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Clapper: It’s ‘A Good Thing’ FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign | The Daily Caller



The Daily Caller: In an interview with CNN’s Don Lemon on Thursday night,  James Clapper shared it was a “good thing” there had been an FBI insider spying on the Trump campaign. He spun it though as it being tied to the, yet to be proven, “Russian collusion”.

Excerpt from The Daily Caller:

Clapper admitted the FBI “may have had someone who was talking to them in the campaign,” referring to President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. He explained away the possibility of an FBI informant spying on the campaign as the bureau was trying to find out “what the Russians were doing to try to substantiate themselves in the campaign or influence or leverage it.”
Obama’s Director of National Intelligence then went on to say, “So, if there was someone that was observing that sort of thing, that’s a good thing.”
He also stated he believes “it’s hugely dangerous if someone like that is exposed because the danger to that person” and the potential “reluctance of others to be informants for the FBI” could possibly devastate the FBI.
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Source: Clapper: It’s ‘A Good Thing’ FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign | The Daily Caller

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