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Lindell’s lawyer exposes One World Order



Today we’re talking to Mike Lindell’s attorney, Mr. Kurt Olson, who will help us interpret the legal battles surrounding the 2020 election and reveal the power of big tech and a few multinational corporations in squashing dissent. Kurt drops some shocking information on phantom voters, software ‘glitches,’ and more!

Episode Transcript

Lance: Are you ready for this? Its Lance Wallnau live in Springfield, Missouri with Mike Lindell in the background. The meeting is going to a crescendo right now. But I have to break to tell you about who we’re interviewing because we have to stop every now and then and do this really cool interviews. Because I got to grab them for you so you can meet the people that are on the stage up close. Now, the one I want to introduce to you right now is Mike Lindell’s attorney. Can you imagine a job that this guy has being Mike Lindell’s attorney? Who knows how many times Mike is getting himself into trouble? He’s the only god that’s taking on Dominion come on when they going to go at it or what. Because he wants to get the evidence, he wants to do the discovery he’s convinced that he’s got a case that can expose election fraud. And boy, he’s doing it relentlessly like a Russian Kalashnikov His lawyer Kurt Olsen is the expert on cyber fraud and how it works, not just a lawyer but an ex on the process. Let’s go right into the interview. I want you to meet Kurt Olsen, the attorney for Mike Lindell. 

Welcome back to the Lance Wallnau show. I have every chance I get I try to grab one of the key presenters here at Mike Lindell’s Moment of Truth. B ut there’s nobody who probably has a more interesting relationship than Mike than his attorney Kurt Olsen. Kurt opens up this summit cyber summits and Moment of Truth and kind of helps interpret the legal battles that are going on in language that layman can speak. Kurt, I think it’s part of your appeal to us is that you don’t sound like a lawyer although you’re a very good one. You really talk like we need to hear it. So, you’re good at making the argument and the case and the language of the people. What is it about this event this weekend that is different than the symposium? If you were doing a summary for folks that are just joining us.

Kurt Olsen: I think what is different about this event compared to the symposium that was held a year ago is it shows just how far we’ve come in this year. Both in activating people across the country to find out what happened with the 2020 election and elections in general not just the 2020 election. It’s bringing people together and exposing all of the evidence and corruption and how our election system really is being used to steal elections. So, I mean we live in the illusion of a functioning republic and the algorithms and the manipulation that’s been going on in our elections can be overcome if enough people get out and vote on election day. But what this is done is it is showing that any crystallizing the depth of this problem that we’re facing.

Lance: Let’s break that down. It can be overcome if what like with Carrie Lake, if we have such an overwhelming election day walk there with your vote type presence that we can beat the cheat. Is that what you’re saying?

Kurt Olsen: It’s that and I would even go back to 2020, because what happened in 2020 with the presidential election is that the response and the votes coming out for President Trump were so overwhelming. The cheating became obvious and that’s why we’re finding all this evidence now. When you may recall that there were a number of battleground counties that all of a sudden stopped counting. People were too tired. They had to go back to sleep. Things that had never been done before whether it was in Milwaukee in Fulton County Georgia.

Lance: Yeah, we’re going to have to shut down tonight at 11 they’ll be picking up again at 8 AM tomorrow. What the heck? This is only the most important thing. It’s like New Year’s did they go to bed at eight and wake up the next morning.

Kurt Olsen: Exactly, and it was only because so many people came out to vote that it overwhelmed their predictions and that’s why you saw the stop in the count. Because they had to reset what they were doing. And it’s because of that the fraud is been very easy once people have started looking to figure out.

Lance: Why is it then? If that’s the case and I believe it is. Let me play Devil’s Advocate. That’s right. I’m usually on your seat trying to defend these ideas. Why is it if so, many people voted for Trump and it was a win? How is it that the steal is the theme and that people are afraid the legislators and various other officials are afraid to stand for election say that the election had was stolen or has anomalies? How did the argument become such that the majority are intimidated by the minority into feeling like they’re the outlier when so many people know something was wrong or at least suspected?

