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Lance LIVE! with Stephen Strang & Jonathan Cahn



On today’s broadcast, we’re joined by Stephen Strang & Jonathan Cahn to discuss Jonathan’s new book, God’s end-time plan, and the return of pagan deities. It’s a fascinating look at old pagan gods and how removing God from places in our culture allows them back in.

Episode Transcript

Lance: Welcome, welcome to the Lance Wallnau Show live and this is a rare opportunity I have I happen to have caught two of my friends two of my favorite people at the same time. We even brought a couch in so I could capture the Zeit Guys Deer with the two of them. Jonathan Conn Steven Strang and the two of them you’ve been tag teaming a bit lately because of the book Return of the Gods. Correct?

Stephen Strang: Well, more than that all the way back to The Harbinger.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, my publisher Steve Strang from the Harbinger.

Stephen Strang: I have the privilege of being his publisher.

Lance: I see. Alright. So, The Return of the Gods and I have a question about this because obviously everybody’s talking about that. Any surprises in terms of what people, I’m always like when I get these books, I wrote only two but I was fascinated by what people highlight when I go back and look at where did they find the most and it’s like, oh, that’s interesting. People responded a lot to something that when I wrote it, I thought it was a point but they said that was really important. What are people responding to in this when they give you feedback?

Jonathan Cahn: Well, I mean, it’s unveiling really a veil about what is happening what is behind all the changes that are happening. That once you see it you can’t unsee it and it’s something that people you know what it’s kind of a lot of it’s shocking and or stunning but yet people say yeah like it’s that kind of thing what they have in there. It’s revealing the spirits that what is at work in our culture what everything from abortion to transgenderism to, but it’s exact. It’s not like general it’s exact. So, it’s revealing this principle basically and I don’t, I have not got done written anything like this before but that is basically that is affecting our entire world. There’s nobody who’s watching this now who’s not dealing with it.

Lance: Right, so people so in other words you’re articulating something which they’ve sensed.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Lance: But you’re giving a picture to it and there’s specificity to the kinds of ancient thmese coming back.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Stephen Strang: My friend Rabbi out.

Lance: Yes, my friend.

Stephen Strang: Because I’m the publisher. He writes about ancient paganism coming back into our culture and he said something that I’d never thought of and I’ve grown up in the church. There was paganism in Jesus’ day. Caesarea Philippi had a Greek temple. I’ve seen the ruins when I was there as a tourist that Jesus and the disciples went through there. They knew that temple existed and so there was a paganism, it was Greek paganism in Jesus’ day. When the church was established, it exercised all those evil spirits. There’s no worship of Zeus anymore is gone. However, it’s coming back and the Bible says that when Jesus cast out the demons, remember? And the house was swept clean. They came back 7 times worse. This is the basic thing and then he explains it.

Lance: That bothers me.

Stephen Strang: So very well. And it is catching on in a way that’s surprising. Can I drop Glenn Beck’s name? He talked in on his show about how he sensed that what we were experiencing our culture is paganism. And we got the book to him. It was kind of a miracle in a way. And it opened his eyes and it has opened the eyes of a lot of people. There are people wanting answers Lance. And this man God, in fact I’ve asked him. How does the Lord show you all this stuff that happens? And it’s just yeah, you ask him now the question. But people have to know has be about paganism. He and you can tell them the three Gods.

Lance: Yeah.

Stephen Strang: Which is Molech which is the sacrifice of children. Hey, guess what that is?

Lance: Right. So, there were there.

Stephen Strang: And then Baal who turned God’s people away from God and then female Goddess it was called.

Jonathan Cahn: Torah or Ishtar.

Lance: Yeah.

Stephen Strang: Or Venus and Aphroditees in different cultures. They were called different things.

Lance: And the third one manifest in what?

Jonathan Cahn: But the third, okay, the third one, the Goddess?

Lance: Yeah.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. This one is the one that’s really affecting everything right now and that is and let me say Lance with this it’s kind of that when the Bible says that behind the Gods are actually spirits. In Hebrew, it’s called the Shedim. In Greek, it’s called Daimoni, we get the word demon from it. So, it says there’s something real to it. Now, we know when the gospel came in to our civilization, it cast out all these Gods but spirits don’t die and the warning that Stephen was alluding to him is that he said that if the house gets empty of God, the spirits come back worse. So, in other words, the warning for America, the warning for our is that if we have been delivered by these things, this culture has been delivered by those things and we empty our house of God, what’s there’s something coming in. It’s not going to stay empty and so let me give an example of the enchanters.

