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Amazing Proof of the Resurrection!



While they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” Luke 24:41

I missed this point in the video and Annabelle just mentioned the verse, so I am adding it here. The disciples gave Jesus a piece of broiled fish and a honeycomb. He took it and ate.

Why is this important? Critics of the resurrection say the disciples suffered from a delusion of seeing Jesus risen, all induced by stress.

So consider. According to Luke, the disciples saw him and then he spoke and vanished. No doubt they might question if it was real…but the food they gave was gone. Or maybe a bite was still in the honeycomb.

The point is, these men who did not yet fully believe would become martyrs for something they believed happened.

They were the ones chosen to be a witness to his resurrection.

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