
Dr. Oz Has MAGA Competition



Pennsylvania is a keystone state in the upcoming elections, and Dr. Oz got Trump’s endorsement because he’s got name visibility. There’s another candidate I want to tell you about, though. She’s a believer, Pro lifer, pro-first and second amendment advocate, and a constitutional conservative. We need a strong woman willing to protect women and women’s sports. All of this and more are coming up on today’s broadcast!


Episode Transcript

Lance: This broadcast today is especially important. Because to be honest with you, I love Donald Trump but not everybody he endorses is really the people that love him the most or the most loyal. He’s a businessman and he’s brilliant. He’s makes calculus as to who he has to endorse in various states who is the most likely to win. And there’s a race going on in Pennsylvania right now where Doctor Oz is seemingly leading the pack. We got a never Trumper running alongside of him and then a woman that nobody knows about.

She was an ambassador in the Trump administration, a businesswoman, a Marjorie Taylor Green type, a believer. Trump didn’t give her the endorsement, but I want you to hear about her because this thing ain’t done yet. They’re going to have May 17th is when they’re going to have their primary. I want to see an overwhelming mega patriot nationalist movement backing this businesswoman up. Because she is the one that really carries your values, and could be the next senate in Pennsylvania.

So, watch this broadcast closely. If you know someone who lives in Pennsylvania as I do, share it. Take action. Share it. And let them know history’s about to be decided in Pennsylvania.

And now we come back to the final segment. Can you believe in Mercedes is the final segment of the of the program today? But it’s one thing I’ve been looking forward to for a while. Because you see we just went through that the evidence that demands a verdict. And we just honestly and some people are in the chat thread were saying we love reading your chats. But I mean some people in the chat thread were saying some strange things.

Mercedes: Oh yeah. Well, I actually have GETTR.

Lance: Mercedes, I never read them. Mercedes does. She’s a millennial. She reads every single. What do you see?

Mercedes: Well, I have like real America’s voice up online and then I have Getter up too, but like just some people in the comments because I was like I think it was great Lance. I was like I definitely know we have non-Christians watching. I was like because I was watching some of the comments come through and it’s like, oh what are you going to do? You’re going to sacrifice your son on Easter? That’s what I think the comment writer sounds like.

Lance: I’m going to sacrifice your son on Easter.

Mercedes: I was like but that’s what prompted me to think about Isaiah 53 because he had to. He had to send his son. “For God so loved the world that he sent his only one begotten son”.

Lance: That’s the whole point. That’s the point my friend.

Mercedes: Yes.

Lance: That who would do such a thing? Behold God, so people say, well, if God exist and where was he during the Holocaust? Well God. He says, all you got to do is take a look at the fact that God gave his son and the agonizing substitutionary death where an innocent man died for all of us, idiots out here. And he did it because he loved us and he changes us when he does that. Now, how does this go into the next segment which is where we’re going to talk about politics.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: Very important. Jesus said, Jesus came as the Christ and was rejected. Not by all. Obviously, there’s a movement of individuals like us that have received him. But then there’s an antichrist coming and this is part of the Bible Revelation 2. And you’re living in the day of transhumanism and this is where Bannon and Posobiec and these other guys are talking about the transhumanism. And where this digital currency is going and you’re looking at the screaming lockdowns in China and you see how frightening the authoritarian state is. But now with the biological, the technological weaponry to vac you, surveil you, monitor you. It’s getting crazy and the Bible talked about it because history’s going to wrap up with the antichrist.

In other words, you’re okay. You didn’t want Jesus Christ. How about this? Go with the devil’s counterfeit and you’ll see where that takes you and then history gets wrapped up with the second coming. Oh, that may sound crazy, but it gets more profound every day because we predicted it in the book and it’s all right there. I’m talking about the Bible, not our best-selling book which by the way, also predicted several things. Not on par with the Bible but it’s the God’s chaos code if you want to get it. 100,000 sold. Revealing what’s coming next for the vaccine passport.

