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Trump-Putin Press Conference: Comedy Gold As American Journalists Beclown Themselves | Rush Limbaugh



Rush Limbaugh: Yesterday’s press conference with President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, provided humorous fodder for Rush Limbaugh who said he couldn’t stop laughing. He also stated how regular TV doesn’t make him laugh any longer and the last time he’d laughed that hard was in 2016 during the Presidential campaign.

Excerpt from Rush Limbaugh:

It’s amazing to me to watch the right-before-before-our-eyes decline of the stature, the respect, the integrity and the perceived intelligence of members of the United States White House or presidential press corps. This is just… I don’t know. I have all kinds of mixed emotions watching it. I go through the anger. But I can’t stay angry very long because I can’t stop laughing at this. For example, some AP reporter stood up, he got the last question of Trump, and he (laughing) asked Trump, “Okay. U.S. intelligence says that Russia meddled.

“Russia says they didn’t. Who do you believe?” And then the guy says to Putin, “Do you have any compromising material on President Trump and his family?” I about lost it at this point. It was a serious question. “Do you have any compromising material on President Trump and his family?” And Putin and Trump both just laughed, and Putin’s facial expression was priceless! Putin’s facial expression was over the top. You could tell that he thought this guy was an idiot.

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Source: Trump-Putin Press Conference: Comedy Gold As American Journalists Beclown Themselves | Rush Limbaugh

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