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Facts That Destroy The Left’s Arguments



We’ve got Bill Federer back with us today, and we’re talking about the pilgrims, the Mayflower compact, and the idea of Christians taking the lead and setting up a form of Government. You don’t want to miss this broadcast!

Episode Transcript

Lance: Welcome back to the Lance Wallnau show. Something interesting sometimes happens. We’re having a show and then we have a conversation with the guest and the conversation with the guest after the show is so interesting. We almost ask well did you guys record it? We’re going to let you behind the scenes today. Mercedes had a question for Bill. 

Mercedes: Yes.

Lance: And Mercedes has and so she starts asking and what about this? What about that? And he goes on because Bill Federer what you see the thing, I like about my friends is who they are offstage is who they are on stage. They just are. Mario’s that way. Cousin Billy’s that way. Are who they are. So, Bill’s teaching. He’s a motivated teacher. He did like a collision call. Giving her facts and it’s like, this is interesting. Well, we’re going to show it to you and I just said that you can almost see me right in the broadcast. Going, are we recording this? Yeah, we’re recording. You don’t want to miss this. It’s gold. It’s pure gold. Speaking of pure gold, I got to tell you something.

I’m reading Haggai last night and I’m looking at this where he says where the prophet says, every nation is going to be shaken. Every system going to be shaken. Two little chapters in the Bible describe God‘s end time plan to a T. God is about to build up his enterprise. He’s building his house and he’s tearing down all the other structures. He’s building something and he’s tearing down. He’s doing it right now in America. You’re watching it but then he goes on to say, economics belongs to me. Everything will shake but that silver is mine and the gold is mine and I really believe there’s a key in there that is embedded in the prophecy of Haggai that there is a stability and a wisdom in the precious metals that have been the currency of kings from the Old Testament till today.

I want you guys to go to to get a 20page insider report that gives you information on what it is about gold that becomes a storehouse of value. Especially because these IRAs and retirement accounts, they’re vulnerable to what goes on with the discipline that God is bringing on governments and economics, but gold, silver, certain commodities, certain investments, certain real estate. I promise you, there’s always going to be a Joseph strategy during a famine. There’ll always be a boat that will float during a flood and I’m telling you, go to and find out what you need to know. And don’t say, well, I can’t afford to do much. We have plans for you also. Everybody’s going to have a life raft to get through this flood. We’re going to make it. Mercedes.

Mercedes: I was going to say because it’s not just gold like I’ve got silver, because I know how pricey gold is and sometimes you just want that physical coin in your hand. I mean they have IRAs that are gold backed so there’s lots of different things in terms of, oh, I can’t afford gold,okay. But silver, I mean if you listen to Robert Kiyosaki, he says it’s incredibly undervalued right now and it’s about to go through the roof as well. Not financial advice this is what Robert saying

Lance: Is he saying that?

Mercedes: He is.

Lance: So, well he spoke at the recent rally I was going to wonder if he’s going to be at Branson when I got there.

Mercedes: We can find out.

Lance: Go to Take action on it now and we’re going to take you behind the scenes right away into our Bill Federer where he didn’t even know he’s being recorded but you’re going to hear it. Let’s go.

Mercedes: I have a question though. Bill’s still around.

Lance: Bill you there?

Bill: Yeah. I’m here.

Mercedes: Because I got really into the Mayflower Compact when I was writing this book. Our Lance and I, our last book.

Lance: You was writing.

Mercedes: I thought I fell in love with the Mayflower Compact. It’s a 400-year anniversary. I was like well let’s look at this. Now what I read online is that it was a mixed group. It was tradesmen. It was Puritans and then it was like adventures. It was almost 50/50 of people who were Puritan and then just kind of more, I guess secularist. And that they had issues on the boat and so this is what I read on that there were some legal. Hey, you can’t steal. You people are stealing. we’ve got issues, we have to come up with some sort of government and then that was the reason why that the Christians on the boat wrote the Mayflower Compact and had everybody agree to it and said, you have to abide by the laws if you want to have a vote in this new society.But you were saying, I mean it sound like it was all Puritans. So, I just wasn’t sure if what I was reading is correct.

Bill: Right. so, there on the boat were the pilgrims. They were a little, so you have Catholic and then in 1534 King Henry breaks away from the Catholic starts the Anglican church. His advisers tell him if he’s serious about breaking away from the Anglicans. He needs to stop using the Latin Bible get himself an English Bible. German princess of Martin Luther’s German Bible. He needs an English bible, so he gets an English Bible and dust his hands and thinks that solves the problem. But something unexpected happened people began to read it and began to compare what’s in the Bible to this king divorcing and beheading his wives. So, a group starts called the Puritans that’s where the term came from to purify the Anglican Church.