Kurt Olsen: I think when you talk about the minority, you’re talking about numbers. You’re not talking about power. So, look at the mainstream media. Look at big tech. Look at censorship. Look at what they’ve been able to do. If you go against the official narrative, the mainstream media will pillar you. There is no benefit for many people to speak out against the fraud because even though they’re smaller in numbers the mainstream media big tech, the other power senators.

Lance: They had the boy pulpit.

Kurt Olsen: Exactly and the financial wherewithal. If you recall anybody who challenged the election on January 6, when there were number of senators and house members who came out and said, this election should not be certified.

Lance: Right.

Kurt Olsen: You saw big companies, transnational companies big corporations come out and say, we’re not going to support politician that challenges the election. They were taking the money out of away from any politician. There was one other example if I can just give you one.

Lance: Sure.

Kurt Olsen: It was extraordinary. If you recall when Georgia, when the Georgia’s legislature was passing their new election integrity bill about a year ago, they’re going to clean up drop boxes and signature verification and so forth. There was publicly recorded, I think in Fortune Magazine, a Zoom call with a 100 fortune or fortune 100 companies. All hundreds of the CEO of Amex, American Express is the one that led that. And they all got on a Zoom call to try to figure out how they were going to defeat Georgia’s election integrity statute. That’s extraordinary. These are just businesses. Why are they coming in mass to discuss how to defeat a state legislators attempt to fix their election system and make it more secure?

Lance: And why? The answer is?

Kurt Olsen: Well, because I think it’s controlled.

Lance: It’s controlled, but if it’s controlled with Democrats, it seems like, okay. It’s controlled with Republicans too.

Kurt Olsen: Yes. Yeah, there is an establishment.

Lance: Oh, wait a second because I was trying to figure out but you know, why would they want to alienate the Republican Party? It doesn’t matter. They just like to have control of the outcome.

Kurt Olsen: Exactly. There is an establishment. I believe there’s a unit party. So, there are battles around the edges between the Republicans and the Democrats. They’re the hot button issues that they use to motivate the base whether it is the Second Amendment, whether it’s abortion, those two issues on the right. Whether it’s civil rights or you know actually both issues abortion and the Second Amendment, activate both sides. But when it comes to if you see where the country has gone over the past 30 years, it has been a lockstep march to globalism and this comes whether it is the TPP the Trans Pacific Trade Partnership that Republicans and Democrats got behind it. Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan were behind TPP, so were many Democrats.

Lance: right.

Kurt Olsen: And that was basically out so the march towards globalism which is the ultimate goal of the oligarchs that are behind the World Economic Forum. Because that’s what they are trying to impose on the country. And to do that they need to control the population, and that’s where you go after the elections. Because that’s where the power is. So, you control the politicians, you can implement the policies that you want and for the past 30, 40 years at least we have been locked up towards globalism.

Lance: It is shocking. So, what will be the we’re always looking for the smoking gun. I think the problem with a great summit like this is I looked at the 50 States, right. And I found as many hemorrhages as they’re almost for our states because there’s different strategies that work in different states, different frustrations. But I mean the phantom voters is a major problem when I looked at data on phantom voters that they have like in Florida or in Harris County. These are voters that don’t exist. When you go to the canvassing, you find out that there’s actually not people there. There’re so many different ways in which the election gets stolen apart from the anxiety over the software and the machines is actual generating fake votes period. I mean it could be accurately counted but they’re fake in their origin.