This is one where in her ancient tablets, it says, she says, I am a woman, I am a man. In her hymns, it says, you have the power to turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man. This is a spirit that literally it says she grinds away the masculinity of men. Well, that’s happening right now. It says, she defeminizes women and the thing is she had an ancient priesthood and they were men who walked around her temples dressed up in women’s clothing and they had women’s makeup and they would dance and people would bring their children to the temples.

Lance: The Drag Queen Hour.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s exactly it. It’s exactly it. It’s back. Listen the thing is the Bible’s like if you take God out then Everything that was being held back is going to come in. And so, this is what and here’s another thing. She also literally had her priest trans surgically transitioned. In fact, one of the ancient inscriptions, I found from Mesopotamia is it says that they have the men who are transitioned. They’re dancing in front of the Goddess with scalpels celebrating their transition. This is from then. Okay, but the difference is Jesus said when they come back, they come back worse. So, she was possessing a priesthood. Now she’s seeking to possess an entire generation of children. That’s where we are right now and let me go further with this is that is that there, she was also the Goddess of parades and the parades were she was parading men dressed as women in the city streets with color, with sexual licentious.

Lance: Oh my gosh, we’re going in Pride month.

Jonathan Cahn: You got it and the thing is it’s all back and but you spoke about that.

Stephen Strang: Happened in the month of June.

Lance: Stop it.

Jonathan Cahn: There was one month, listen one month where she especially possessed the and when I look in the Return of the Gods, I showed what Saint Jerome says because it was still happening at the beginning of the age. He says, he identifies it as Ionium or June. June was the month of this Goddess. It was the Goddess of pride. It was Pride Month and it’s back. This was cleansed by the gospel and now it’s back and the other thing was there was a sign that was linked to this Goddess and it was the sign of the rainbow.

Lance: No.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes, the rainbow. She said, the Goddess with rainbow eyes. She’s rainbow Ishtar and when she makes war, she stretches herself like a rainbow to war to increase herself. Look what’s happening to our culture right now. It’s all there, Lance.

Lance: So, do you remember Art Cats at all years?

Stephen Strang: I sure do. He was a friend of Jamie Bucky.

Lance: You’re younger than me. Little before.

Stephen Strang: Yeah. But so, art was classic New York Jewish. Just spoke like with a kind of Taurus clarity. He was the one who first said when I heard him that Germany which gave us Schopenhauer and Niche and Beethoven and music and philosophy and art stretcher gave us Luther and the reformation the Gutenberg Bible. Swept clean the structure, didn’t occupied and gave us national socialism in Hitler.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Lance: If the is swept clean no matter how refined even the Protestant Movement had taken over the institutions, but they didn’t occupied. And then they come against people let’s say like myself getting a persecution call us, because I dare to say these institutional structures of media and art and government and business and education. If they are not occupied with a kingdom or Christian worldview, they will be so paganized as become demonically militant and that’s exactly what’s happening, they think I’m a threat.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, it it’s amazing because yeah, I mean and it like everything else you’d expect Jesus gives us the answer. He says, the house isn’t going to remain empty. You take God out of any of these houses. Any of these, you’re going to have someone come in. We started by taking God out of the schools. You always say, let’s just take prayer away and let’s take the word away from not a big deal. It’s a big deal. Look at what has now come into the schools. Look at what is coming to the children. Because it is not going to stay empty. And when you look at when you just mentioned Hitler what a case example is that. You have whenever a civilization turns away which was once exercised, what’s going to happen is going to be evil. What happened with Hitler was demonic. I mean you can’t describe it anyway it was demonic; I mean they try to destroy the Jewish people, that’s demonic.

And the thing is that that’s the case study we have about what’s happening now. That was it’s like that and another one Soviet Union. Russia turns away, millions are killed. So, now it’s America and now it’s the west, now it’s happening all over the world. That’s where we are. And so, says it’s going to be worse so a pagan culture can produce a Nero, but a post Christian culture produces a Hitler and a stolen and an antichrist.

Lance: That is worth stopping on. A pagan culture produces a Nero, but a post Christian culture produces an antichrist.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Lance: That’s a new thing to me.

Stephen Strang: When you read this book, you never look at, you can’t look at it the same.

