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Ocasio-Cortez Explains Unemployment, Melts Internet |The Daily Wire



The Daily Wire: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offered her explanation regarding unemployment in an interview with Margaret Hoover. She also shared her thoughts on capitalism and why she believes the unemployment numbers are an issue.

Excerpt from The Daily Wire:

Citing unemployment hitting 3.9%, “Firing Line” host Margaret Hoover asked Ocasio-Cortez if she still thinks that capitalism is not the best system for promoting the middle class.

She then unloaded on America’s “hyper-capitalism,” stating, “So I do think right now we have this no holds barred, wild west hyper-capitalism. What that means is profit at any cost. Capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world,” she said.

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Source: Ocasio-Cortez Explains Unemployment, Melts Internet |The Daily Wire

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