King didn’t like him, but other groups started too and they were called separatist groups. They said it’s beyond hope of purifying. We’re going to separate ourselves meet secret barns and basements by candlelight and this is when the Baptist Faith in England was started. Three guys started the Baptist Faith John Merton, Thomas Hellwise, and John Smyth spelled SMYTH. So, John Smyth had a at a Baptist Church and the question was over church government and John Smyth said that the congregation votes for elders and you have the different elders that share leadership responsibility.

One of the people in his church was John Robinson and he said, no, God does anoint someone to be the pastor. So, the church members all vote, but they vote for the pastor and he is called as a pastor even though there are other elders. And a little bit of a minor things sounds like today, but John Robinson’s group splits away. So, it’s a Baptist Church split. And John Robinson’s group is what goes to Leyden Holland and then they send people to America. So, America was basically a Baptist Church plant. Doctrinally they were Baptist. Church government wise is why they broke with the John Smyth branch. But they were basically Baptist, but it was a congregational model that they had been studying for 1517’s the reformation yet. Really a whole century where the scholars in Europe were called Christian Hebrews and they weren’t just thrilled read the Bible in their own language. They were focusing on this 400-year period where there was no king.

Mercedes: I was going to say that I like the story where there is a mixed group where it almost seems 50/50 and the reason for that is that I like the idea of Christians taking the lead and setting up a form of government. So, I just didn’t know if that was true or not.

Bill: Oh yeah, there were the the non-Christians there.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Bill: But they were just individuals and they were, the concept of a covenant was the Christians that came up with that idea.

Speaker2: I agree, but that’s what I like about that story is to think that there were non-Christians on the Mayflower essentially adventurous. They might have issues but that it was the Christians who took the lead to say, no, listen, if we’re going to get off this boat, we’ve got tohave some sort of agreed form of government that it was Christians who took the lead to do that in response to essentially the agreements from people who weren’t under that accountability to the Lord and to say, okay, well you don’t share that same worldview. But we need to have an agreed upon.

Lance: And it’s interesting in the documents they refer to the non-Christians as the strangers that are among us because they were such a community that the strangers we got to deal with the strangers.

Mercedes: Yeah, I love it.

Bill: Same when the children of Israel came out of Egypt. They had strangers among us.

Lance: Yeah, exactly.

Bill: They were partakers of the covenant that the Israelis had.

Lance: Right, the mixed multitude.

Mercedes: It’s interesting, there’s some sort stone I want to say in Egypt I just saw it’s like one of the oldest historical stones and it talks about like who Egypt went to war with and then the symbol for the groups that people that they went to war with. All were kings except for when it gets to Israel. It’s the symbol for people group, because they didn’t have a king. Isn’t that interesting? I have to find it and send it to you, but I didn’t know.

Lance: The tribes just all agreed.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: We’re going to be doing a segment after you which has to do with Christian nationalism and I have been betwixt in between on this, because the Lord hasn’t given me a sense of settled peace on what’s really going on here and I hate being manipulated by the left in a conversation. So, I’ll give you an idea what I mean. I’m driving home a couple days ago and I’m on the wrong radio station and its traffic is intense and I can’t change it. Now, what I want to do is I want to go back to Fox. Something where I’m hear a familiar voice, but I realize how fortuitous this was,October 25th. I made a note driving home from flash point. I heard MSNBC News. An Obama advisor say some interesting things. I wrote them down as soon as I got home. One, our strategy on the left is to characterize Republicans MAGA people, conservatives and Christians as extremists. Our goal is to make the movement sound extremist. We’re going to link extremism in the mind of the populist with every candidate they’ve got thus other mega candidates. They’re Trump radicals. They’re January 6th insurrectionists. They’re election deniers. They’re even vaccine deniers. Oh my gosh. Hair on fire.

Then of course we’ll cover this later. They got some nut job demonized guy in San Francisco of all places who breaks into Pelosi’s house. So, they’re going to play that up. They’re going to try to make like a George Floyd moment or something to change the news cycle. But here’s what this guy says. Our goal in the closing argument and that here our goal the closing two weeks is to label them as extremists that are bullying gays and trans kids. They’re taking away your voting rights. They’re favoring the rich in Wall Street. They’re taking over your body so that you can’t have a right over whether you have a child or not. And there’s insurrectionists that are extremists against even fair elections.