Now, I want to talk to you about something is very important to me, because we have this election gates in the United States. Pennsylvania, the Keystone State the state that William Penn had a covenant with God over. It grieves me to see it being run by corrupt regimes I don’t trust what they’re doing there they’ve got more energy in Pennsylvania. They could rival Texas in terms of their capacity, they could be an economic renaissance. But they don’t have leadership and the guy that they’ve got running Doctor Oz it just got Trump’s endorsement only because He has name visibility and Trump’s got this challenge here. You know what to do.

But he’s not the guy that in my opinion should be there first of all. I think he’s Muslim. And so, I don’t, it doesn’t make a difference to me if he’s Muslim or Christian. But for those of you that are all Doctor Oz enthusiasts, you don’t even know all the facts. I need to think he lived in Pennsylvania. I think his wife lived in Pennsylvania. He lived he practiced in New York and lived in New Jersey. So, he’s schmoozing, man, we do not need if we have strong patriots that understand Trump and work with him. That’s what we should be talking to.

For that reason, I’m going to give you somebody you probably need to hear about. Ambassador Carlos Sands from Pennsylvania. She was the Ambassador for Trump’s administration with Denmark, Greenland, and the Ferro Islands. What is intensely involved with all aspects of defense and infrastructure and energy and so this is somebody we need to talk to. Thank you so much for joining us. Ambassador Sands.

Ambassador Sands: Thanks Lance. So nice to talk to you. Thank you for welcoming me and thanks to your viewers.

Lance: So, tell us about what it is that you bring to this race that the War Rome and the Real America’s Voice people need to know about. What are you bringing in here? Because we got to get you some equal time out there.

Ambassador Sands: Thank you very much. Well, certainly, I bring qualifications. Nobody else on either side of the aisle has. I work to counter Russia and China. No one else did and I worked at the Department of Defense in NATO and our team was so successful countering Russia and China that the Department of Defense gave me their highest civilian honor. It’s called the Medal for Distinguished Public Service. I also worked to increase American jobs and increase our trade. We don’t have a level playing field around the world. And we increased our trade over 43% while I was the US ambassador to Denmark Greenland and the Pharoah Islands working from 2017 until 2021 at that job working in Copenhagen on behalf of all Americans.

But I’m a pro-life, pro first amendment, pro second amendment, constitutional conservative and America first business woman and Christian and mom. But I’m also an 8th generation Pennsylvania, and my Pennsylvania ancestors they fought in the American Revolution and in the Civil War. I think for you and your viewers today, for all of us, this is our time to fight for the heart and soul of our great country. The light on the shining hill that is being diminished by the radical left that’s at war with everything that we share, our values, our beliefs, our economy.

There are so many points. We’re called to be the salt and the light in the air, in the world and in our government and we left it to the left and now we’re reaping the consequences. We must step up and we must bring our country back to our Judeo-Christian heritage and our rights. Whether it’s our constitutional rights, our religious rights, our rights to free speech. Look what they’re doing Lance right now to Elon Musk. When he proposes to take Twitter private and actually make it a free speech platform.

Lance: Yeah, they’re having a meltdown over. I mean, they’re freaking out over it. But of course, Elon, he does his, I love him. He’s a bit Trumpian and like he advised that maybe they should take their San Francisco office and turn into a homeless shelter. Because everybody’s working remotely anyway. So, let’s do something with this square footage. He’s the right guy, but God is raising up people like him and I believe you also are one of those candidates. Look, Marjorie Taylor Green is our kind of like it’s like a Yin Yang. We she’s our answer to the AOCs out there. We have equal time now with someone who has the guts to speak about.

My concern with Doctor Oz and his interest and murky kind of affiliation. He doesn’t have a history with us. I haven’t heard him speaking up over the last since Trump was an I didn’t hear him throw the gauntlet down once and be quoted in a controversial. He’s kind of like an entertainer version of a politician. And so, for instance with the women’s sports thing. I can’t see. Here’s a doctor. I don’t know what his position is on this thing. But we need a woman who come out strong about protecting women in women’s sports.

