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Group Training

7m Underground Training – Get Involved In Grassroots Activism | Video 2



Listen in as they explain how to get involved in grassroots activism, what are the”ins and outs”, statistics, as well as how you can get involved in your local area! Nilsa goes over the importance of voter registration, the importance of closed primaries. the importance of participating in your primary elections, and being ready for that.


Critical Questions:

  • What is the power and importance of getting people registered to vote?
  • Should we pay attention to the correlation to the party affiliation and voter registration, with the votes at the poll?
  • Can your group do voter registration at your churches?
  • Are you willing to work with the leaders of your church to coordinate a voter registration event? (Note: This may require educating them so that they understand the need to share the biblical world view and to “vote your values”).
  • What other ways can your group engage churches to get on board with voter registration?
  • Can your group lead a “Heal America 2018” event? (Make sure you already have buy-in from your church Pastors)
  • If your church does not want to participate or allow you to do voter registration, what are some other actions your group can take?


Weekly Prayer Directives: Lord, the statistics and the correlation between voter registration and people showing up to vote is powerful. We ask for Your direction, wisdom, and for heavenly strategies. Open the hearts of Pastors and church leaders to recognize the value in speaking about the issues from a biblical worldview as well as the importance of voting our values from a biblical perspective. We ask for divine appointments and favor as we go to our leaders and for Your grace in those conversations. In Jesus’ Name, amen!


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