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Breaking the Spell of Political Witchcraft



Today’s broadcast discusses the spiritual invasion of America by activist groups and the major spirit of witchcraft we’re up against. Jesus told us that we are the light; we are the city. The Bible tells us that lawlessness will abound in the last days, and we’re watching these activists unthinkingly destroy America.

Episode Transcript

Speaker 1: Greetings. I want to give you an important message. The apostle Paul says something in Corinthians, Second Corinthians chapter 11, verse 4. He said if someone preaches another Jesus, you listen to another gospel, you receive a different spirit. You put up with it, and he challenged the church to beware that they’re not listening to another Jesus hearing the other gospel and encountering the spirit that’s not the Holy Spirit. When I heard that message taught by Derek Prince, it shook me up, and I realized, oh my gosh, I even think that our generation now has a different Jesus than the Jesus that is showing up in history. That the Jesus is showing up now is showing up to shake the nations, and we’ve got gentle Jesus, meek and mild, and he’s riding on a warrior’s horse as a king judging the nations right now. I’m telling you, and I’m going to prove it to you in the scripture, how John the Baptist got the wrong idea in terms of the timing, and we’re going to do a series on this because we’ve got an update as to who Jesus is and who you are in the Earth right now. By the way, those of you that want to support me. I’m hearing people say, how can I help you, Lance? Text “LWM” to 41444, and you can help, help, help me. Because it’s free here on the internet, I will buy time every place else. Please help me get the message out. Let’s get into this world.


Lance: Welcome to the Lance Wallnau Show. Today will focus on the unchanging, consistently predictably accurate, prophetic news before it happens Word of God. We’re going to go to the Bible, and I want to talk to you about something in particular that interests me today: the misunderstanding of who Jesus is. I was on taking a week off with Annabelle on a big a year ago, and I remember working; it’s hard not to work because I love what I do, right? And I was like researching Derek Prince, the great Cambridge scholar dealing with witchcraft. Because witchcraft is a significant spirit that we’re up against, his characteristics are intimidation manipulation and control or domination manipulation and intimidation, same thing. Now you look at the activist groups like BLM, for instance, and I would say that a lot of their ritual stuff that they did that people don’t realize was chanting and summoning of dead spirits. They would chant and summon the departed spirits. The spirits of victims passed to come to join the angry riot to protest in them and with them, and there were rituals involved. People totally miss it.


This was spiritual in a sense, a counterfeit intercessory invasion of America, and then we’re finding out in the news that the Silicon Valley Bank. I don’t know if it is 70 million dollars to BLM, and it’s the bank that fails, but it’s because they were involved with woke policies. So, you see, the Democratic Party, what I’m worried about is the Uni Party Republicans get their money from the significant Lockheed Martins, the military contractors, the pharmaceuticals. And then you got the left-wing activists working on racial, sexual, transgender, and environmental payrolls. They’re just America’s 6 trillion dollars upended right now, which is why you’re seeing all the banks closing and the inflation fly. Because they just printed money and then handed it out and distributed it. I’m not too far afield when I say these political parties are just churning the machine and Americans are ignorant. Media is manipulated; I’m telling you it’s funding the crazy activist with money. So, they’re having these seminars at these banks all over the place and in Washington and in the Pentagon and in the military funding these 6 figure consultants who are doing seminars on pronouns and sensitivity and stuff like that. It’s pure crazy.


Meanwhile, you’re struggling to pay the bills and put gas in the tank, and you are bailing out these guys, and you’re funny, and I know it makes you mad and angry. So, what does it have to do with Bible study? Lance, I’m trying to do a Bible study. One of my biggest frustrations is the disconnect between most Christian preachers and teachers and the world they live in. Because Jesus taught in terms of the parables of the farmer and the field and the sowing and the fishermen, and everything was relative to the world they were in and practical within that context. And while he didn’t involve them in trying to change history directly. He involved them in the Movement that would transform the world so that you are a city set on a hill. You are the light of the world. He’s saying this to people before Pentecost, before they can even get intelligently born again. He’s saying you’re the light. You’re the city. He’s saying, I’m making a new kind of people that will create an alternative world and demonstrate a different world, a kingdom manifest on Earth as a witness.