Barack Obama said, they always when he gets hit by the right and the conservatives. This is what the guy says. He says, for instance, they’ll start talking crime Obama would flip it around and accuse them of racism. Obama said, never play their game instead expose it. Never play the game. The game is all these Christians are running to the press right now to sign oaths and go online and say, I’m not a Christian nationalist extremist. There’s not a pursuit of truth on the left.They’re don’t really think you’re an extremist, they want to label you as an extremist because their goal is to destroy you. Now they’re calling Christian’s extremists, and if we agree that what they’re calling the no the new apostolic reformation, dominionism, Christian nationalism. Every time we go and grab these terminologies and try to clean them up and explain that we’re not really that, it only actually hurts us. Because it divides us in our own cohesion.

I think guys like you play in Jack Hebb’s and others play an important role, because it’s clarifying for Christians in the fog of war. You have skin in the game. You have a moral authority and a spiritual responsibility to be engaged in the governmental arena. So, what are your thoughts as I’m sharing this with you? Because there’s all kinds of pledges coming out now to get people to distance themselves from the danger as Christian nationalism and extremism. How do you process that?

Bill: Yeah, well George Washington 1778 said to the distinguished character of patriot it should be our highest Lord law the more distinguished character of Christian. So, you have Christian and patriot in the same quote from the father of the country George Washington. And matter of fact for most of American history the population has been Christian. Mentioned in 1965. 93% of Americans identified themselves as Christian. 69% Protestant 24% Catholic. And then there was 3% Jewish. FBR during World War two passed out Gideon’s New Testaments and Book of Psalms to all the soldiers in World War two. Blue ones to the navy, brown ones to the army. I have a copy and at the beginning, he writes the forward. As commander-in-chief, I take pleasure in commending the reading of the Bible to all who served In the Armed Forces and couple quotes I can share.

1941, FDR said the whole world is divided between pagan brutality and the Christian ideal. We choose human freedom which is the Christian ideal. FDR fireside chat 1942. This great war effort will not be imperiled by a handful of noisy traitors, betrayers of betrayers of Christianity itself. And then October 28th 1340 FDR said we guard against the forces of anti-Christian aggression. November 1st 1940, those forces hate democracy and Christianity as two phases of the same civilization. They oppose democracy because it is Christian. They oppose Christianity because it preaches democracy. And then one last one September 1st 1941 FDR said, preservation of these rights is vitally important to the whole future of Christian civilization.

Here’s a quote from Marco Rubio after the MaraLago raid Fox News August 12th 2022. He says, this is shocking but in Latin America, many other countries around the world, here’s what happens. A group takes power. One of the first things they begin to persecute and go after their political opponents. When the supporters of their political opponents begin to complain, they begin to target and criminalize opposition. The next thing you’re going to see because it’s the playbook is going to be that people who are supporters Trump or just conservatives are going to the end to get labeled as potential insurrectionists and harassed by law enforcement. So, he says look this is what happens in Latin America you got Kaye seizes power in Obregon and they want to kill Pancho Villa and Zapata. This is one after the other after the other and the communist takeovers in other countries. They seize power, they kill off all the supporters of their opponents and then if they want to consolidate so they stay in power.

So, but I do want to go back to a closing thought with silence equals consent. All the people that say well we’re not going to get involved because we’re spiritual. Aaron did not get to go into the promised land because he was silent. And it’s the book of Numbers chapter 12, and God calls Moses and Aaron to the door of the Tabernacle and the Lord says to Moses, take the rod, gather the assemblies, speak to the rock and water will come out. And Aaron gets them together and he lifts up the staff and he hits a rock once and hits it twice and water comes out abundantly. At the end of the chapter, it says Aaron will not go into the promised land because both of you rebelled against me at the Waters of Meribah. He’s like I just read the story. Aaron didn’t say anything. He didn’t do anything. That’s just it. He didn’t, right.

He was signed. He heard God tell Moses speak to the rock. Moses lifts up the hits it once that was Moses’s sin. When he lifted it up the second time Aaron knew what was coming. And he there’s no record. He didn’t say, Moses wait Moses God told it. No. Don’t do that Moses. No there’s no record. Aaron just stood there silent. And God said Aaron will not enter the land because both of you rebelled against me at the Waters of Meribah. Mordecai told Esther. There’s a decree, a mandate from the government to kill all the Jews. And if you remain silent at this time deliverance to the Jews will arise from another place but you and your father’s family will perish. If you’re silent.

There’s Leviticus 24. Any Israelite or foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molech should be put to death. If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molech. I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together. Proverbs 24, “Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death. Don’t stand back and let them die. Don’t disclaim responsibility by saying you didn’t know about it. For God who knows all hearts knows yours. And he knows you knew. And he will reward everyone according to their deeds. Here I mean in California, governor Newsom signed a bill. You can kill a baby up to 28 days.