Kurt Olsen: Correct. So, Maricopa the audit there is a prime example. So, when they did the hand counted the ballots, they said, ‘Oh actually Biden got a couple hundred more votes. Well,that doesn’t really matter if 20 percent are fraudulent. So, and I’ll give you one example that came out of that. Refunded a study by Doctor Sheva. He did an analysis of the signatures on the ballot envelopes that’s where the signatures are for signature verification. They’re supposed to match it with the signature on file. He took three certified forensic document examinators and three people trained in the procedures run by Maricopa for signature verification. He did a sample of over 3000 randomly selected ballot envelopes, a 99% degree of confidence interval. There was 1.9 million mails in Maricopa. Only where all 6 individuals agreed the signature did not match that was declared a non-match.

You know how many that was? 12%, 12% of the ballots that’s well over 200,000 ballots with signatures that did not match. And what’s extraordinary and so I can talk numbers, but the really extraordinary thing is when you see the signature side by side. So, in his study and you see John Smith written very nicely and then like a scribble. I mean t’s so blatantly obvious. Not only that with many of these ballots it was just a Trump Biden vote. Like they didn’t even bother to fill out the down ticket, because they were rushing.

Lance: They were rushing, and like they didn’t care. They didn’t really like because they had a strong opinion about Trump or Biden but didn’t care who the.

Kurt Olsen: Of course, yeah that was the only thing they cared about and if you recall it took,they were at 98% of the vote the night after on November 4th. But it took them nine days to figure out the last 2% of the vote in Maricopa County.

Lance: What?

Kurt Olsen: So, there’s so much that doesn’t make sense and it’s so obvious when you really think about what happened.

Lance: How do we know that it’s not going to happen again?

Kurt Olsen: You have to expect that it will. I mean I absolutely expect that there will be.

Lance: Isn’t that infuriating? I mean it’s one would you think you’d be a little bit nervous and self-conscious after the crime that everybody’s watching the crime scene and it’s like I’m going to do it again.

Kurt Olsen: I think that with what’s going in the country now, they know and I’m talking about again the World Economic Forum. Those that are behind the theft of our election, this is their last shot. We are in an existential battle right now for our country. So, whether they’re blatant about it they may be more careful, but they’re going to try to steal the election. And for people out there the everyday voter that should be motivation. This is no time to feel sorry for yourself or to say they’re just going to steal it, because we come out in massive numbers that will overcome.

Lance: And that’s part of what I think happened in with Virginia. We went from like 23% precinct participation into like 90%. Because of that anxiety and there was such a flooding of the zone of ordinary folks doing the precinct strategy thing that made it difficult to steal. And even then, they had one county shut down. I remember that. It was like repeating itself. We’re all texting each other and said, the vote’s not final. They have to shut them. It’s one county. They have to lock things up because they got too do it. Here it is against Maricopa. We said it’s like Maricopa County all over again. But it was just too hard to pull off.

Kurt Olsen: Yeah.

Lance: Because there was like five times the focus on flood the zone.

Kurt Olsen: Yeah, and of course sometimes I’m sure you’ve heard about, oh we found the thumb drive. It had 15,000 votes and the election all of a sudden, the winner shifts. Things like that. But I think you know one of the benefits of 2000 Mules that movie that came out and showed an extraordinary number of people going around in ballot trafficking and running around to a circuit of drop boxes.

Lance: Yeah.

Kurt Olsen: But what that did they had the cut off. I think it was 2000 that was the number that went to ten or more drop boxes.

Lance: Right.

Kurt Olsen: When they did the whole number when the whole sequence of people went to maybe fewer than 8, something like that. The number went up exponentially is like about 40,000 people. And one of the revelations of that movie which really wasn’t talked about is that it shows just how many people are involved in election theft. This isn’t like a one-off event in Chicago or in Milwaukee. There’s a centrally coordinated effort to steal elections and so when people say, well gosh, if it’s that widespread why haven’t we more whistleblowers come forward and reveal this stuff. The short answer is because there’s no benefit to coming forward. There have been a few whistle blowers that reported for example in Fulton County. It was reported you know he’s he testified he got $10 per ballot. But when he was also reported he was beaten up very badly.

Lance: Yeah, in the hospital.

