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Lance's Pentecost Webinar with Mario Murillo, Robert Henderson, Jeremiah Johnson, and Mario Bramnick



Six months ago, America was the supreme economic power in the world. Now suddenly the entire world is shut down, and the US economy is struggling to get back on its feet. We need to ask ourselves, what is God saying and doing in this season?
I’ve been saying for the last year that we are right now in the time period of the Book of Haggai, the one book in the bible that talks about the shaking of the heavens and the earth. Haggai only has 2 chapters but he prophesied to the Cyrus generation. We experienced Passover on April 16th, on May 31st, Pentecost, we will experience that too. During Pentecost, the spirit of God will pour out a fresh awakening on America. But what is God asking from us? Repentance! This is the moment that America is arising, and the church needs to rise up with it.
God has given America an intervention, an opportunity to reform. But I don’t believe America has really had a reformation and that this reduction of our economic status within the last six weeks is God sending us a message. God is sending us a wake-up call to repent and reform as a nation.
This is the rude awakening for the great awakening!

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