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Lance's Stack Of Stuff

The Leftist media takeover and sleeping Christians.



Friends, we need to see this. The moment the free press stops speaking as a voice to power and becomes the voice for a powerful political party, America is doomed. They are poisoning the minds of the masses and at some point will train their guns on you, the hate mongering radical right-wing deplorable.

I suppose I could reframe my frustration and concern and accept the thing if I lived in a communist country or Iran or North Korea, but that is not the case. I live in America where the people can exert great influence on the power structure – IF THEY ARE INFORMED! And that is half the reason why I am bothered by the media takeover by the radical leftists in the Democratic Party. The people can’t be informed.

The other half of the reason for my alarm is the fact that 90% of the preachers don’t want to talk about these things and as a result, 35 million registered to vote Christians sleep thru the battle and do nothing when it’s time to take action and vote. Sleep! It’s what the disciples did on the night Jesus was betrayed. Failure to speak and act is a betrayal of responsibility to steward the freedoms other generations fought to give us.

I ask the Lord to lift this burden off of me if I am not called to this battle. So far, the burden has only increased. I’m asking for greater grace to position myself in the joy and peace of the unshakable kingdom.

Source: Pence Says CNN Was ‘Dishonest’ in Reporting on His Visit to Border Facilities | CNS News

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