Now, think about what your excellent commission assignment is. Your call is not necessarily to succeed. Now, catch this. Noah was faithful in his generation and preached the gospel. Only seven people got saved. Was he a failure? Well, if you’re looking at church growth, he failed. But if he built a good building, the building floated. The point that I’m making is that your job is to be faithful. Did Jesus fail? He had 12 guys enrolled in his special training course, and one of them funded his opposition to take him to court and kill him. He had 11 faithful guys. The crowd was divided. After all his miracles, God himself, the crowds split 50/50. So, you think that elections can’t be crazy? David Jesus himself lost the public riot election when they all shouted one thing and then shouted another, and Pilate couldn’t figure out which was which and turned him over to them.


So, in some sense, the immediate Movement of Jesus wasn’t that successful, but he had done the Movement. He had created the foundation, and as he exited, he knew this would work. He said, “Father, I have received the word that you’ve given to me, and I’ve given it to those you’ve given me.” The American obsession with success based on size and significance is not the Bible. The fact that Lady Gaga has more followers than the pastor does not mean that Lady Gaga succeeded. Because it’s about something other than how significantly well-known you are, how much money you’ve got. It’s about whether you did what the father called you to do. Jesus could have had much more impact if he had taken his ministry may, be to Athens and started there or Greece or Rome, but that wouldn’t have redeemed the world. That would have had a people following, but it wouldn’t have saved the world and stripped the devil of his power.


You’ve got to go to the field that God signs you to and know your significance is based on your faithfulness to do what you’re called to do. So, having said that where I’m going now is you’ve got this witchcraft operation that we’re up against in a powerful intimidation manipulation domination way. Because it’s taking on the form of woke ideologies that are badgering and bullying people into submission, they are disciplining Western Europe, the United States, and their disciplining nations with their gospel. And a bunch of these people says they’re Christians, and here’s what Paul says how I’m going back to Derek Prince. Paul said, “Take heed lest you receive another Jesus, but not the Jesus of the Bible.” And these people will quote Jesus. The activist will mention Jesus. They’ll be in these activist churches; they’ll quote Jesus, but it’s not the Jesus of the scripture. Take heed lest you receive another spirit. It’s possible that you can get a counter of his spirit. This should scare you because many spirits have gone out into the world. Try the spirits. It says in James, test the spirits.


The assumption is they’re knocking on your door. They want free entrance; if you agree, they’ll come in. Test the spirits. See if it’s not another Jesus, another spirit, and the whole environment. Save the world. Understand the reason why these people are so apocalyptic. Why they’re doing this? Why they’re disfiguring art and why they’re risking their lives, and why they’re giving all their money away? Because Gaia Earth or Earth worship is an ancient form of animus religion. It’s primitive. It’s human sacrifice. It’s to the Gods of thunder and wind, and so it’s like we’re more sophisticated, idolatrous, that’s all. So, the worship of Earth and the saving of the planet becomes a religion.


Never mind that when you, I won’t go there, but I’m just going to tell you that the end times nuclear and various other things unleashed will destroy the planet. Because the latter end of this kind of disconnect from reality is that you let the devil loose, and when the devil’s loose, he’s there to steal, kill, and destroy Earth as well as you. So, let’s go back and reel his sin. I’m listening to Derek Prince, who is warning about another Jesus, spirit, and gospel. He says to the Corinthians that you must be careful because you’re listening to people carrying a different Jesus and what I’m preaching, another gospel than what I’m saying. There’s a different spirit on it. How many Christians do you think to have discerning spirits? I guess we Pat ourselves on the back because we caught the Russia conspiracy, the COVID emphasis, the vaccine, or the election fraud. And we pride ourselves on the fact that we don’t drink the Kool-Aid, and they call us conspiracy people. But I’ll tell you that our crowd is some of the wildest crazy conspiracy people on planet Earth.


They’ll connect dots where any dots exist without even examining whether they should be connected. Give an example of what I mean. What the white, what the Washington McConnellsdo the debt ceiling and spending is because they’re compromised by their money interest, their donors, and their worldview. They really believe that this stuff can continue and then get away with it, that the economy can withstand it, that Ukraine and Russia are a real issue, and that we have to stop Russia because Russia’s our enemy. They’re fighting a war that doesn’t even exist. Trump had enough sense to know we’re not fighting with Russia. Russia’s Cold War issue, but not these guys, their ideologues, are stuck in a mentality. That’s the white Republican Party over there. You go over there to your predominantly white whole Democrat Party, and they’re into a whole different thing. They’re empty suits taken captive by their activists.


