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Ted Cruz: Kavanaugh Confirmation An Attempt To Re-Litigate 2016 Election | Breitbart



Breitbart: In Tuesday’s session for the SCOTUS hearings for Judge Kavanaugh, Senator Ted Cruz’s opening statements clearly defined what the hearings were about and not about. He pointed out the true purpose behind these actions: an attempt by Senate Democrats and their leftwing allies to re-litigate the 2016 Presidential election, with an overall goal of the impeachment of President Trump.

Excerpt from Breitbart:

“During all three presidential debates both candidates were asked what qualities were most important to them when selecting a Supreme Court justice,” Cruz continued.
“Secretary Clinton’s answer was clear,” he said:

She wanted a Supreme Court justice who would be a liberal progressive willing to rewrite the U.S. Constitution, willing to impose liberal policy agendas that she could not get through the democratic process – that the Congress of the United States would not adopt, but that she hoped five unelected lawyers would force on the American people.

“Then-candidate Donald Trump gave a very different answer,” he continued:
He said he was looking to appoint judges in the mold of Justice Scalia. He said he wanted to appoint judges who would interpret the Constitution based on its original public meaning, who would interpret the statutes according to the text, and who would uphold the rule of law and treat parties fairly regardless of who they are or where they come from.

“Then-candidate Donald Trump also did something that no presidential candidate has done before,” Cruz added. “He published a list of nominees that he would choose from when filing Justice Scalia’s seat, providing unprecedented transparency to the American people.”

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Source: Ted Cruz: Kavanaugh Confirmation An Attempt To Re-Litigate 2016 Election | Breitbart

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