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Jeff Sessions: DOJ Is 'Returning To Classical Understanding' Of Asylum | Washington Examiner



Washington Examiner: AG Jeff Sessions who had been interviewed by The Hill, talked on returning to the classical understanding of what is acceptable under the “asylum” policy for situations when children are separated from parents who cross the U.S.-Mexico border. His description differs from the media coverage of this policy, which members of both the democrat and republican parties have voiced concerns over, focusing on the children who have been separated from their parents.

Excerpt from Washington Examiner:

Mr. Sessions explained that the standard for asylum cannot be a “specific act of private violence” but rather systemic oppression. The attorney general also said children in the custody of Customs and Border Protection are in good care. He explained that the centers offer education, health care and “good” food. Mr. Sessions said they will continue to treat children in a “nice” way, but “adults that bring children here should not do so.”
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Source: eff Sessions: DOJ Is ‘Returning To Classical Understanding’ Of Asylum | Washington Examiner

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