So, I’ll always remember the moment that, was the most telling during the run-up to the election. I knew we were done. I knew America was cooked and needed and probably was passed an easy solution when nobody screamed and squealed when Joe Biden was asked the question. Do you approve of believing that 11-year-olds, 12-year old, and 13-year old should be able to qualify for transgender surgery if they so elected? Any fireback with such speed that you knew he was ready for this. He goes. And then, he moves on to other issues, energy, oil, and gas. I said, stop the breaks hold the breaks; stop right there, the news and nobody spoke. Did you hear what he said? 13-year-olds or 11-year-olds should be eligible with or without parental author involvement to determine their gender and surgery, etcetera.

Chemical castration is right on the table for a child to go ahead and do in his confused state as a preteen. Suppose that’s his option; that’s his privilege. I mean, what the H is going on? When you got that kind of lunacy in the White House, everything else goes with it. I mean, right there, your bananas. So, what does that have to do with the Bible? Because the Bible says that in the last days, the love of many will wax cold. Why would the love of many wax cold? Well, because lawlessness will abound. So, when you see lawlessness like this abound, when you see parties that are subject to greed. And what I’m saying in making sure that you hear is our conspiracy-oriented crowd thinks these guys are working together to destroy America. They’re not. They’re not thinking they’re destroying America. They believe that they’re creating a better world. They’re just operating off of ignorance instead of off of the truth. They aren’t working together to tear down the mirror.


I know some of you guys. I want you to guard yourself against hyper-conspiracy thinking. Because you need to be as grounded in reality as anybody, part of that reality is that people do for their interests. People don’t care about you. They’re doing things for themselves or not doing things against you, and they think they’re doing something that’s meeting a need they’ve got. Now, our problem is that we don’t have an updated GPS regarding how the church engages the world. I’m describing to you the world the way it is. So, people connect the dots and say, well, they’re intentionally trying to destroy the banks and drop them so they can have a digital currency. Not really. The Biden administration makes decisions producing the outcome of collapsed economies and the digital alternative. But make a difference between the shrewd intentionality of Republicans and Democrats working together. This is where we get a little cookie.


We think they’re trying to do this. No, they are making stupid decisions. They cannot learn from them because there’s a spirit in them, and they will continue to double down on dumb, thinking they’ll get a different result. They think it’s like the Bible says; the people who will kill you think they’re doing God a service. They ultimately believe they are doing the right thing. So, they’re not; the outcome is unintended. You and I see the result is inevitable. Because when you print 6 trillion dollars’ worth of extra cash, you will put a dumpster fire out there on your country and your currency. You’re going to have more money floating than you’ve got goods and services, and everything will get jacked up, and people will get priced out. Then you’re going to have to raise inflation to cool the fire. But the moment you start raising inflation, all the banks that were all greedy and extending themselves out there with 0, 1, and 2% interest now have to pay a higher rate. Now they have less margin. Their bad decision-making, especially their woke investment strategies, started to fail. And that’s what’s happening with many of the banks.


I’m not oversimplifying when I say these people think they’re brilliant. They’re not trying to destroy America; they’re destroying America because they’re trying the wrong things; they’ve got bad ideas and don’t know it. So, it doesn’t give you much consolation. Except to ensure you don’t buy in on the wrong channel on the conspiracy theory program. Because for you to navigate, you have to have a sense of reality. One of the great benefits of the Word of God is that it gives you a perspective regarding these days that can provide you with hope and comfort. I’m going to give you an example of what I mean. Jesus needs to be updated if you can receive the wrong Jesus or another Jesus and another gospel with another spirit. Suppose you can become hyper-conspiracy-focused. You must pull back now and then and say the conspiracy is in the demonic realm. It’s in principalities and powers. They’re working through fallen human beings. That’s why Paul said at the end of the day, Nero may be crazy. Nero may be demonic. Nero may be dangerous, but we wrestle not with Nero but with the spirits that are operating through Nero. Nero is an empty suit with the demon controlling him.