Kurt Olsen: Yeah. So, there’s no benefit to come forward. But what 2000 Mules did it,illustrated that this is a huge problem and it’s not limited to just a few localities.

Lance: No and some of the folks that were doing this from my people they’re saying hey it was like ten bucks they weren’t even ideologues. They weren’t hard. They weren’t antifa types. They’re just making money.

Kurt Olsen: Yeah.

Lance: So, I mean but this is what bothers me. If you could track everyone that went into the state into the capitol on January 6th using the same technology being able to identify with the cellphone in print and they go back home and they can train. They could follow you because they track your phone. We know who those 2000 were. I mean my gosh Dinesh D’Souza could say he could break it down to the top 100 or 200 most active users that are. Because 65 of them are actually were on he could correlate them to list of rioters who already had arrest records for being participating in the summer of riots. Which meant they were working on a national basis for BLM, and they’re in Atlanta. Maybe they’re Atlanta based they go out to other cities, but they had criminal records already for being arrested in riots. 64 out of the 200, one the Dinesh have.

So, out of those 64 I sure think an FBI that is vigorous as this FBI, couldn’t they go start to focus in on these guys look at their bank accounts and say, by the way as an Uber driver and unemployed guy where did you make that extra $20,000 that week. The money is there. Am I losing my mind? Isn’t it that simple if you got an infusion of cash and you’re not working and you’re in a COVID taking your money from the government? Suddenly you got an extra 15, 20,000 and we’ve already got your phone number and your ID and we’ve got visual of you. Why is it this stuff even looked does anybody think about that push this story?

Kurt Olsen: People think about it. It’s obviously the information is there but I don’t think we can trust the FBI to pursue that. And so, you had right out of the gate, you saw yesterday Bill Barr in instructing the US Attorney in Pennsylvania when he said, hey, I’m seeing evidence of election fraud. Bill Barr instructed that US attorney McSwain was his name.

Lance: I don’t get Bill Barr. Here’s my problem with Bill Barr. I don’t write Bill Barr off. So, I kind of know it. I think he’s old school. I don’t think he was, somehow, I don’t think he understood the evidence that was in front of him.

Kurt Olsen: No, I’ll disagree and I’ll tell you why. There was an interview with Bill Barr before the election I think it was like in September with Wolf Blitzer and he was talking about this flood of mail-in ballots that was going to come out.

Lance: I saw that. He said, this could be a real constitutional crisis.

Kurt Olsen: He was visibly angry and he said they are playing with fire.

Lance: Yes, I saw that.

Kurt Olsen: Yup and he did that and because what he was concerned about, he was talking about it is with this flood of mail-in ballots which everybody agrees. There’s the Carter Baker Commission from 2005.

Lance: Right.

Kurt Olsen: Mailin ballots back then were determined a single greatest source of fraud simply because there’s no chain of custody.

Lance: It’s James Baker card and this is bipartisan. They all accepted it.

Kurt Olsen: Yeah, and Attorney General Barr was talking about with this flood of mail-in ballots who’s it could be coming from other countries in China and everything else. I mean he talked about he knew the threat. He knew what was likely to happen. And when you see a 180 like that when we go from him being visibly upset before the election to saying nothing to see here. The question is why? What motivated that change of tone?

Lance: So, you’re saying that it wasn’t just the fact that he wasn’t satisfied that there was information that met the threshold of credibility disrupt the election.

Kurt Olsen: I don’t like to get in people’s head and speculate about what they’re thinking. But what I can say here are the facts on the surface. Before the election visibly upset playing with fire after the election. Nothing to see here.

Lance: You got a great point. I’ve watched his one damn thing after other interviews that he’s done since then and he’s talked about, he just, I have to move on from this because I’m at a crossroads because everyone I know in my audience were right off Bill Barr. But I’m one of those guys who watched, it’s like for instance what does he gain by even being in the Trump administration I respect the price you guys pay. I mean once you’ve been doing what you’re doing for Mike Lindell and such you better be self-employed because how many law firms are going to be want to put on there when law firms won’t take on Trump.

