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The Disunited States And The Spirit Of Elijah pt. 1



Today I want to talk to you about all the chaos we’ve been seeing and I’ve concluded that God is in the midst of the storm. The verse that jumps out to me is Elijah, dealing with Jezebel and the false prophets of Baal. In the modern day those false prophets are the modern media. Remember, at the beginning of the COVID outbreak I told you the Lord said “do not call conspiracy what this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear”? Well, the conspiracy was really the exaggerated virus fear.
Jeremiah Johnson had written a prophetic word saying this would be coming in three ways. First there is anger, then fear and finally greed. That’s so accurate, since we went from the fear conspiracy, now to the anger conspiracy. Next we’ll be moving onto the democratic platform for socialist handouts and bailouts – that will be the greed phase. However, God is about to move, timid people are beginning to wake up and realize just how bad things are!
Here’s the word I got about the nation – “even now, the axe is being laid to the root of the tree. American will now see the root of the problem because of the fruit of the manifestation.” The spirit and power of Elijah is about to come on the remnant. Elijah dealt with the witchcraft of the false prophets and we now know that the Marxist left is a counterfeit religion where you kneel and give confession without absolution. This false religion has been raised up by the false prophets of media, helped by the false teachers in academia raising up the army that’s now in the streets. The good news is the spirit of Elijah will break the witchcraft off the mind. I was with President Trump in Dallas recently and he has an anointing in discussing candidly what he’s doing with authority.

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