What are the church members going to do? If they’re silent they’re giving consent to infanticide. And they were killing Jews in Germany and the Germans had the two-kingdom principle. Kingdom of the world. King of the church. The two don’t touch. And they’re part of the Jews off and the Jews are screaming that what are they, oh, that’s the government. We can’t do anything. Let’s just sing louder. Jesus, we love you. And Dietrich Bonhoeffer said enough. I can’t be silent. He starts a confessing church movement. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, silence in the face of evil it’s evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless.

Even Martin Luther said, if I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God. I’m just going to preach the gospel. I’m going to do a really good job. I’m going to preach it really good. Says, if I profess with the loudest voice, clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except that little point which the world and the devil are that moment attacking. I am not confessing Christ. However, boldly, I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages there, the loyalty of the soldiers proved. And to be steady in all the battlefield besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.

So, we see that there’s a dividing taking place. There are some people that are going to be fine with killing babies and they’ll be silent giving their consent to it. The apostle Paul did not pick up a stone-to-stone Stephen. The apostle Paul just stood there.

Lance: Consensus.

Bill: I got 22, I says, I was standing there giving my consent. If you are silent while they’re killing babies, you are giving your consent. And if you give consent killing little babies made in the image of God, then you are participating in murder. And if you’re silent while they’re teaching kids alternative sexual agendas. Do you think Jesus’ cares about that? Revelation 22, Jesus rebukes the church at Tyra. So thus says the son of God who has his eyes like a flame of fire. He’s upset. I have a few things against me, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel to teach and seduce thy servants to commit fornication. What suffers? I mean you’re tolerating. I mean you’re silent. You’re letting them teach fornicate.

Have you read Rebecca Fredericks teaches? Because she had been involved with school boards and teachers’ unions and now, she’s come out and she’s like, you need to know what they’re teaching your little kids and she’s given these addresses that are just shocking the audiences. She goes, I apologize. I’m going to tell you this but this is what they’re teaching your kids. Little boys and girls to do this kind of sex and that kind of sex and that kind of sex. If you’re silent, you’re giving consent to that. Jesus said, if you allow one of these little ones to please me to stumble better than a nail stumpy putter on your neck, can you be thrown in the depths of the sea?

I’ve said it again that it’s going to be a rude awakening for church members who think they’re being spiritual by not getting involved when they realize by their silent or giving consent to sin, they’re inviting the judgment of God on their head. I actually popped to some people and they said, well, it’s got to get more evil but before Jesus comes back, so he’ll rapture us and so let’s just do nothing, right. Let’s just do nothing. Isn’t it exciting, it’s getting more evil that means Jesus coming back soon? If that’s your response to the evil maybe you’re revealing how much you really want to be raptured. When you’re going to be spending time with Jesus and you know Jesus is hard, maybe that your response to evil is exposing your heart, right. Are you silent when there’s sin or you can Are you a silent, are you agreeing with sin?

It says in the last days evil shall abound. The love of many will wax cold. I think that’s what we’re seeing. We’re seeing people’s love wax cold. Matthew 25. Midnight the cry came. The bridegroom cometh and the foolish virgin said give us some of your oil. Our lamps have gone out. And when they go to buy the bridegroom comes and then they say Lord, Lord open us. He says barely I tell you I know you not. Tell me, but do you know Jesus’ heart? Do you think he cares about little children about them being sexualized? Little boys getting chemically castrated? Little young girls getting their breast from? Do you think they’re made in his image? He made them.

Ezekiel 9 has a vision parable stuff in Jerusalem and the Lord gives a vision to Ezekiel and he says, tell those that have charged over Jerusalem to come near. The whole 6 men came with a destroying weapon in each of their hands and he calls to the man with a writer’s incorn. And he said go through the midst of the city. Put a mark on the forehead of those who sigh and cry over the abominations done within the city. And to the others he said go after him through the city. Smite, slay old and young. But do not come near anyone on whom is the mark. And begin at my sanctuary.

Lance: Hallelujah. Think about that.

Bill: The difference is

Lance: I said it the other day and I know I’m going to annoy people, but I don’t really care anymore. I said, that we have different ideas about the rapture, the second coming, etcetera. There’s a lot of theological divides. Well, what if I’m a subscriber to the fact that maybe not everybody’s ready. Maybe the five wise and the five foolish. Maybe there are people that are ready for the second coming or the or the rapture. Maybe there are those that aren’t. Here’s what I’ll tell you. If you’re one of those California people that is loving the rise of the Antichrist, the building of the third temple and it thinks that you’re removed the from the destruction that you’re bringing into California, you’re deceived. You by not voting, by not caring, by not by sitting back, and this is the whole, by the way, this is the logic between behind half of the voters that are evangelical in California that don’t vote.