Lance: It affects the way you see things.

Stephen Strang: It is not an academic.

Lance: We’re going to do something very ambitious here I’ve got three books and I am a lover of books. Anyone who sees my late-night rants knows that I’m a book guy and I’ve been waiting. I have some time set aside to read this.

Jonathan Cahn: Good.

Lance: It was already sent to me but I like to relish. Take a meal. I don’t like rushing through a meal. I like to set time to say so I’ve got some time for this book. Spirit-led living. Steven Strang, the only answer I can think of is to fill the house. You were with us in North Carolina, Florida. We had an old.

Stephen Strang: That was exciting.

Lance: My wife took over my meeting. I messed up my entire. I had my whiteboard. I was ready to be the professor. She says, ask them if they’re filled with the spirit. She want to get everybody filled with spirit. We had an 800, 900 people came forward so hungry.

Stephen Strang: It was incredible.

Lance: To get filled, because being filled with the spirit of God is the only way to occupy that house.

Stephen Strang: That’s right.

Lance: Tell us about what is our people responding to your book in a way that surprises you and what is it that is the most important thing in that book?

Stephen Strang: That the Holy Spirit can give us power to overcome the problems in our lives and to serve God with the zeal that doesn’t come with it and that that is necessary in this upside-down world. Now, let me be quick to say, my book Pales in comparison with rabbis is just that I’ve been covering this Lance for over 45 years, the very first issue of Charisma Magazine had the motto, the magazine about spirit-led living.

Lance: Come on.

Stephen Strang: And with the world upside down, I see so many people living lives of quiet desperation, mediocre Christians being sick, all kinds of addictions and strongholds in their lives and they need to be reminded. There’s nothing in my book that people don’t already know but I write it in a way to help connect dots to make people know and I’m glad that you’re let me talk about it but I think we’re really here to talk about rabbit.

Lance: Of course, but you put a book in front of me. I figured well, you see I’m more Jewish than anybody, any Gentile I know. He puts a book down if you happen to bring it up. It’s two books on the table. How am I going to avoid it?

Stephen Strang: Alright. We’re going to give you a scoop since you’re live, right?

Lance: Go for it. Ladies and gentlemen, a live breaking news, breaking news.

Stephen Strang: Alright. We decided to unveil Rabbi Khan’s new book today at NRB. This is the first interview that’s live.

Lance: Today on the Lance Wallnau Show.

Stephen Strang: That’s right.

Lance: This is it for you.

Stephen Strang: So, this is his new book. The Josiah Manifesto. It’ll be out around Labor Day. Give or take. People can actually go on Amazon and order it early. They won’t get it until then and we’re not going to say what’s in the book, but I’m reading it right now and it is powerful as you would expect. So, here on the Lance Wallnau Show, you have a scoop.

Lance: It’s the scoop ladies and gentlemen and they can go ahead and do a preorder.

Stephen Strang: That’s right.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Stephen Strang: So, we’ll be able to see…

Lance: Why do preorder? A lot of people preorder. I mean, I do it…

Jonathan Cahn: They will be first people in the world to get it.

Lance: They’re the first ones to guarantee.

Stephen Strang: And we’ll see how powerful your reach is by how many people go on Amazon.

Lance: Don’t do that. Look, the license came up. Providence is invading right now, you see. I do and you’re not going to tell me about the book but Josiah you picked an interesting subject because you did write about Josiah before. Didn’t you with Clinton and…?

Jonathan Cahn: No, not Josiah. Not Josiah. Not yeah. No. Ahab, Jezebel, Elijah. Not Josiah.

Lance: Oh, not Josiah.

Jonathan Cahn: Not Josiah. Jehu. Jehu.

Lance: Jehu.

Stephen Strang: That’s one of those J words.

Jonathan Cahn: Jehu gets in there too. We talked about Trump’s in there. Jehu gets in there too.

Stephen Strang: Yeah.

Jonathan Cahn: This is the subtitle is the ancient mystery and guide for the end times because I was led to like we got to have an answer. Got to have and has God actually given us something through all the it’s like kind of the first part is all these mysteries coming together. Jehu’s in it.

Lance: Yeah.

Jonathan Cahn: And it’s all pointing. It’s like opening a key to a blueprint for what do we need to know now for the days ahead.