Kurt Olsen: Well, I have a 13-page Barr complaint filed by the 65 projects, which has media matters David Brock on its board and it’s a Soros support

Lance: Of course.

Kurt Olsen: But this is a coordinated effort funded by lots of money to go after any attorney who raises issues with elections raising election fraud. Sounding the alarm. So, ask yourself why is all this, when you talk about the evidence, there’s all kind of the backdrop which is if there’s no evidence why is there big money George Soros, Arabella Partners, democracy all these other.

Lance: Democracy alliance.

Kurt Olsen: Yes. Why is there so much big money trying to shut people up?

Lance: Laura Logan, I want a 60 minutes tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. I want to talk to Laura about doing, I tell you what there’s a great documentary on this is it is just so pregnant with corruption and questions and the people all know what you’re saying is true. I mean, they know across the board. Alright. So, what are the calls to action? Are you allowed to preempt where we’re going to go tonight and tell my audience, because they need to know what the calls to actions are?

Kurt Olsen: The calls to action are going to be for to go to and to pick up the information for everybody to go demand the CVR from their county clerks. That’s the cast vote record, because that is the popcorn trail that we’ve uncovered with expert who’ve been up here. That shows that there’s an algorithm that’s controlling the outcome of elections. And whatthe CVR has shown in the algorithm is if you want to get a little bit into the weeds, but it’s really cool.

Lance: Let’s go in the weeds. We got some geeks out there. Steve’s a geek. He’s a geek.

Kurt Olsen: Okay.

Lance: He’s my MIT geek over there.

Kurt Olsen: The cumulative vote ratio. And then you plot that out because the CVR what it does is it is the sequence in which the ballots are processed. And so, there’s no time stamps associated with it, but it’s a straight sequence the order. And you plot the cumulative vote ratio as it comes down. It shows with the predictability often above an R value of 99.99 that you can predict and it’s a straight-line declining slope if you do Trump over Biden. So, it’s straight time declining slope in a predictable fashion within an R value of 99.99 that’s artificial. So normally, if you’re like say flipping a coin that you flip it so many times, you’re going to get a straight line, but this and you’ll see it with Doctor Dartty and some of his analysis it’s probably going to be coming up here in Maricopa County and it happened in 17 races all 17 races not just Trump. But you can see it’s starting out about a 3-1 ratio and it goes to a set point of about 1.57. It’s a straight line down in a predictable fashion so that you know what the next batch of ballots is going to be and that’s artificial control and it’s quite extraordinary.

Now, at some point, anybody because computers are manipulable and they’ll figure a way out,but they haven’t done that yet. You can come up with a randomizing fact, a randomizing factor with the CVR which is an internal log of the company that could cover that track. So, right now, it doesn’t appear that that’s happened. And I will give you in Mesa report three, which is what actually Walter and Jeff are talking about now I suspect. This is a first time anybody has really been able to get into the machine itself and look at a forensic image of the election management server.

Lance: Tina Peters kept that.

Kurt Olsen: Tina Peters. Yeah, she’s the one who did that. She got a forensic image before what was called the trusted build update.

Lance: Trusted build.

Kurt Olsen: And then after, so we have a before and after. That trusted build update overwrote the entire operating system and destroyed all the security logs, all the event logs. Everything that happened that machine was overwritten entire operating system. But because Tina had captured the before image. When that was examined, you see and this came out in the movie Selection Code. The original databases are set up with what’s called an adjudication and a tabulation database. Votes go in there and are processed and tabulated. What Jeff O’Donnell and Walter saw was the magical creation of two new databases, which can happen. So, if you start and stop the process, you will create two new databases. Except that what happened afterwards was the digital of selected batches of ballot record data into those new databases. That’s deliberate. That doesn’t happen inadvertently.