There’s an issue like Disney right now. Thank God for Ron DeSantis, but we need people that will be like you if you’ll be that person. What’s your take on what’s going on with women’s sports just while we’re talking about it?

Ambassador Sands: Well, I wrote a not bad and said males don’t belong in in female sports, absolutely. And we know that I am the only America first candidate that was actually America first since 2016 and helped President Trump get elected. Understanding he stood for the same things that we stand for. He promised us conservative supreme court justices and we got it. He’s promised to secure the border. He did. We had peace around the world and record levels of employment, especially for women and minorities.

One of my competitors [Inaudible][10:09] actually served as in the Turkish military not the US military. He put Turkey first, became a Turkish citizen after he was born America and served in their military but he’s come out in favor of transgender minor surgeries. He has been weak on the First Amendment and the Second Amendment and as a matter of fact, life. He’s promoted CRT, Critical Race Theory, and Black Lives Matter agitation publicly.

I have a public record as well. I’ve been a conservative activist all my adult life and worked hard to help Republicans get elected over the years. But the problem is that it seems many of them are not holding the line against the left. They’re not fighting back. They’re on defense.

Lance: And they can’t. They can’t with, listen if they’re on record that way. This is a disaster. What is my president Trump doing even endorsing this guy? No way. I know he’s doing calculus. He’s a business guy. But I’m believing that he got an unlikely support even the left in expected. I’m believing you’re going to have an unlikely surge of support. Do they always underestimate the patriot Christian Movement? We are bigger than any other group. Trump knows it. So, Mercedes, I don’t want to drown out your opportunity here together because you got a call to politics.

Mercedes: Yeah.

Lance: Now, first of all, before we go any further, I’m going to let her close this out but how do we get in touch with you? How do we help you? What do we need to do to find out more about you?

Ambassador Sands: Thanks so much. So, for everybody, I have a website, “Carlasands.com”. I’d be honored to have you volunteer. Even if you don’t live in Pennsylvania, you can volunteer to phone bank. You can support my campaign. If you live in Pennsylvania, sign up. We have a grassroots largely faith-based support group and community. In fact, my fellow pastors, my friends have come out and created a faith coalition of 50 pastors across the Commonwealth and we’ve been endorsed by counties and pastors and many people of influence across the country and the state.

For instance, 16 Trump ambassadors who know my capabilities defending our country and fighting for our fair trade have endorsed our campaign. Newt Gingrich has endorsed our campaign.

Lance: Come on now. I love it. By the way. I need to make a little self-disclosure here. I actually know this young lady’s father. I knew him and we worked together in Pennsylvania. So, that when I heard about her running, I hunted down this interview, because I love her family. Mercedes, take us home.

Mercedes: 20 seconds left. I think it’s great. Lots of comments wanting to get to know more about Ambassador. So, I just want to say go check our website out. They want to know what you were doing before you were an ambassador and so all of that information, I’m sure you have on your website. Thank you so much for being with us today and Lance as always, if people want to catch us during the week, go to “Lanceewellnow.com”. And thank you all. Have a great week. We will see you next week.

Lance: You’re very important. Obviously, you’re the most important thing in the universe as far as God’s concern or you wouldn’t have given the gift of his own son in order to in a sense acquire you. So, I want to give you a gift on this day as we’re in this week of Easter and Holy Week etcetera and so we have something called “Level10secrets.com”. “Level10secrets.com”. I got the idea from John 10:10 where it says, “I’ve come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” And I realized that the abundant life has certain keys to it for your physical life, emotional life, financial social life spiritual life. And we broke them down in Level10secrets and we’ve got them available for you. Go there now and check it out it’s our free gift to you “Level10secrets.com”.

Closing: did you enjoy this latest episode? Please remember to share it with your friends. Because the more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to navigate the world. See you tomorrow.