Lance: Amen. Amen.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Lance: Well and I want to say that and this and Many of these books are well and I’m having a conversation. What are you having a I’m having a show here Steven? I’m trying to do a show. If you don’t mind. Alright. Talk amongst yourself. I talk to my people here.

Stephen Strang: He has all these insights about the Jubilee 49 years, 50 years and it’s okay if I tell about Amy.

Jonathan Cahn: Whatever you let.

Stephen Strang: Alright. Amy Coney Barrett who was the deciding ballot on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe V Wade was born almost one year before Roe V Wade was passed in 1973.

Jonathan Cahn: Well, she was the first, she’s born on that pier. She was the first Supreme Court Justice who was actually born under abortion where she could have been aborted. She’s the first one. God with that. But everything within book you see everything goes to exact dates. I mean it’s every well you’ll see it, Lance. I mean it’ll but everything is exact. I mean that’s exactly.

Stephen Strang: And so, when she was 49 on the Supreme Court, she was in her jubilee year.

Jonathan Cahn: Everything’s jubilee.

Stephen Strang: And it’s a whole lot more detailed than what I’m saying. But I followed that story. I can remember when Roe V Wade was passed. I mean I was alive then. I remember it in the news. It never occurred to me that it was like 50 years in the jubilee and Amy Coney Barrett I believe it’s safe to say that she and her family were charismatic Catholic Christians. Very sincere believers. In fact, she was attacked some for that.

Lance: Well of course. Charismatic prayer meetings.

Stephen Strang:  That’s right. And that is the kind of that’s just one story.

Lance: But you’re saying that there are and your experience Jonathan. There are number of these lineups that have to do with dates and timing and biblical chronology and events. So, you see an overall blueprint in the big.

Jonathan Cahn: Big time. Big time. And big time.

Stephen Strang: Ginsburg. What was her name?

Jonathan Cahn: Ruth.

Stephen Strang: Ruth. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I’m sorry. Her death and the time of her death.

Jonathan Cahn: She dies on the feast of trumpets. She die at the sun at sun sundown the announcement comes at the exact when trumpets which is all linked to the whole, link to the court it’s linked to the mystery of God. It’s linked to an overturning a decree on the ancient calendar.

Stephen Strang: And it has to do with the time of sundown.

Jonathan Cahn: With sundown everything. At that whole year every Hebrew, everything followed the Hebrew holidays.

Stephen Strang: To the minute. To the day and the minute.

Jonathan Cahn: And Trump’s in there January 6th is part of MSUMA we can talk about. Yeah, I can’t say that on the air. I can’t say on the air. No, we can’t, but yeah.

Stephen Strang: So, see you’re getting a scoop.

Lance: I love it. I love the scoop, the scoops is what I look for.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, but it’s really, I would just say is God is awesome and there is a way because people are asking what’s the answer. I’ll tell you something Lance is it’s interesting because when I finish this book The Return of the Gods and it’s talking about Break Going Against the Gods. The biggest altar we have of the Gods is abortion. We killed 60 million children. The day I finished it, Roe versus Way was broken. The day.

Stephen Strang: And I can testify to that.

Jonathan Cahn: The day, the day and that is what opened the door for this, okay? So, I’m just giving a scoop here too and the other thing is that I’ll tell you something else that it’s kind of a semisecret is that one of my associate pastors, okay? When I was working on those young Gods, I didn’t tell anybody what it was about and he gets woken up in the middle of the and says he had this vision and a word. And I said, he never did that before. So, I said, what he said. I saw, you speaking in front of all these altars of Gods. I said, really, I didn’t. He says, and you spoke you brought forth the word and then the altars broke the altars broke. And then I saw the spirits going out and then I saw something of the spirit of God. But he had no idea months later the day I finished the word, the altar would break and that’s part of, that’s a link to the mystery of Josiah. And what we have to do now.

Lance: Which I do recall about the prophet stretching out his hand, but I’ll let you go ahead and write the whole thing. I get it.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s right.

Lance: And the defilement and the illness.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Lance: I think we have done a great job of writing books that traumatize believers into believing we’re in it. We’re in trouble. Now, we need to have the books to start to show us a way out.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s what this next one is.

Lance: That’s it. Ladies and gentlemen. That’s what I’m praying for.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s the story.

Stephen Strang: The way out. The same thing with mine in a very different kind of way. There is hope.

Lance: The same which he’s not going to, Steve is not going to bring his book up because it’s not quite like Jonathan’s but he’s bringing it up. You notice how he does. You see how he works on this?

