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McCarthy Keeps Promise: Kicks Swalwell, Schiff, Omar Out Of Committees



McCarthy Keeps Promise: Kicks Swalwell, Schiff, Omar Out Of Committees

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy spoke to reporters Tuesday regarding his decision to block Democrat representatives Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from serving on key committees.
One reporter with PBS kept asking questions regarding Representative George Santos and received a scathing rebuke from McCarthy.
McCarthy: “You asked me a question. The way I answer it — you do not get to decide how I answer it. You just made a question.” He continued regarding what happens regarding the House Intelligence Committee, saying, “what happens in the Intel Committee, we do not know. Other members of Congress do not know.” Pointing out Adam Schiff’s power as the Chairman but lied to the American public, McCarthy continued, “What he did, he used his power as a Chairman and lied to the public. When we had a laptop, he said it was false.” “…he had information that the rest of America does not.”
McCarthy’s blast got even hotter talking about Eric Swalwell, including addressing his connection to the Chinese.
“Let’s talk about Swalwell. I had the briefing from Nancy Pelosi. It will tell the leadership of this Congress that he had a problem with them until he served on intel. The FBI was concerned about putting a member of Congress on the committee that has a right to see things others do not. Because of his relationship with a Chinese spy.” He went on to say, “This had nothing to do with Santos. Those voters elected Swalwell even though he lied. I will respect his voters…Integrity matters to me. That is the answer to your question.”

Swalwell, Schiff, and Omar all shared their thoughts over being removed via social media and press conferences.
Interestingly, Schiff posted his complaints via a newly created Tik Tok account. A social media application widely believed to be a form of spyware with direct connections to the Chinese Communist Party.

Full press conference video:
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