Prophets Corner

Prayer Directives | December 24, 2018



  • President Trump – Pray for him as he stands firm regarding his promise concerning border security and building the wall. Pray for the shalom of God to continually cover our President. Continue to pray for protection, discernment, and for supernatural strength to remain vigilant in the face of all those against him.
  • Government Shutdown and The Wall – President Trump vetoed the Senate bill whose attempt was to avoid shutting down the government. The bill, however, did not include funding for the wall. Keep pressing in regarding the funding of the border wall. Also, pray into how the media covers this and pray against panic from rising up.
  • Proposed Action By Christian Colleges And National Evangelicals – This past week, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), publicly announced they now support adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as officially protected minority classifications to the ranks of federal nondiscrimination law. Pray that the eyes of the American Church would be opened to the deceit that is set upon destroying His principles.
  • Believers in China – According to Open Doors USA, there is now reportedly a bounty for the arrest of Christians part of the widespread and intensifying crackdown on the church in China. Pray for protection of our brothers and sisters in China.