Prophets Corner

The Kindness And Severity Of God



From Patricia King comes a word of exhortation to the Body of Christ. She talks about both the kindness and severity of God and how He is cleaning His house at this time.


Unfortunately, however, there are some who have not watched over their hearts and have become enslaved by sin. As a result, they have hurt themselves and others. Our actions always affect others for good or for evil.

We sadly discover a growing trend in the Body of Christ that supports the acceptance of behaviors that the Bible addresses as sin (i.e. sexual sin, drunkenness, unclean language, same sex attractions, etc.). Leaders are often afraid to address sin and bring discipline for fear they might be looked on as “religious.”

In the example of Eli and his sons, we find that Eli, the leader, did not address the sin issues in the lives of his sons who were priests in the house of the Lord. When judgment came, it wasn’t only his sons who were affected but Eli; his sons and the entire nation paid the consequence. The severity of God was implemented in order to deal with the carelessness of their ways.

God is cleaning His house in this hour—He has shown much kindness hoping we would be led to repentance, but we will now see the severity too. If we respond to His kindness with repentance there will be no need for severity. We have serious choices to make.

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Source: The Kindness And Severity Of God | The Elijah List