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Levin: ‘Completely False’ That Children Born To Illegals Have Constitutional Right To Citizenship



The topic of birthright citizenship has become yet another hot topic. President Trump tweeted earlier this week regarding children born to illegals. He suggested he will sign an Executive Order to end the 14th amendment clause. Naturally, this has caused yet another uproar. Mark Levin addressed the topic on his radio show earlier this week.


“And I don’t know why people who call themselves Constitutionalists swerve back and forth, lurched from the Constitution to Supreme Court decisions, and back and forth. First, let’s figure out what the Constitution says.

“And I see our senior legal analyst friend – and he is a friend of mine, Napolitano – is all over the place. And he’s wrong, as are many other so-called experts.

“I’ve actually spent my life on the Constitution. I wasn’t a superior court judge in New Jersey. I wasn’t a professor for doughnuts and coffee at Shmegegge University or what have you. And this is one of the areas I have poured over, over the decades.

“And yet nobody did a better job at explaining this than Professor Edward Erler, who I’ve talked about over the years. And he’s a professor at California State University. He is also at The Claremont Institute, a senior fellow there. But more than that, he happens to be right. And he testified before a subcommittee of Congress many years ago, almost 20 years ago. And he set forth the case.

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Source: Levin: ‘Completely False’ That Children Born To Illegals Have Constitutional Right To Citizenship | CNS News

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