Mercedes: Yep.

Lance: They’ve fallen under the teaching that it’s the end times and they’re happy to see it accelerate because they’re going to get out of here. What if they’re not qualified to go? And the very reason why they’re not is because they weren’t doing the father’s will. They were escaping responsibility. I’m just saying that because it’s weird theological territory but nobody will say it. I’ll just say it.

Mercedes: Well, to me, it’s really interesting too because I mean, let’s just go back to when Hitler was here and they were rounding Jews up, putting them in cattle cars, taking them to internment camps and then gassing them. Jesus didn’t come back then. So, how strangely self-absorbed are Americans who think if America falls and is given over to socialism that Jesus is coming back.

Lance: He’s got to come back for us.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: Because that’s just American. Anyway, is Bill Federer’s website you want to go there everybody before this broadcast cuts out. You want to go there. I’m enjoying him. I’m sure you are too. We’re going to be having it back. Bill, the name of your latest book again is?

Bill: Well, the latest one, it’s Believe and I present the gospel in a sort of CS Lewis format that’s called Believe. Another one that talks about this subject is called Socialism, the real history from Plato to the present and last thought, there’s a Hosanna Hillsong song Kim Walker Smith did a version of it with little children. They’re singing so innocently, Hosanna and then there’s a line in there that says, “Break my heart for what breaks yours. Everything I am for the kingdom’s cause. Do our hearts break at what breaks Jesus’s heart to see what’s happening to these little kids? If somebody can sit back and not be motivated to try to stop that?

Lance: I will say this Bill, I got a text from and Paula White’s producer, a guy that I become friends with, during the George Floyd riots in the 200 cities burning before the election. He said, Lance, where is this going? What’s happening? He just challenged me and I thought to myself, I couldn’t possibly know, but it’s a funny thing. If you go to someone who, if you strike the rock, you might just get something out of it and the guy provoked out of me a prophetic insight. I didn’t have an answer, but I said, Lord, how do I know? And the Lord said, right and here’s what I wrote to him. America has entered a period where the axe is being laid to the root of the tree and now the root and the fruit is about to become fully manifest, and I realized oh my God I looked at that as I hit send. I said, America’s entering a period where it isn’t about the election of Trump, it’s about exposing the root of our condition by tasting the fruit of its outcome. Now America is in the valley of decision to determine whether it will go on with God or whether it will go on in the way that is going and have more of that fruit because of the corrupted root.

We’re at the point right I think the John the Baptist spirit in us who is the guy that has that quote predicting Jesus coming. He looked for Jesus to be an axe to the root of the tree messianic deliverer, but Jesus did deliver. He delivered them from their sin to the dominion of the devil and John the Baptist was frustrated. He was looking for a political governmental manifestation. I’m convinced John the Baptist wasn’t wrong. He saw the future. It wasn’t the first manifestation of Jesus, it’s the end time manifestation of Jesus where he’s coming back to rule the earth and to deal with his enemies. I think the disposition of the church better be very careful that it doesn’t try to make the lion into a lamb when he’s showing up to overturn thrones and kingdoms. That’s why I want to close the program.

You want to go to with Bill Federer. You want to get a hold of any of his works. You’re going to love all of them. We’ll be hearing from him again and that’s my final thoughts, Mercedes Parks. Anything you want to say as we of the program, what can the people do?

Mercedes: I think Jesus is coming back for a warrior bride. He’s not coming back for a bride that’s broke, busted, and disgusted and beat up by the world. That he’s coming back for a bride that looks like him. If he’s the groom and we’re the church, we should be modeling what he looks like and interacting like how he looks. So, that’s just my opinion and seconding what you’re saying.

Lance: Amen, and I want to go on to say one more thing that while I am against any unhealthy, dangerous version of nationalism. I am now rejecting the attack on Christian nationalism because I think they’re taking the very term and smearing it with a demonic left strategy and I think our own preachers are joining in the scandal of smearing the term Christian nationalism by making it synonymous with unhealthy extremism when they themselves know there’s hardly any expression of that. It’s like, almost they can’t wait to see the brick go through the window so that they could find a to justify their attack on Christian nationalism.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: Christian nationalism in a healthy form may be the only thing that saves us from this pagan globalism that’s trying to take us down. We’ll be back again after this with another broadcast.

Closing: Did you enjoy this latest episode? Please remember to share it with your friends.Because the more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to navigate the world.

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