Our job is to take on the principalities and powers operating behind flesh and blood. We wrestle. We’re resisting. We’re in close combat with the invisible spiritual forces operating through these weak institutions and these human beings that are giving them a hosting these spirits ideas, and the answer for that is you got to have righteous people take their place. The answer is you have to bind the influence of those thoughts and those momentums. The answer to that is you’re dealing with witchcraft. Know that you’re dealing with activists that are witchcraft, and don’t separate it into whether just political and I’m not political; no, that’s a political spirit operating through demons of witchcraft that are intimidating, manipulating, and dominating culture. Shaping children, shaping school systems, shaping corporations, and what do you do in witchcraft you have to fight witchcraft. That’s where Elijah comes in. Elijah, the anointing of Elijah, comes in and confronts Jezebel. Jezebel’s the epitome of the manifest and the symbolism of witchcraft, seduction, manipulation, intimidation, and domination. Elijah is the anointing that naturally finds itself on a collision course with that spirit.


So, no matter how nice you try to be, you will end up colliding with that spirit. If it comes to you, you’ll collide with it the moment you say no, when it tries to come into your house. If you say no, you will then have a confrontation with that spirit. The goal is to have the battle out there, not in your house, and push the battle line further. So, John the Baptist comes, and in Matthew chapter 11, let’s read here Matthew chapter 11. He comes, and something happens here, which is interesting. Let’s go to Matthew chapter three first. Matthew 11 is about John the Baptist’s doubts about Jesus because Jesus isn’t fitting the eschatology of what John thought he would do. Here’s what happened to John.


John the Baptist in chapter 3 of Matthew verse 1. “In those days, John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. John the Baptist is anticipating God’s about to show up. For this is he who is spoken about the prophet Isaiah saying the voice of one crying in the world and has prepared the way of the Lord to make his path straight”. This is pretty wild. Isaiah, a prophet, prophesied another prophet was coming. That prophet was going to prepare the way for the Messiah, and so now, Isaiah’s prophecy is being fulfilled, and the Bible says it is being fulfilled in John the Baptist. He is a royal herald ordering the repair of roads in preparation for the king’s coming.


Now, John was clothed in camel’s hair, a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locust and wild honey. He sounds like a pretty alpha male to me, and then Jerusalem and all Jude and all the region around the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins. So, here you have a prophetic evangelist. He is the spirit of Elijah. The Bible says in Malachi, “I’m going to send my servant before me, and he will be in the spirit and power of Elijah. Jesus himself will later say, John the Baptist operating in the spirit and power of Elijah”. So, here Elijah tells us that before Jesus comes back, the John the Baptist spirit, the Elijah mantle, will be confronting politics and Jezebel. Witchcraft and politics. Why do I say that? Well, brother Wallnau, you’re getting off into some weird theology. Well, keep listening. He saw many Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism and said, you of vipers who warned you to flee from the wrath to come. He’s even reforming the church.


When the John the Baptist Elijah mantle comes, it will be evangelistic. It’s going to proclaim the coming of a new governmental shift. It will manifest with people confessing their sins and getting saved, and he will also shake up a church. Therefore, bear fruits worthy of repentance and don’t think to say to yourselves, we have Abraham as our father and Christ’s savior that; God can raise children Abraham from these stones. And even now is the axe laid to the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. This is not a very comforting word. This is a word of warning. That God’s coming to reveal the roots of what you are all about, the belief system and what you’re rooted in, what you’re connected to. It’s exposing, and then if you don’t have good fruit, bam, coming down.


I indeed baptized you with water under repentance, and I’m assuming this is immersion because he is coming after me as mightier than I am sandal. I’m not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire. So, look at the word fire. Why fire? Well, but his fire is a cleansing agent. Fire is a purifying agent. Fire is a transformative agent. His widowing fork is in his hand; he will thoroughly clean out his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn. He will burn up the chap with unquenchable fire. Now, wait for a second. John the Baptist describes Jesus coming with almost like winds blowing; the winds are blowing strong, and they’re clearing out his floor. So, only the heaviness of the wheat stays, and the fluff and the snow flakiness blow off, and all that remains in the winds of God is the real fruit that withstands the winds. He’s going to gather that wheat into his barn, then he’s going to turn around, and that same Holy Spirit and fire are now going to bring fire upon his enemies and burn with unquenchable fire, his enemies.


