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Ohio Introduces Bill To Teach Humanity Of Preborn Children In Public Schools



Legislation introduced by pro-life lawmakers in Ohio requires materials covering the development of preborn children taught in public schools. By including more scientific data regarding prenatal humanity, there is an expectation it will bring a greater increase for valuing human life.


The program must contain “accurate, scientifically verifiable information concerning the probable anatomical and physiological characteristics of the unborn child” at numerous gestational intervals, though local school boards will have the final say on whether to use it. The bill forbids officials from “consult[ing] any organization that provides abortions” in developing the program.

HB 90 also requires the state health department to release to the public fetal development materials that “clearly and consistently state that abortion kills a living human being,” maintain a list of pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, and adoption resources, and forbids educators from “refer[ring] a student to a medical facility or any provider for the performance of an abortion.”

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Source: Ohio Introduces Bill To Teach Humanity Of Preborn Children In Public Schools | Life Site News

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