Lance: It doesn’t migrate on its own.

Kurt Olsen: Exactly. And that is consistent with an algorithm. By the way, what are called the Shaw balls? Those are the hash files on the fingerprints on the files that show that nothing’s been altered. Those are destroyed in the migration process. So, there was two elections where we found that data. It was in the November 2020 election and in the April 21 municipal election. So,the ballot images that were transferred, the ballot record images were transferred into those new databases the shop files were removed in that process so there’s no chain of custody. You cannot tell whether they’ve been altered or not. But none of that is consistent with a free and fair election and it is all consistent with an algorithm being used to manipulate the outcome.

Lance: Steve we got to get off those bloody machines.

Kurt Olsen: It’s heady stuff.

Lance: We have to get off these machines. If France can do a ballot election in 32 million and get the results by 8 o’clock. What the heck’s going on with Arizona, Washington?

Kurt Olsen: Not just France in other countries. Did you know that 2 weeks ago, 3 weeks ago, the election in England for Prime Minister was halted because of concerns over cyber-attackswhich would manipulate the vote? You can Google it up. It didn’t get any press around here.

Lance: Oh, we didn’t hear that.

Kurt Olsen: No, just Google, Duck Duck, Go, whatever you want to.

Lance: Gateway Pundit doesn’t get it. We don’t get it.

Kurt Olsen: Yeah. No, it’s just it’s just amazing. People have been lawed into a false sense of security with these machines.

Lance: Yeah, and we have to break that. And we have to we have to do that. Well, listen, man. I can do this all. Kurt, you have been very kind to give us your time. How do people keep in touch with you and track with you?

Kurt Olsen: I am on Truth Social and that’s probably the best way where I try to get the word out about what’s going on and I just why I do want to conclude with this that this is much more than just about a stolen election. This is about our country and there is so much going on now. I’ll say it again. You’ve probably talked about the World Economic Form and Klaus Schwab.

Lance: Davos, Klaus Schwab, the whole.

Kurt Olsen: This is about ushering in a digital ID, digital currency, complete societal control, social credit score.

Lance: Yeah, and then if you want to get really dystopian, listen to Yuri what’s his name?

Kurt Olsen: Harari.

Lance: Harari, yeah and listen to his utopian dream about how vaccinations can actually utilize nanotechnology to track you, trace you, and know where you are. He said, would that be is he said it’s something Stalin would have dreamed of. He’s also salivating when he talks. The guy’s creepy as it all get out and they can monitor your emotions. Suppose there’s a speech and you don’t like what you’re hearing. The AI can now find out that what’s wrong with your blood pressure. Why are you upset? Why are you angry at this?

Kurt Olsen: Yeah.

Lance: You might need some training. Tell you what folks. Alright, Kurt Olsen we’re going to be working together and we’re thankful for you and we’re going to pray that God keeps you and blesses you in all things.

Kurt Olsen: Thank you for having me.

Closing: Did you enjoy this latest episode? Please remember to share it with your friends.Because the more knowledge you have the better equipped you are to navigate the world.

Lance: Hey, friends. We have to take a moment here to just stop in this Moment of Truth Summit. We’ve been discussing some very powerful and hard realities. We’re literally stopping a downward spiral of this country and arresting it. By the grace of God, this is happening and many people have found that the smart thing that they’re doing with the retirement money with whatever money they have is they’re converting it over into gold and silver and various other commodities and currencies. That they believe are going to store value during this period of time in which Democrats are going to continue to have this inflation red0ucing spending sprees which are actually accelerating the inflationary process.

You want to take a look at the data and the council of birch gold, the people that we’ve been interviewing a lot on this program. Go to “”. It will give you peace of mind. It will give you a strategy and it’ll give you the ability to hold on to that will float during the period of instability that is coming. God is going to see us through this. We’re going to do it together. My recommendation is go to “” and learn what you can do.

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