached at the end of the day. Matthew 25, Jesus is coming back to divide and to collect. The sheep nations and the goat nations. You don’t hear this preach. The end game is not the rapture, and although we all talk about the harvest of souls, the yield of souls’ talk is revival talk. It’s abstract. It’s like the harvest of souls. Let me tell you what’s troubling language—discipline nations. Because you can see visibly whether you’re hitting the target with the nation, but when it comes to souls, it’s like you’re hearing all this good news sometimes, but you’re not even, where does it manifest? Because it’s abstract. But if you can disciple a community or a nation, you’ll have a visible harvest of souls. You cannot see the harvest if you can get your handles on the nation.


I’m trying to tell you that the target God is looking for is sheep nations. Not an exit Strategy to go to heaven and let the Antichrist take over. There’s an antichrist probably walking around right now. Guarantee he’s going to fulfill everything the Bible says about him. Why is it we don’t have a revelation? When Jesus returns, he will gather sheep nations in front. We don’t even have a theology for sheep nations. We only have a great commission that says, “Go make disciples of nations.” We, for some reason, edit it out of our theology and say he doesn’t mean that. He means souls that go to heaven before the Antichrist takes over. I’m going to tell you that the people that will be disrupted in business will give Jesus what he wants. He wants cities. He wants nations. He’ll give you the cash flow. He’ll give you the disruptive technology, but you must be prepared for a battle that’ll make you culturally agitating to the world around you. Because if you think you’re going to win the world just simply by being a nice person, you don’t understand the controversial nature of who Jesus is.


So, I thank you in Jesus’ name for the new businesses that’ll flourish and the prosperity you’re sending into communities like this. But I know, father, you’re building a spiritual house. So, I pray that the stones will start to come together and that the mysterious connection to the body of Christ will begin to come together because you’re building a body made of living stones.


Now my wife is over who’s on the front row. She’s like Heidi Baker, and in this sense, she has this vision for these single mothers in Dallas, Texas. I got this ministry called Furnishing Families in Texas. She started when she realized there were mothers she had heard about in Fort Worth who were living in cars because they couldn’t afford to live in places, and she said to forget about going to a foreign country. This is Fort Worth, Texas. I live in Dallas. So, she started working with YMCA and various other resources to find out where mothers couldn’t afford to house.


Find out where the mothers could get into housing but couldn’t afford furniture or beds. And she started what she could do. She started renting out warehouses and filling them up with furniture and mattresses, and then she prayed in a moving truck. And next thing I know, she’s got over a thousand beds in these places for kids to sleep instead of sleeping on the floor. They got beds. And then she’s furnished 500 apartments like one of those TV shows where you walk in one day, and there’s a fully furnished apartment. And she’s doing it purely by faith. Because I was her primary support in her vision, I was thinking about those separate accounts, which is a great idea. Because she’s spending that money and I forget I was out with a business. So, I, and what’s ironic is I train millionaires, and billionaires got no problem with that. I’m making a retreat at a guy’s ranch multimillionaire. The minimum level in my training is 25 to a 100-million-dollar net worth. That’s what you got to have to be in my audience. So, I’m doing special training with that group—35 of these guys.


The Lord tells me, don’t charge them. That’s ridiculous. These guys can afford anything. The Lord says, don’t do it. I go well. This is a reverse offering. This is a Jew not asking for money. This is good as giving. So, I’m driving home with the chairman of the group and CEO of the business group, and the Holy Ghost is working on him when I get up and go to the bathroom. He’s thinking; Lance won’t let me pay him. I got to do something for him, so I get back and sit down. He goes, “Lance; he slaps the table. You got to let me do something for you. If you won’t let me pay you”. I got to do something. We can’t have this. This doesn’t seem right. Every instinct to me as a Christian businessman says you’re not doing it right. We have to help you. What do you, you won’t take money, what can we do? And at that moment, I was reviewing some records of what it was costing me to fund my wife’s ministry.


So, I go, he’s a beast friend of mine, Ken. I go, “Ken. Ken, listen, brother. I just need someone to stand with me in faith. You got to help me, Ken. You got to help me. I’m underwriting that about 40,000 a month right now, my credit card, brother”. And he looks at me. I wasn’t asking him for money. You got to help me, but I support me by what? Spiritually, I got to help my wife with her ministry, and he looks at me and goes, Well, 40,000 a month. I don’t know if I can do that, but I can do 20″. And so, right away, I got 20 000 a month for her ministry by not asking for an offering. So, because she’s not a businesswoman, she goes at this from the heart; it’s all heart. And so, we have to surround her with business people, but it’s all hearts. And what does she tell me? She wants affordable housing. I go, “Honey, honestly, where are we going with this vision there.” There isn’t any for her demographic.


These beautiful moms. They get out of jail. They get out of the strip clubs. They want to make a legitimate living, and they got they’re raising children, and she gets to lead into Jesus, and she’s trying to get the kids to church. So, she’s saying they need affordable housing because these landlords are like slum landlords, and the government doesn’t help, and they got mold and terrible living conditions in these section 8 housing. She wants, so she’s telling me, how many acres did the Lord tell you? She says God’s going to give me 100 acres, and I’m going to have affordable housing, and I’m going to have a 7M city. It will be our city for the future, and it will be for my people.

So, if there was ever a place where you could hear an idea like that and it fits, it’s in this room. So, she’s a dreamer dreaming like that, and I’m looking at this and going, I Believe it’s possible. So, while you hear me saying this, understand I’m not cynical about the future. I’m concerned that the church isn’t aiming high enough. That it’s adjusting itself to the tribulation and trouble. It’s not seeing that we’re called to restore the walls, the gates, to take cities to have a sheep nation, and that part of it will be supernatural funding for the people to have a heart for other people.


Father, I thank you in Jesus’ name. For the gathering of the dangers that are here. For the supernatural arranging of the stones in each meeting. May everyone meet someone who is going to be part of the building structure of the Ecclesia that this apostolic hub here is calling together? In Jesus’ name, amen. And amen. Thank you.


Closing: Did you enjoy this latest episode? Please remember to share it with your friends because the more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to navigate the world.


Lance: In your life, you’ve got angels assigned to you. They connect you with people. For all I know, it could have been a random angelic intervention that connected you and me. Do you ever think about that? How did you first hear about a person, or how did you first stumble upon an idea? There may be angels at work doing that. One of the great stories in the New Testament is the story of Cornelius, a Roman who was ignorant of the gospel but somehow was praying to God. As so many people do on the Earth, just praying to the God he knew the best he knew. But he was also giving, and he was explicitly giving alms. He was investing in those that were poor that needed resources. And here’s the story I want you to remember. His giving provoked an angelic visitation because the angel came to him and said, “Cornelius your prayer has been heard and your alms or your giving has been remembered before God.” That means that he was doing something over some time, which triggered God’s intervention later on.


I want you to know that when you give consistently and sow with the right spirit, you are setting up a divine appointment in the future where the angelic realm comes down to unlock access to something you couldn’t have gotten without God setting it up. This is the real secret of living in a rhythm of divine appointments. And I want you to partner right now with the work that we’re doing because this is the realm we live in. Go to “” and join me and many others in unlocking divine appointments on the Earth where the gospel goes forth and changes situations, people, and nations. “,” and I want to welcome you into our family.


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