Now, this is John the Baptist. I got 4 minutes, and I said all this to say, we’ve got another Jesus running around in these churches. I don’t want to warn you about it because there’s a change coming in the administration, I believe, of the focus of the spirit of Elijah, the prophetic message, and the adjustments and the preparations of the church in the west. To deal with the Jezebels and the Herods. What you’re going to find out in my following message is John the Baptist ends up getting losing his head and losing his voice and getting involved with the government, and getting involved in jail because he spoke against Herod and insulted Jezebel. He offended the witchcraft spirit that Herod was married to, and Jezebel wanted to kill that prophet and Herod, so the government locked him up. Are you seeing any government threats, intrusions, or government lockups of innocent people right now? It’s because they’re standing against the spirit of Herod and the spirit of Jezebel.


Well, now, here’s what I want you to catch. The windowing fork in his hand will thoroughly clean his threshing floor, and then Jesus comes. The dove comes down. Not a flaming fire. Do you know why? Because Jesus didn’t need a blazing cleansing fire. He was pure already. Now, he’s about to be tested for 40 days to see what he’s made of, and he comes out in the power of the spirit preaching the gospel. But those healings and deliverances produce joy, happiness, excitement, expectation, and anticipation, and people are all wondering what God’s doing. It is so great. And what’s happening with John? John’s tangling with Jezebel. He’s predicting the widowing fork; the delivery is coming, the man with fire in his hands. He’s going to separate, he’s going to judge, and he’s waiting for Jesus to do his messianic thing. What I’m trying to tell you is this greatest of all prophets of the Old Testament, according to Jesus. This Elijah guy misunderstood the manifestation of Jesus in his generation.


So now we go to Matthew 11, where I started, and Jesus is preaching and teaching, and in verse 2, John heard in prison about the works of Christ. He sent two disciples and asked him, are you the coming one or supposed to look for someone else? Notice he’s looking for another Jesus than the Jesus that showed up, and this is the great prophet. This will keep you humble. The prophet missed it. Why is it that John the Baptist is doubting Jesus because he saw the justice ministry, kingly ministry, widowing fork in your hand, time of shaking and sifting ministry? He saw the end-time ministry of Jesus. Here’s the punchline. He saw the Jesus that is showing up now. And he was shocked that he came as a lamb, meek, preaching, forgiving, and bringing the nations to repentance.


Do you know what’s ironic about that? We’re in the opposite case. We’re looking for Jesus, gentle Jesus, meek and mild, loving Jesus, a political, tolerant, woke Jesus, and he’s about to come out with the winds blowing, the threshing floor in chaos, the shaking beginning, challenging Pharisees charging Herod with his crimes and shaking up witchcraft seduction in Jezebel in every form and activism that is militating against the true gospel of transformation in the gospel of the kingdom in other words, John saw the end time Jesus and we are looking at the first manifestation of Jesus we are missing the disposition of Jesus I’m going to prove it to you Jesus is coming as a flame of fire to deal with the nations. Now I need your help to get this message out. He was doing something completely different. I’m trusting the Lord on this, and I’m going to start to well, and really, I have peace of mind about this. Because the Lord has called me to do this, I can’t do it unless the Lord opens the doors.


So, I will go as far as you help me go. I’ll run as far as you can get me to. I’ll plant the flag on every mountain, media, science, business, government, and education. We’ll see a seven mountain of seven M gen rise, but I need your help because I will need lawyers. I’m going to need writers. I’m going to need probably security, and I’m willing to do what I got to do, but I’m going to need your help and to do and to be able to fund the team. You look at what Project Veritas does. You look at what Charlie Kirk does, and I mean, I’m right there in the spirit zone on this stuff. Pentecostal do it. I need the partnership and the covering and the prayer and intercession. I need the involvement also and engagement of every one of you.


You can text LANCE—text “Lance” to 41444. And help partner with me. Put an offering in. Please give us some support financially to be able to start to take this message out—text “Lance” to 41444. Could you stand with me? Could you help me get this out? If we’ve been a blessing at all, helping you at all. This is your way of helping me, and it’s not for me, and it’s not for Annabelle. It’s for America and the nations. We will do what we must for this end-time impact in Jesus’ name. “Lance” 41444. Text it, and I thank you for your friendship and your prayers. God bless you.


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