Jonathan Cahn: He’s a publisher.

Lance: Oh, he’s so sure.

Stephen Strang: And you’re my book too.

Lance: I am.

Stephen Strang: Oh yeah.

Lance: Well, I’m so glad. You know the there’s a book. There’s a book coming that we’ll do. There’s a book coming. I know there’s a book.

Stephen Strang: I hope you’re being prophetic.

Lance: I am being prophetic. I am being prophetic. I mean if it wasn’t for you, I never would have written my first book. Yeah. Steven Strang’s inspiring to write it.

Stephen Strang: Yeah.

Lance: And now I’m thinking now that there’s going to be these books are movement books. When I run into people if they subscribe to what you’re teaching I know that I have compatibility with them in the movement we’re in. Do you remember Edward given the Rise of Ball of the Roman Empire? I remember reading through that in a blustery period of time. It was in Cape May New Jersey and you know the ocean New Jersey guy and it’s Autumn down there and I’m and I was reading through the old dusty manuscripts. Gibbon was talking about during the era of the first century church how they were notorious for casting out of demons. Now this is a secular author, a scholar, who says the singular characteristic of that movement, a first century Christians, which was unique compared to what they’re experiencing in England in his lifetime, was this casting out of demons. To me, the return of the Gods implies that the response is going to be an expulsion and exorcism of Satan from institutions and from people and that will produce in itself a certain convulsion in society.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, its what people don’t always understand is that the casting out of spirits is not just about individuals. When Jesus spoke about that parable, he said at the end, so it shall be with this generation. He wasn’t talking about just one person.

Lance: Exactly.

Jonathan Cahn: And when you look at like you brought up Germany. That’s a possessed nation. That what you’re seeing is a possessed nation. Well, we don’t understand is that in America what’s been happening to our culture for the last 50 something years, this is a repossession. That’s why it’s so crazy, that’s why you say what there even non-believers are saying this is so crazy. It makes no sense how could people do this to children, how could you mutilate a child. That’s not rational, none of its rational. Well, this is we’re dealing with repossession and what you said is also profound because I believe that as well is that as the gospel cast out not just of a person but civilizationally that’s what we pray for. Institutions, we have to pray for.

Lance: Precisely and so the revival that happens for an individual is similar to the reformation that happens to an institution. The house gets reformed but you’re the first person that said this and I wrote it in the margin of this Bible that when Jesus talked about the house being occupied or being set in order but not occupied and 7 times worse.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Lance: And then he summarizes as so shall it be with this nation in one translation and another translation and I wrote that this has to do with this has with human nations but here’s the interesting connection. If I by the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom has come nigh. People don’t realize the kingdom is a delivering force. So, when the kingdom of God advances, it evicts the demonic.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Lance: If I by the finger of God cast out devils and no doubt that kingdom. So, if this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, we are going to be the finger of God delivering people and nations of the disposition of that is controlling them. It’s up to them to decide what they do with the message, but there’ll be a demonstration of authority.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, and one of the things Lance in this that people don’t realize what we’re dealing with because people think of possession is just again it’s individual it’s the exorcist. We’re dealing with it in everything, in the media, in our school system, in our children’s cartoons. We’re dealing with Target what they just did. We’re dealing with all that. And one example of it we would never think, Supreme Court. The Supreme Court made three decisions that altered sexuality, altered marriage. We all remember the day that every single one of them was made at the end of June. These are the special days of the Goddess.

Lance: Here we go.

Jonathan Cahn: They were made each one was done on June 26th, the same exact day, 12 years apart, every one of them, three of them, which is linked to the Goddess. On the last, remember the day when Obama lit up the White House on the day.

Lance: Oh, the Rainbow.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, that which is linked to the Goddess and on that day.

Stephen Strang: Biden has just did.

Jonathan Cahn: Biden just did and that’s also there’s another mystery there. But the other thing is that…

Lance: Mystery as you can find the light switch.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, so the day…

Stephen Strang: You didn’t need to say that, Lance.

Lance: I didn’t need to say that. I know.

