Prophets Corner

Kathi Pelton: “5779: A Marker Year – God’s Goodness will be Revealed” | The Elijah List



The Elijah List: Kathi Pelton’s word addresses a vision and a word the Lord gave her in August. She talks about the meaning of Isaiah 8 and the plundering of the enemy’s spoils, how this will be a “Marker Year,” and the significance of her vision seeing a married couple receiving a sonogram for a baby.

Excerpt from The Elijah List:

Lastly, I saw a vision of a married couple receiving a sonogram for a baby that they had conceived. Together they saw the baby’s features and the gender was revealed. I believe this year will be a year that we will be shown what we have conceived together with our Bridegroom and within our spiritual wombs.

A Healing of Identity

It is interesting to me that there is such a battle over “gender” and identity in the world today and at the same time, most couples celebrate pregnancies through “gender reveal parties.” It’s quite a contrast. God is about to touch this issue in ways that only He can. He will heal identity issues in many and break the confusion that has sent so many lives into upheaval. There will be a generation that restores true identity and carries a revelation of the goodness of our God to the lost.

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Source: Kathi Pelton: “5779: A Marker Year – God’s Goodness will be Revealed” | The Elijah List