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Lance's Stack Of Stuff

“Ahab” is the spirit of passivity in the Republican Party that accommodates “Jezebel”



Man, I read these things, and it just reminds me that “Ahab” is the spirit of passivity in the Republican Party that accommodates “Jezebel” who fights and snarls and advances perversity in the Democratic Party.

If we were wise and well-organized, we would mount a vigorous multi-pronged campaign of intercession and public persuasion to defeat Jezebel in 2020 and follow that with the eviction of Ahab in 2022 in Congress and the Senate in the Republican ranks.

Honestly, our Great Awakening has to engage and win the Civil War being fought over the vulnerable minds of the masses who are like the people at Mount Carmel, “halting between two opinions.”

Source: GOP Chooses Silicon Valley Censors To Power Major Fundraising Tool | The Daily Caller

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