Jonathan Cahn: The day that Obama sealed that supreme court decision striking down a marriage right with a rainbow, the Goddess actually. That day was the 10th day of Tamus on the Bible. That’s the Bible calendar that’s also on the Babylonian calendar. 10th of Tamus. The 10th of Tamus I looked it up it’s a day on the Babylonian calendar that says is appointed to cast a spell to cause a man to love a man. That is the day the Supreme Court struck down and changed marriage to cause a man to love a man. The exact day. So, we talk about institutions without even really that is how real this is. That is how real this is. Can I throw in something else? There’s nothing to do with it.

Stephen Strang: I hope this makes you want to read the book.

Lance: Yeah.

Stephen Strang: This will give you so much material. You need to read this book.

Jonathan Cahn: Oh yeah, let me know when you read, let me know when you do that.

Lance: I definitely. I have to follow up with you because I have a million questions and real quick. We only have four minutes and you have to explain something to me. This is huge. You introduced the Shemitah. So, I go down for the first time I do a Perry Stone Conference. You were there. People loved it, right?

Jonathan Cahn: Okay.

Lance: I think you’re there. You’re going to be the next one. I want to know.

Jonathan Cahn: I always am.

Lance: Alright, so I go down to this thing and obviously Jewish enthusiasm for Jewish people and I’m there and one guy says something and they see this with this nonchalant certitude that means that they’re all informed. I don’t know what they’re talking about. Because they said, the Shemitah either the tribulation begins with the Shemitah if it doesn’t happen because of the seven-year cycle then it’s going to happen later, and they’re all nervously watching to see. Is there a connection between the seven-year cycle of the Shemitah and the tribulation? Does it begin in a cycle of Shemitah? Help clarify this for me.

Jonathan Cahn: And you say so Jewish, the way you ask the question more Jewish than I am. It is a great question. Okay, first of all, we’re never going to be nomadic to say God has to do it this, this and this. But interesting here there is a connection. The connection, here’s the connection. The whole, the tribulation period comes first from the 77s of Daniel, the last week.

Lance: Yes.

Jonathan Cahn: The 77s of Daniel are linked to the 77s of Shemitah that Israel never observed and so it became 70 years of judgement for each four, was 490 years, and they didn’t observe it and then so it became 70 Shemitah of exile of rest for the land. That’s why they’re in Babylon. So, you have a condensing of all this become 70 years of judgement then when Daniel’s praying about all this in the exile, then the angel comes. Gabriel comes and he says, now we’re the 70 years are going to be o redemption. We’re taking 77s, same thing and now they’re going to be redemption. Messiah’s going to come ends going to come antichrist come and you have the last seven. So, there it’s an interesting I’ve never talked about this. But there so that’s the beginning of the tribulation begins from Daniel. Daniel 77 are linked of the Shemitah of Jeremiah, okay?

So, the tribulation period is definitely linked to the cycles of the Shemitah. Now does that mean God has to do it on the actual Shemitah? I don’t tell God that but it could be but the point is it is linked, it is from the very it’s actually linked. That last 7 year that is from the 77s of Daniel which are linked to the 77s of judgement of the Shemitah. So yes. There it says a link. But I’m not going to say…

Stephen Strang: We together show to do a deep dive.

Lance: Oh, no but he did a deep dive. I mean he gave us; he gets there.

Stephen Strang: 3 minutes.

Lance: In 3 minutes, he proved and you could do the analysis. That was a commendable feat. And so, I caught that. So, there is a connection.

Jonathan Cahn: There’s a connection.

Stephen Strang: Exactly.

Jonathan Cahn: Will God make it exact like that? Perhaps we can’t tell, but there is a connection, it is connected.

Lance: Alright gentlemen, I know that you’ll understand this that I have to do right now. This is connected too. I have to tell people that in this uncertain world where we do not know what is happening. It could be up, it could be down, the dollar could be demonetized. There’re all kinds of issues globally that’s taking place with the BRICS nations etcetera. I want you to think about how are you preparing yourself for the future financially and that’s the reason why. I’m saying go read the download. We got 22-pages worth of in-depth insight on commodities on gold and silver. I remember Haggai the prophet said, “The silver is mine and the gold is mine”, during a period of unprecedented shaking. Look at these things. Once you go to “”. “”. Get the 22-page report and be prepared. I want to thank both of you gentlemen for joining me. This has been one of my favorite shows. It’s so edifying and so fast. It just went so quickly.

Jonathan Cahn: Thank you.

Lance: Please let’s do it again.

Jonathan Cahn: Amen. Awesome.

Lance: God bless you.

Stephen Strang: God bless you. Thank you.

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